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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. My 30 year old says he was scared to misbehave when he was little. I would lean over in his face and say, "You're going to pay for this," very quietly. He knew that the next time he asked to go somewhere or for a favor, I would remind him of that day and say no. Or as he put it, "It would come back to bite him in the butt!"

  2. New Living Will Form


    I, __________________________, being of sound mind and body, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.


    Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead politicians who couldn't pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it or lawyers/doctors interested in simply running up the bills.


    If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to ask for at least one of the following:


    ______a Bloody Mary,


    ______a Margarita


    ______a Scotch and soda


    ______a Martini


    ______a Vodka and Tonic


    ______a Steak


    ______Lobster or crab legs


    ______The remote control,


    ______a Bowl of ice cream


    ______The sports page,






    it should be presumed that I won't ever get better.


    When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my appointed person and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes ! and call it a day.



    Signature: ___________________________


    Date: ___________________________

  3. Peachy, I had the sleep study and also went to the same doctor. He's very nice but they gave me a oxygen generator to use at night and I couldn't do it. I don't have apnea but my oxygen levels go down at night and cause me to be sleepy in the morning. They gave me the one with the tubing that goes in your nose and since I sleep on my side and stomach, it kept popping out. I finally gave it back to them!

  4. There may be another "why" he called you. I was married to someone like your father. Had been married and had a daughter before I met him. He showed little interest in her as he had never gotten to know her. I (her stepmother) pushed him to connect with her but it was never good and eventually they lost touch. He was the one with issues and that little girl was really better off without him.


    Since you made some kind of connection with your father's wife maybe she was the one who got him to call. Just a thought...

  5. In women the symptoms can be very different. This has been widely reported recently in the news. Most research was originally done on men, thinking that the symptoms would be similar. My dad had the squeezing pain that everyone has talked about. My aunt, his sister, was playing cards with friends after dinner and felt nauseated. She went to lie down and after a while someone went to check on her. She had passed out and the EMTs were called. She'd had a heart attack.

  6. We save and reuse our plastic bags, too. I buy kleenex in large boxes and when the box is empty, I start stuffing them with the bags. I keep a box in the laundry, my car, the bathroom, etc. Extra boxes stack in the garage. We used to use the cute things made to hold them but this is much easier and neater.

  7. I have an elderly friend in Augusta that I take grocery shopping. She always asks for paper because they fit in the little garbage holder under her cabinet. One time they told her that they were out of paper bags and she wanted to leave her groceries there! I looked under another register and there were some bags. I got an armload and put them at our register. I got some dirty looks, but she got her bags!

  8. I have had similar discussions in Sunday School classes when we were struggling to understand a piece of scripture. There is always somebody who is better educated on the subject who tries to help the rest of us understand. If I don't necessarily agree with their interpretation, I wouldn't dream of attacking them for their opinion! Not too Christian...

  9. I think you need to have it at your house if she's still sleeping in your room. She might call in the wee hours to come home if she sleeps in a strange place.


    If you want her to sleep in her room and she wants to have a sleepover (or go to one), I'd make it a condition that she be able to sleep x number of nights in her own room to show that she is 'grownup' enough.

  10. I've had to replace mine several times in the last couple of years. I was talking to my neighbor and her boys had told her who was doing it, as I suspected, and I told her that my son had an infrared camera that we were going to use to catch him in the act.

    We were never able to get the camera to work properly but mounted it in the LR window anyway. Word must have gotten back to the vandal because it has never happened again.

  11. Well, IB, you're not going to like this at all. Shawna, if that old pillow gives you a better night's sleep, don't worry about it. The dust mites cannot be eradicated, they live in your eyelashes, for pete's sake! Live and let live. Wash your pillow cases as you have been doing and if it makes you feel better, put the pillow in the freezer. I love a cold pillow!

    Bon nuit!

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