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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. Why is it when people have a problem with bratty and obnoxious kids everyone with children says Oh you don't have children you can't possibly understand or that we hate kids. I loved kids but I'm sorry their are plenty of parents who don't care and wreck it for the ones that do. I may not have kids but I was one. We were expected to behave under all circumstances. I can understand children being a little antsy or irritable but when they disrupt everyone else, they have crossed a line. Just like obnoxious adults that disrupt everyone. I have had kids run into me and not say a word no excuse me or anything its like I'm not even there do the parents speak up and say anything nope. Parents let there kids get away with everything now a days. I can only imagine the world getting worse because of this disreagard of others. Just as not all parents are like this not all people without kids hate them.

  2. I think some of you need better insulation in your homes. We have neighbors who like to spend time outside when they have a party and play basketball till all hours of the morning. I can hear it in my bedroom, but the kids have never woken up because of it. The fireworks around here didn't bother us at all. It's the 4th of July people - that's what we do. If your baby is waking up, you ought to practice putting her to bed while people are banging pots and pans around the house just to get her used to the noise. Fireworks are not illegal in Georgia anymore!


    Some are illegal not all fireworks are created equal. Can't compare sparklers to ones that launch in the air. I think there is a time and place for things there is a noise ordinance too. If we could do whatever we want till all hours of the morning there would be no need for this. There are some people who do not think of others. I had no problem with my next door neighbors doing the fireworks. They weren't launching anything, were away from my property and they were quiet. The ones launching them and yelling outside at 11pm and carrying on like idiots I have a problem with. It's all about respect.

  3. I'm bumping this email up because my husband just called to say that our Comcast bill is $95.00 or so. That is ridiculous!! We have digital cable with HBO, one HD receiver/DVR, and two old, old, old analog receivers. I can't take this any more! :angry2:


    Please tell me what you LOVE about DirectTV. :wub:


    After reading these posts, I'm leaning towards bundling it with our BellSouth/AT&T phone and DSL services. For those that went through BellSouth, did BellSouth install the system or was it farmed out to a local contractor? How is the customer service?


    Thanks for your input!


    Direct tv came out and installed the dish themselves. We love it. I do miss on demand sometimes too but LOVE the MLB extra innings we signed up for. I think when we signed up for the service through bellsouth they asked us a good day and time for the direct tv guy to come out. We have had good customer service. No complaints so far :)

  4. We just got home with Jakes! The vet gave him a clean bill of health, with the very small exception of an ear infection which will be easily cleared up with some meds. We are going to have him chiped in about a month after he getst the rest of his shots and "fixed" shortly after that. Jakes is a VERY sweet and well behaved dog. He is getting to know his older and bigger brothers (the vet said he may be less then a year old and is mostly likely an Austrailian cattle dog).


    Our black lab is so happy to have a running mate that can keep up with him and the golden lab is just happy to have another brother. We will post pics ASAP, but they are all too busy chasing each other to sit still for the camara.


    Haley it was great to meet you and thanks again for taking such good care of him - we are so happy to have another "fur baby" in the family.

  5. It drives me crazy when I get asked this too. My oldest daughter hasn't adjusted too well since the twins were born. They always get comments/looks when we are out and about and she feels like she is left out of everything. :( I agree with your mom, I just think people are trying to start a conversation.


    I was 2 and a half when the triplets were born and I can identify. Everyone was saying how special they are and how neat it was that they were triplets. People brought them gifts and they were even in the paper. I felt like the afterthought. After everyone was going on about them then they would say to me and you must be the oldest. That was it. My grandmother was the only one who made me feel special. she made time for me and we would do stuff the 2 of us made me feel important and to this day those are my favorite memories. Sorry to go on but I understand all too well. :blush:

  6. My sisters are triplets and twins run in our family. The "twins" of the triplets lol everyone thinks are identical and sometimes its easy to see why so many people think that (they are similar not identical) but they look nothing like the other sister.

  7. It sucks! IMHO, DH is going to install XP on our new computer that came with Vista. I am sick of answering 7 questions just to download a picture or song. It also shuts down if there is even the smallest glitch on a web page - VERY unhappy with it!

  8. I'm shocked.... I'm a woman who goes to Home Depot and I always have people asking me if I need help. I must be really lucky and usually I'm not that lucky :blush:


    PSSSSTTTT....They know who your DH is! :ph34r: B) :lol:


    - Go Blue!


    Actually I can understand peoples frustration with not being able to find help at the Hiram store, they are very busy and working on improving the customer service.

  9. Well I would and she is fully vaccinted but she's not leash friendly. She get's off all the leash's that I have purchased for her and runs around for along time before we can get her back home so I try to keep her either in the house or in the fenced in yard. Dr. Judy has her listed as hudiney.


    A little off topic but our Golden Lab is a leash "slipper". They have a collar at Pet Smart that is really good for this, it is based on a choke chain but is made of cloth and does not actually choke the dog. It is called a no slip collar. You put it on the dog like a normal collar but their is a seperate part to attach the leash to. If he starts to buck you just pull back on the leash and it tightens up so he can get out. Our vet recommended it and it works really really well. Sorry for the hijack.

  10. We are looking forward to Jakes arrival. His brother's are wondering what the extra food and water bowl are doing in the house, I am sure they will be the best of friends. :wub:


    It is so good to know that he is being well taken care of - we will keep everyone updated on Jake!

  11. I know this is a hot topic but I can say as long as you are driving the speed limit I don't have an issue. I understand this is not the case in the original post but I can't stand the people who drive slower than the limit.

  12. Guess who's coming back to jail? Guess the judge was a little po'd like the rest of us about this. Wonder if they will do


    anything to the sheriff. Foxnews saying judge said she has to serve full 45 day sentence.


    cnn is saying she was taken from the room screaming she was saying it's not right and yelling for her mom

  13. *******UPDATE*********


    I went earlier today and bought a new phone. Actually, one phone with two handsets. I got the 5.8 mgHz Panasonic that Target had in their ad this week (but I bought it at Walmart). I was at Walmart anyway and the price wasn't enough different to make me want to go to Target. <_<


    Anyway, I brought them home and as soon as I put the batteries in the handsets I was able to program them. They have talking caller ID, which is WAAAAAY cool. I have several names and numbers programmed in and when (and if) those people call, it will annouce their NAMES. How cool is that??? :) And the best part, THEY RING! I guess it wasn't the filters after all. Glad I didn't pull out all the filters.


    I did get rather perturbed at Walmart. I went through the self scan lane, as always, and when I scanned the phone it said "cashier assistance needed". I told the casher working the self scan lanes what it said, including the fact that it was a phone, and she just waved her hand and said something along the lines of "don't worry about it". She pushed a button at her station and I was able to scan the next item. I went on through the rest of my order, hit "finish and pay" and swiped my debit card. I rarely ever look at the amount due. It kinda goes in one ear and out the other. After I put in my PIN I got to thinking that amount seemed small. It didn't send out a receipt so I had to ask for one. I also told her I didn't think the phone was included, which I had already bagged thinking it had been charged for. It wasn't. I'm glad I brought this to her attention. I could just see me going out the door with a phone that I didn't pay for and no receipt to show it had been scanned. I'd hate to think that MsMusic or Penquin would have to come bail me out of jail for stealing a phone I TRIED to pay for. :wacko: At any rate, the phones are happily charging right now. I can't wait for someone to call me.


    yeah that sounds like Walmart- I would be so angry, but then again I am already angry over a box of Qtips that I didn't get but I paid for. :angry2: But I'm glad your phones ring :)

  14. our lawn is a few months old but its burnt we pretty much gave up on it. I took someones suggestion on here and I use leftover water to water my saplings and my flowers.

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