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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. Im gonna say..........knitting??? Im really good, can I have a mayberry??
  2. OH, guess it was the "I hope to see all fellow neighbors and guest there." that threw me off
  3. Oh no, I use this pharmacy. I bet this will be a headache to get straightened out Luckily I have an unusual name but it does make you think to keep an eye on things!
  4. If it rains, is it gonna just be moved to your house?
  5. He bears a striking resemblance to someone Ive seen before Great pics!
  6. I actually thought that looked like you..I swear!! Mine is cause I love the squidbillies, and I guess cause I like his hat
  7. She is growing up TOO fast!!! She is gorgeous! Congrats on the mile stone, I know how much simple things other parents take for granted mean when they happen to you I get so excited over "small" things all the time!!
  8. Thank you for being a friend........... One of my FAVORITE songs!!!
  9. Thats too funny! Can you make me one that says ya'll??
  10. I like it, where'd you get it?
  11. Where are you located? I had about that many I scooped the eggs out of my pool before we filled it up, watched the tree frogs lay them every night and had them in a 20 gal aquarium outside and wanted my son to watch them grow and we went to fl and got back and something had eaten them all I was so sad! Lemme know if you dont find a home and Ill get em
  12. Welcome to P.com! Beautiful work! I think number one would make a great looking card!
  13. I hate it you had bad food, we always love it, we LOVE their breakfast! Hopefully next time it'll be good
  14. Have you called to see if they'd accept your application anyway?
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