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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. I've been reading and I felt like the OP is asking about theose people who have recieved stuff. Quote "Where are they as far as paying it forward? How many of them have even bothered to help with a single Paulding.Com project? Any of them seem to feel any sense of accountability to share how they have gotten their lives together? Where were they when Thomas needed help packing?"


    I felt like the OP wants to know if those people PCOM has helped has done anything. But that would mean those people in my opinion post that they did this and they did that which I don't think is right. I found the post to be a call out of recievers.But I found the comment about 15 people who only pay insulting. Thats not accurate, I know many people contribute but don't want everyone to know. I know there are those people who are good at organizing the troops and for that I'm grateful because I'm not like that. Once I know what people need if I can help I do.

  2. Granted on the jobs, but I think you'll agree that the higher your education level, the better chance of finding SOME job you can do.


    In reference to your bolded point above: How do you propose stopping people from having children who can't afford the education? Forced Aborcions ah la China? Apply to the government for a conception licence? Do you REALLY want to hand over your reproductive rights to the Goverment!? :o What happens if you get hurt and lose your job after the child is born and now can't pay? Should the child be thrown out of school and go on welfare?


    Without having a plan that will control births, the next best thing is to have a plan to get the kid educated to try to prevent them from becoming a lifelong burden.


    I sure don't want to pay to feed them, house them, provide medical care, etc, for the next 90 years.




    I don't think you can and things won't ever change unless people and their mindsets do. Also I don't see the government helping those people who have fertility issues. People need to be held accountable for their CHOICES. I know all to well how things can happen that a person has no control over. My thing is the government should make sure there are jobs. I'm all for educating kids but their has to be priorities. Plus I would like the school system to recognize the Public- children or no children have a right to know what is going on in schools instead of the people with no children being treated like weirdos that don't know or understand anything. <_<

  3. 2) Even if you don't have kids, you get a benefit from having a public school system (assuming it worked). The money for public schools is an investment towards making sure that even kids born into families that cannot afford to educate them to a minimum level still have a chance to become educated enough to support themselves and not be a burden on Society for the rest of their lives.


    Most (if not all) major countries have a public school system. They recognize that it's in the public good to support it.


    Which would you rather do, help pay for a school system for 12 years and then then they be off the public dole or be paying taxes for food stamps for them and their brood of kids that they make 'cause they have nothing else better to do until the end of your life? :blink:





    I thought your post was good but I did want to address this issue- 1st we have to make sure there are jobs in this country for these kids to do. Also if you have kids you should be able to educate them. It seems like the people that have no children pay for the education of the families that have many. I have stated I have no problem paying for basics but when everyone is trying to keep up with everyone else and decide theaters are more important than science labs I do have issues with the priorities. also if you say anything negative about the schools and you don't have kids you get jumped on. All the school threads place emphasis on parents but when they want money then its the public responsibility. <_<

  4. I don't mind paying for a basic public education even though I don't have children in the system. I do mind paying for extra's like tennis courts and theaters when we are having trouble meeting basic needs and cause tax rates to climb into the double digits.


    AMEN!! :)

  5. I know that you won't believe me, but since January I've had a 30% increase in my base salary. Commission stayed at 2%. Power bill increased 25% this month. Such is life. Do you have anything else to add? Your "points" are missing the mark with me.


    I wonder how many other people can say the same thing?

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