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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. There is a new one that has opened in the crossroads area... behind korger, and beisde the day care
  2. I think they both need to raise their kids out of the camera views... I have only watched this show a couple of times and I did not like it..
  3. Looks as good in this topic as it did the other topic LOL
  4. so according to this (When the presumed physical evidence came back and the decision to issue a warrant was made) so they did find evidence that she was sexual abused? correct? someone needs to explain this to me, becasue I must be confused about this issue, I have to be reading this wrong, The step dad evidently molested the little girl, she told the school, they investigated it, and did not rely on her say so alone, the physical evidence came back that she was sexual molested, and the mother left with the step dad and they took the little girl? and they also have a 1 year old little
  5. say what? so the mom willingly went with him knowing that there is a chance that he molested her daughter? did I read that right?
  6. I had to read that a few times to, to understand it... so did the mom go willing or is she considered a hostage? ( is that the right word I am looking for)
  7. That sounds great and Good lucl and congrats on being a bussiness member on here...
  8. If I am at the Kroger on 278 do I stay straight on 278 like going toward the new court house?
  9. Great news.. and working I know what you mean.. I am about to clean out and donate to CC 's fund raiser and to the womens shelter of paulding..
  10. I say make a drag strip out of it since the orginal drag strip is also sitting all deserted
  11. I have been craving BBQ all day... this maybe where we end up tonight...
  12. Does anyone know if wallaces has an online menu to look at?
  13. see if the messages are in the archive messages.. I do not save my sent pm's... so I have no idea how you would do that.. maybe a mopd will be alone soon and can help you...
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