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Everything posted by lucky64

  1. And there's no school Friday! One of the kids that suppose to fight tomorrow posted on twitter that he doesn't know if he is more scared to be shot, or get drug tested after school.
  2. LOL, now why would someone get grounded for that? My guess would be that a parent did that.
  3. Yup, you found it. The kids are warning each other. You will have a lot of children staying home. My daughter is staying home after she get's her braces put on. No one is going to be messing with her. Lot's of parents are calling in this. This is really bad. There is going to be loads of cops at that school tomorrow if they don't get those two kids tonight, not to mention lockdown. That school won't be the same. Are you keeping your son home?
  4. Dana, you found it on Twitter? Take a pic of it. Since my daughter is having a cow and won't let me take a pic of it. She thinks that she is going to get into trouble with the kids because I called it in.
  5. This happened tonight! So, I guess parents such as myself calling it in, they contacted the Principal, and Officer Tanner.
  6. They have several calls and reports all ready. They are on it and it's being taken care of. I'm so relieved. And, I'm glad that I brought it everyone's attention on here.
  7. I'm going too. It's all over twitter, if the kids didn't delete it yet.
  8. That's just it, I was at the school today, talking with my daughters math teacher and saw Officer Tanner. Just a few minutes ago, someone tweeted that the Principal and Officer Tanner knows about it. I'm not understand how they know this late at night. The weird part is, it was tweeted from the other young man that suppose to fight the other young man. One of the boys initials is CC but my daughter won't tell me what grade he is in. So how do you help...kids COPE with this? Did you catch that?????
  9. My daughter just brought to my attention that some kids are writing on twitter about a gun is being brought to East Paulding tomorrow. I'm keeping her home, besides she is going to be having braces put on. I read it for myself on twitter. I don't know how old one of the boys is, so I don't want to post his name on here. But, he said that he will protect himself against the other guy at all cost, but it's the other one that will bring the guy to school. Kids are saying that they won't be going tomorrow. What I want to know if this is a bunch of BS and kids acting stupid, or if it
  10. But, your husband had every right to protect himself and yet he got arrested and charged. I see what you are saying. I would think the officer would have seen what the other guy was doing.
  11. Hmmm, interesting! Thank you for answering me. I don't know anything about those things.
  12. Why would you publicly say where you hid things in your home? I don't get it. Then you wonder why you get broken into. You might think no one knows who you are on here, but there are some very smart people out there and can figure it out by clues, that you might not think are clues.
  13. I know I probably won't get anyone to answer me on this but I will ask any way. What is a Section 8 neighbor?
  14. What does that have to do with dogs doing their business in other people's yards???
  15. First of all, no one was questioning you whether it was true or not. Second of all, this has to be the dumbest call to police that I have EVER heard. What is wrong with that women? She is in the wrong, and she called the police. She should be on one of those shows "Dumbest People" or what ever it's called. OMG! You do what ever you have to do, to stop her dogs from deficating in your yard, without hurting them of course.
  16. Yes, they have meaning!
  17. You try to keep your subdivison looking nice, at least your corner by mowing it, planting, just for a neighbor to ruin it. I hate to see it get ruined. On the other hand, let her and her dogs, get fleas, ticks, and what not. This whole situation is totally senseless. I'm sorry you are going through this.
  18. Why would you shoot an innocent animal that doesn't know any better? The dog keeps going to the OP's property now because of habit. It's the owners fault. The owner needs to control the dog and stop it from doing it's business on the OP lawn. The dog won't break the habit on it's own.
  19. Wow, this women is stubborn as hell. Well, maybe the cop talking to her, it might have sunk in. I hope so any way! I can't believe she wanted to fight you, that is so trivial, especially over a situation that is so easy to fix. I swear some people think the world owes them or revolves around them.
  20. So, what did the Officer tell you, he told her about the dogs? Was it settled?
  21. Little grasshopper, you have so much to learn! LMBO!!!
  22. But, two wrongs don't make a right! See if you can find a website about dogs doing their business on your property and how to stop it. Maybe there is something on there you can put on your lawn that smells gross to them, but not to you, or will damage your lawn, but will stop the dog from doing his/her business on your lawn. EDIT: Spelling
  23. I hear what you are saying. We just had our yard done, and our neighbor lets their dogs (all 5 of them) run early in the morning. We normally don't care, because they don't cause problems. I got up early one morning (after our yard was done the previous day) and there it was. A huge pile. Center of the yard, close to the road. That is what you see when you get close to my yard. I wasn't happy about it at all. It's still there. I should pick it up and throw it in there yard. I'm just to lazy.
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