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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. A good friend from Alabama took me to Longhorn's for lunch. I brought home leftovers of Parmesan Crusted Chicken (YUM!!), rice and salad. On the way home, I picked up a triple cheeseburger combo and chili at Wendy's for DH and got a baked potato to add to my leftovers.
  2. You've got it. Good thoughts and prayers sent her way. Please keep us posted.
  3. The print on my screen appears to be smaller. In the past I could find where I could make the print small, medium, large. I cannot find where to change it now. It makes it harder for me to read. Can anyone give me some guidance, please??
  4. According to Fox News and CNN he was a certified cardiologist and was placed in the home by the producer of the upcoming show in Europe. Supposedly, MJ was on the bed and the Dr put one hand underneath him to make the body more stable to do the compressions against. But, you would "think" a doctor would KNOW to put him on the floor before starting CPR, wouldn't ya?? One story has MJ as being alone and the doctor found him not breathing with his body cool and called for the staff, specifically body guards. Supposedly the delay in calling 911 after he was found was due to the dif
  5. I planned all last week to have breakfast but it never worked out. So, tonight we ARE having: blueberry pancakes bacon sausage cheese grits
  6. You are right, she is NOT a little girl anymore and with age clothing gets more and more expensive. Bless her, she is so good to use her money productively and I would hate for her to not be able to use her swimsuit. That is a hard lesson for our kids to learn sometimes - water and sitting clothes don't mix. And knowing you, after you used any chemical, the suit would be washed, washed again and re-washed before Lil RaceGirl would get anywhere near it. That is good to know. Seems I heard that long ago but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder.
  7. But they were not shown for YEARS when they brought them back and re-did them. They did not continue to show them immediately after his death. True. Again, done years after the death and not immediately afterward.
  8. This is # 2 of the next three. Him and Billy Mays. (or vice versa)
  9. DS was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3 lbs. He came home from NICU on his 6 week birthday weighing 4 lb 7 oz. He is now a healthy, thriving High School Graduate. There were many babies born sooner and weighing less. It is amazing to see what God and modern medicine can do. True miracles!
  10. Seems to be what she deserves, classy and private. May she RIP!! I am so glad Redmond will be allowed to attend.
  11. VERY TRUE!!!! The first report I heard was MJ was with his father and brother when he collapsed. And it has changed constantly with each passing hour. I certainly hope his son was NOT in the room. A radio station in another state has reported Geraldo Rivera has stated MJ was murdered. Said MJ had fired all his former body guards, housekeepers, etc, etc. And one of the ones fired had connections with the doctor. I find that tale a bit tooooooo far fetched. But, with celebrities anything is possible. But, I could not find anything referring to that statement online. There is also tal
  12. I haven't heard that reported and last I heard the officials were looking into the rough landing and him being hit on the head. There was speculation he had a hematoma as did Natasha Richardson who hit her head while skiing and then complained of a bad headache later. The news reports this morning were saying he complained to his wife of a bad headache before laying down. She then found him dead later. Regardless it is sad he died so young. I was shocked to see his commercial. In the past all commercials involving a person who died would be pulled. Maybe this was an oversight but it
  13. Okay Girl, now you know you have to share that recipe!!!!! YUMMMMMMM.
  14. I have never known a commercial to be run that was made by a person who had died!!!! On Lifetime Movie Network they just ran a commercial of Billy Mays pitching icanbenefit.com. That is weird watching it.
  15. I feel so badly for his son to have to witness what happened to his Dad. New York Times Reports: Michael Jackson's eldest son thought his father was joking around when he collapsed on the living-room floor — but soon stood "in a trance" as the King of Pop's personal doctor frantically tried to revive him, a family confidant told the New York Post. "The horror of it all is that Prince thought his dad was just being his dad and clowning, but it was real, and he watched as they worked on him," said Stacy Brown, a Jackson family biographer who has spoken extensively to the Jackson's r
  16. Okay, I have REDUCED the prices to WHOLESALE prices~This is as low as they go. Take advantage of the savings BEFORE Football season arrives and the prices go up. Send me a PM if you are interested. THANKS.
  17. We are actually staying at Legacy By The Sea but it is a Wyndham owned property. We will have to take a 90 min tour of their timeshare property. But, for the great deal, I will give them 90 mins of my time and when the 90 mins is over we tell them NO!! Some are insistent and try to get the manager to sweeten the deal, etc, etc but we just tell them we are not interested, give us the dinner certificate and we are outta there. You can google Wynham Resorts or this will take you to view all their locations: http://www.wyndham.com/locator/main.wnt Their customer service # is: 8
  18. The parking deck owner better hope THEY have great insurance.
  19. Breaking news on CBS. Several cars crushed.
  20. I am not much help - I have never had any luck getting it out, I hate to tell ya. Once it was there, it stayed.
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