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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. My two boys are both have ADD and when they were little the oldest one could never get his room clean. Finally, I helped him clean it and took pictures of what it looked like and put them on his wall.


    After that he used the pix to remember where everything went and he got much better at keeping it straight.


    Also, I would have my boys check each other's room before I did. They were lots pickier than I was!

  2. I wasn't able to go to the yard sale but I did stop by to pick up dinner for us. I'd never had Smokin's BBQ before. It was delicious and more than I could eat. The fried okra was the best I've ever had!


    As Arnold says, "I'll be back!"

  3. Absolutely magnificent, TBAR!


    My son had an old Braves t-shirt that he wore until it was in shreds. I happend to have the same shirt so several years ago I wrapped it up (used) and gave it to him for Christmas. It was his favorite gift that year. Already broken in!


    I'm sending him your post to read. I believe you and he must have some common ancestors closer than Adam and Eve!


    BTW, being a single Mom DOES make you more tolerant!

  4. From the internet:


    Comcast Techs Save Drowned Child

    Out on broadband troubleshooting call in Des Moines


    Two Comcast cable techs simply intended on troubleshooting an internet connection in Des Moines, and wound up saving the life of a ten year old child, according to these two local reports. Todd Hickam and Ryan Thornhill used CPR (Comcast requires techs take a class every two years) to revive a child - twice- that they had pulled from the bottom of a swimming pool. (Thanks TD Nickell).

  5. Our internet has been rocky this past week and I was out of town. My son was going nuts with no connection!


    I PMed Cableman from out of town and it was fixed today! We were ready to go with Earthlink but he came through for us.


    Bless his heart, he's so busy that he's not online very much but he sends his best to all!

  6. Satellite, we're addicted to Wal-mart, too. I do go to the other places occasionally if Wally doesn't have what I'm looking for, but while I'm in other stores I keep seeing higher prices on stuff I buy regularly. That sends me back to WM for my staples!

  7. Mouth Diseases Lie bumps

    04/26/2005 06:38PM





    I have "lie bumps" on my tongue. This week they are on the tip; last week they were closer to the back. I have IBS and frequently do not have a movement but once every 5 days. Are the two related? Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain on my tongue these bumps are causing?



    The fancy name for "lie bumps" is transient lingual papillitis.


    Basically this condition represents a mild inflammation of some of the tiny bumps on the upper surface of the tongue. These particular bumps contain some of the taste buds of the tongue and because of this, they contain a lot of nerves. Even a little inflammation causes these bumps to hurt much more than their size would indicate.


    Currently, the cause of transient lingual papillitis is unknown, and there is no effective treatment besides numbing or covering agents. But there has been no association with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).


    Hope this helps.








    Response by:

    John R. Kalmar, D.M.D., Ph.D.

    Associate Professor

    Dental Faculty Practice

    Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

    College of Dentistry

    The Ohio State University

  8. This has nothing to do with interstates but I think that the John Stone who is Charlie Norwood's communications director was in my 4-year-old Sunday School class. Since Norwood is a member of my home church, I believe it is him. He sat under the table most of the year! He was not very communicative then.

  9. An Indian Wedding Blessing


    Now we feel no rain, for each of us will be a shelter to the other.

    Now we feel no cold, for each of us will be warmth to the other.

    Now there is no loneliness, for each of us will be a companion to the other.

    We are two bodies, but there is one life before us and one home.

    When evening falls, I'll look up and there you will be.

    I'll take your hand; you'll take mine and we'll turn together

    to look at the road we traveled to reach this: the hour of our happiness.

    It stretches behind us, even as the future lies ahead.

    A long and winding road, whose every turning means discovery.

    Old hopes, new laughter, shared fears.

    The adventure has just begun.


    Blessings to both of you! :wub:

  10. I grew up in Augusta and we learned about the fault line that runs from Augusta to Columbus in school.


    When the performing arts building for Augusta State University was being built the Texas company that won the bid was shocked to find fine beach sand and shells under the surface where they were laying the foundation. Apparently, the ocean came up as far as the fault line thousands of years ago and at some point receded. They had to dig out all of that sand and put in fill dirt to get a good foundation. Lost most of their profit on the job I think.


    There were times when we could feel slight trembles but nothing major.

  11. TBAR, if laughter is the best medicine then keep posting! I always get a good laugh at your tales of pain. I do commiserate with you but I still get a good laugh. I love the sarcasm, too! You and my oldest son have a LOT in common.

  12. At my school we've had the same (?) cardinal banging on the office window for several years now. He sits in the branches of a small tree and then just rams the window. Only on sunny days and mornings when he see can his reflection. Now he has been joined by a robin of the same mindset! Thank goodness for rainy days when we get some peace and quiet...

  13. Nanny, we just sold my mom's house last December and she's now here with me. It was so hard! Before she sold it I took digital pix of her reading in the LR and of the other rooms. She now has them so that she can look at them when she wants to reminisc.

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