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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. I'm a half-breed, too. We always had both but I never realized that it was regional. My Yankee Daddy and I liked the stuffing and everybody else wanted the crusty dressing. I don't stuff a turkey these days but I make mine in a covered casserole which keeps it from drying out as much. Love my grandmama's dressing recipe!


    We always had rice and gravy instead of potatoes and Grandmother always made ambrosia just for me. Baby butterbeans and silver queen corn put up during the summer and sweet potato souffle. Yum, yum!

  2. I've had two root canals and my elderly Mother had two this past summer. I think it must depend on the dentist and the time he takes with you. Our experiences were the same. Piece of cake - no pain and neither of us had to take even an aspirin afterwards. We have the best dentist in the world (in Augusta, GA) and I go to him with any big problems. We have someone up here but I don't let them do any major work!


    When he gives you a shot, he numbs it and then massages the gum as it goes in and you don't feel it at all. The man's a saint. His office is one of the happiest places I have ever visited - everyone is always smiling and laughing. I wish I could clone him!! :)

  3. Can post counts be made invisible to the general population so that only admin knows the count? I know that the count is important to Pubby and others in control but why should we be concerned with them? I just like to get info about PC and hear the news! I don't like to post unless I have something to contribute to the discussion so I don't do much! Someone on pcom usually can say it just as well or better... ;)

  4. During the summer someone asked about the small red apples on the trees at the center of town across from Regions Bank. They are ripe and make great jelly if you know anyone who will let you pick them!


    If you have some quince to throw in with them the jelly will be good and tart!



    BTW, these tree are not true mayhaws because I don't think they have thorns, but that's what my grandmother always called them!

  5. About 30 years ago when I had a 5 month old baby, I was almost attacked in my home. I had come home to my apartment about 8 pm, carrying my son in a carrier, and had just closed and locked the door when someone knocked. I put the baby down in the carrier in the crib and went back to the LR. The apts had no peepholes in the doors (although we had all asked for them) so I asked who it was. I couldn't hear the reply plainly but was expecting my brother-in-law to come pick up some fishing tackle.


    When I opened the door, still chained, a man crashed into it and I saw his arm come up with a knife and I reacted by throwing myself against the door and throwing the deadbolt. The chain had ripped the moulding from the door frame.


    I loaded my husband's gun and called the police. I could hear the man still in the hall trying my neighbors' doors.


    The next day he came back and grabbed a downstairs neighbor as she came out for her mail. She screamed and the neighbor across the hall let her dog out. The man dropped the knife and ran. The police knew who he was from the prints on the knife but he was long gone.


    I moved from there about a month later but it made me much more aware of where I am and who is around me.

  6. Semi-retired. 31 years, everything from 1st through 12th. Once mostly math, now mostly reading. I teach EIP classes to 1st through 4th graders and I have a million stories. Some funny and some tragic.


    Loved my 13 years teaching remedial math in HS. Those kids are so appreciative when you can help them understand what they thought they could never learn. Loved them!


    I also love my little ones now, so I've had the best of both worlds.

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