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Everything posted by Cajunmomma

  1. You looked ready yesterday morning when you were at the school. We are happy for you and hope you have a fast easy delivery. Can't wait to see the little "D". : )
  2. Congrats. He is a wonderful young man.
  3. I have a big deep freezer that needs to go. What do you charge?
  4. Coots lake is clean and a nice quiet place to go during the week. I have never been on the weekends. You should go. I don't think you will be disappointed. The guy will even blow up your floats for you.
  5. I live in the East Paulding area...so if you are reading this now.....they may be coming to you next. : )
  6. Just got a knock on my door. Two guys from Minnesota...selling books. They looked college age...young...nice.... Told them I was not interested. He did know my name and I asked him how he knew that...and he said the neighbor told him. Anyways..the books he is selling are like study guide type books that has examples of math problems to help your kids. Didn't ask how much the books were because I wasn't going to waste my time or theirs. He also said he had notified the sheriff's department to let them know they were in the area.
  7. When we were younger...we couldn't wait to be grown up and have our own place...eat cereal for dinner..etc... Now we are there..bills are a weekly occurence and about all you can afford is cereal for dinner. LOL
  8. Hire Me.. Yep....I am an addict of Farm Town. Level 23 and I have 560, 000. Saving for my mansion. LOL My sister is an addict too. She calls me begging for me to hire her to harvest my crops.
  9. I can't party all nite like I used to.. Caped Crusader....you have too much time on your hands....LOL
  10. That person was not yelling at you. That person always types in caps. It explains it on every reply. The thing about a public forum is that it's for everyone.
  11. We are sorry for your loss Mary Ann and Ricky Sweat.
  12. I just feel that parents should be held accountable-not the public school system-on how their children are raised. It is sad that you have to take classes to drive, be trained to wait tables, stock shelves, run a cash register, etc.... but we are not required to take parenting classes. I am scared for what kind of kids this world is holding. Some are good, but some are not. The ones that are not good, scare the heck out of me. And the ones that are bad...........the parents are even worse. I want my kids to grow up and be responsible adults. When they have kids, I want them to think of me
  13. Exactly. Of course why not blame the school system. It's all their fault. Of course if there were no break and the kid did that, I would be because of that. Face it people, it takes a parent to raise a child not the school system. I am doing my best to raise respectable, decent, educated, and loving adults. So far so good. It started when they were little. I didn't wait until they were teenagers to start laying down the rules of life so they could rebel on them. Please let me have my opinion without the bashing. I don't post on here much because people aren't allowed to voice opin
  14. This is sad news. He is our insurance agent. Very nice man.
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