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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. It was one of the Billionaires on Forbes American list. Maybe I will look later, but what if it was a democrat billionaire? would that be a bad billionaire? one we should take his money away before he harms the American people with it? What a novel idea
  2. Well their power certainly does not come from handing out lollipops to congressman. Maybe we can solve the problem by asking congressmen if they would please start serving the American people's best interest I am willing to give it a try. There is no mystery, Ask every person in America who they think has more power, a president or a billionaire. You know we don't have the ability to vote billionaires out of power and when you look at their investments you will see that their is no starving them out of power no matter how badly they rule us. You are welcome to believe they don't rule us.
  3. Actually I would like to explore that in discussion. It could be due to a global market and more competition for resources. I also stumbled across some articles with contributions from billionaire that did not mimic the rhetoric that we here from spinning millionaires. Like Solandra failed because it could not compete with the advanced solar market that was backed by the Chinese government. The Chinese are working very hard to get out of the competition of fossil fuel. With Kennedy we dumped millions into space travel that spurred the market of high tech manufacturing. Take a look a
  4. There was a big controversy over the Dollar store going at the entrance of the subdivision. I didn't protest it because I knew from the day that I bought my house that something commercial would go in there. I am glad it was not a gas station, what a do regret is they did not fix up the front to look like an old fashioned general store, complete with porch, rockers and checker games. Families are walking up to the store and making small purchases when the weather is nice. It has the potential to bring the community closer. Perhaps if the store does well enough we could ask them to
  5. We could start by not squashing the discussion by accusing people of wealth envy. The billionaires are more powerful that governments. They have the power to manipulate markets and bring our politicians to heel. It reminds me of the British monarchy they were protected to the very end by people that believed that they were protected by the power and wealth no matter how detrimental it was to them personally. What if we cave, what if we do away with regulations that they think cost them too much. We take a lot of regulations for granted in this country, things people probably have not even
  6. Again you are thinking about what ultra rich can buy and the comforts they have. I am discussing the power it gives them over everyone, politicians included. It is amazing the amount of trust people put in the wealthy. They created derivatives that eventually crashed the market and brought on the recession. Do you think it was out of the kindness of their heart that they wanted every American to own their own home. It was a pyramid and I am pretty sure they bought plenty of politicians to go along with it. We bailed them out, why? because they are wealthy. That is power, power to bring a n
  7. I know TP is unpopular with many of you and your going to jump on him rather that have a discussion if he pops into a thread. That parable is in the bible, I don't believe Jesus has any issue with earning and spending for your comforts. I did not think of the parable when I started researching. Jesus spoke of the same thing I was thinking and that is wealth is power. As I said wealth envy has become a catch phrase to squash the grumblings of those that don't like how the power is being used. The fear is well founded when we see what is happening to economies all over the world. All co
  8. I was craving comfort food, pork chops, mashed taters, field peas, rutabaga, fried corn, cabbage and cornbread.
  9. Most of the time I do, but for some reason I am overdosed on light at times. I also think that most are more a like than different in the we we experience the world. Most of the serious discussion on here is political. I was hoping to be able to discuss serious things with out it becoming a political boxing match.
  10. I like serious discussion, I like to hear what others think. There was a time when I liked to chuckle about funny little sayings on funny little pictures. Not any more, my facebook looks like a shuffling deck of bubble gum cards. The interaction has become very shallow at times.
  11. You certainly didn't think very hard about the reality, people in healthcare don't do anything free there is a price for everything from tylenol to chemo. The only places where there is a shortage of healthcare are places were people are extremely poor. Envision if you will the world of healthcare 6 weeks after the entire population received a vaccine against cancer and this vaccine cured everyone that had it. Pharmaceutical companies have already envisioned this scenario, as have many medical personal. We have plenty of sick people, plenty of doctors and medicine. The only short
  12. The best one hands down is Gilligans Island. To this day you can tell a lot about a man of my generation by asking Mary Ann or Ginger??
  13. I ran across this article from the Florida times. We are flooded with information everyday, we decide where, when and how much. It is overwhelming so we rely on statistics to help us grasp our world and try to make sense of it.. Is it a big problem or just a big headline? I found this article very interesting. Link to the story Startling stats that provide a snapshot of life today n search of material for editorials, we have encountered these interesting statistics, snapshots of our age. Why Medicare costs will be rising The numbers of Americans age 65 and olde
  14. How many of those people are disabled, born that way? I can't find any numbers for people born and that have survived with conditions that would prevent them from working. You also have care takers, families that survive on one income so one can stay home. I personally can name 10 people I know that are caretakers for children and adults that have never worked and never will work. We also know that autism is off the charts, I have said many times that society is not working in any way towards accommodating those that could work under the right circumstances. We are seeing higher rates
  15. I was reading the news this morning, and as always so many of the worlds economies are in trouble. We hear a lot about wealth envy. I will put a link at the end of this the Forbes page. I have always said that having money does not always mean you are successful, lotteries, inheritances, for various reasons people end up with windfalls. What money does do is measure success. What do you see in your minds eye when you think about billionaires. I think so many people think of a life where they don't worry about money and bills. They daydream of fulfilling every whim. Most of us have wa
  16. Someone mentioned next year, talk about bad timing It will take me a week to get over it. All I can say is after meeting Renae and getting to know Mitch it was worth the effort. I don't know how many stories folks told me about Mitch going out of his way to help them. Renae has such a sweet nature, obviously she is fragile, but she was determined to stay yesterday to meet as many of the folks helping her as possible. The swelling in my feet will eventually go down and I will be able to help someone again, it is nothing compared to what people I have helped continue to go through. Lori Pa
  17. There are emotional eaters and accidental eaters, emotional eaters have to get help, they use food food to deal with emotional problems. You have others that have no idea about food values, when they become over weight they know they have a problem but not the knowledge to fix it. there is a proper calorie amount for your weight and height, people are aware of that and restrict themselves to ridiculous diets of carrots and yogurt. We have to teach kids food values, calories and nutrition, but most importantly portion size. How many 2nd graders have held a measuring cup, measuring spoon, or sc
  18. I am so sorry Glenn I will pray for you both.
  19. I know who I left out! Caped Crusader and Kim Cobb ran the games for me about an hour this morning!!! Whew.. it was a little crazy for a few minutes around 10:30!
  20. I am sorry I did not put your face with your name, obviously it was a little chaotic when you started setting up.
  21. We believe that we had close to a 1000 folks come through today!!! The community came together today and made a true difference in the Lives of Mitch and Renae. We will not have a total until Monday, we had so many one dollar bills we want to let the bank use the machine to count them and the other cash and give us a total. KRM and Mark Willix were life savers along with the rest of the volunteers. It was good to see you Lady Raider. Mr. and Mrs G were there. The surepips came by. I know there were more, but I am wore out, I barely had time to wave at so many. I want to thank every
  22. I apologize for bringing them up all at one time. I need to get the map changes into google. Thanks in advance for your patience.
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