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Everything posted by sharee.smith

  1. I tried, but it's categorized as games here at work and won't let me. She's got to be cute with a name like that though. Love it!
  2. I have an electric tuner so I will be able to do that. I'm sure i need new strings too. lol. I just worry that I won't ever know if the tune is right without the tuner, but i guess that's just something that comes naturally over time.
  3. Marsh did too, but he as i'm sure d started when they were young. I wish i had kept it up when i first got it!
  4. What are tabs? Lol! There is, and I used to have it but i can't find it anywhere!
  5. to play the guitar? I've had an acoustic for 10 years, took 2 lessons and never touched it again bc we didn't have the money to continue lessons. I have recently been trying to make a list of things i want to learn how to do. One of those is to play the guitar, but I will need to teach myself. Any suggestions?
  6. I'm confused about the stranger on stranger part? Like people just hang out there and ask others to have sex?
  7. I missed something but that's irrelevant. Not many people out there like you any more that will sincerely apologize, and at their own will. You're a great guy!
  8. The link freezes when i open it. Does it say a name?
  9. Does anyone know the link to update your facebook status from your email? Is it a general link plus your name or something?
  10. No suggestions here as I only eat shrimp, BUT happy birthday!
  11. My popa died unexpectedly in his sleep last night. There wasn't anything wrong with his health so it was very unexpected. Please say a prayer for my family, especially my nona. They have been together since before I was born so atleast 26 years. This is going to be a very hard time for her. Thank you. Updated to say my nona is now in ICU. She has pneumonia in her blood system and they expect her to be in ICU for atleast 4 or 5 days. Please keep sending those prayers. I can't bear the thought of my mom losing both parents in a matter of days.
  12. Do you mean wait the full 30 days instead of activating a new card on like the 27th day?
  13. Does anyone use straight talk? The one where you pay i think it's 40 a month for a card and you get unlimited everything for 30 days? If so, do you like it?
  14. OMG! I hope you put her in her place. His shirt was actually tucked in. All the way down to wear his pants were sagging.
  15. Right right. I had seen her staring at him when i was walking behind him. I then continued to stare at her in hopes she would see me and how disgusted I was with her actions. But i do see your point.
  16. I see your point, but at the same time highly doubt that is the situation.
  17. The look on her face was disgust. Not admiration. And he never said or did anything, he just kept walking so he wasn't bent out of shape. I am, because the way she was looking at him regardless of the reason was just unacceptable.
  18. I witnessed this woman this morning staring down a younger guy (prob my age, 26ish). He had baggy pants and tattoos...that was the only thing "different" about him. He didn't do anything rude, was just walking to his car. Why do people feel the need to look people up and down in such a manner as if to say "Oh my god, what is wrong with you?" She even turned her head as he passed to continue with her face of disapproval. I just don't get it. He had to feel her staring. Why does it matter what someone else looks like? Just because you don't approve doesn't give you the right to judge and mak
  19. Wait a minute...what did i miss??
  20. How can you not "trust" any of them? That's like saying all cops are dirty and that is far from the case.
  21. I don't like your new picture. It's jackin' with my eyes! I'm looking forward to mine. Of course A LOT of people have that mind set that they could care less to see anyone they went to school with, so i prob won't see many people. Lol.
  22. I uploaded some pics on my comp from my digital camera. I am trying to insert them into the body of an email but they are HUGE. Is there anything I can do to make them smaller that doesn't consist of loading each individual pic on to a site that helps resize?
  23. I was wondering how the spin pin works. Thanks for sharing!
  24. Not that it matters...but my assumption is that they have her out there to show that they aren't just asking for money for a fake cause. If people can see her there, they may be more likely to believe them. That said it is definitely too hot for her to sit out there, but maybe that's why.
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