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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. There is a known link between white coat color, blue eyes and deafness - but since the coat and eye color can be caused by different genes it means that only some blue eyed whites are deaf. There is a gene/gene complex which causes white coat, blue eyes and deafness, but not all cats get their white coat and blue eyes from that particular gene, so not all white cats will be deaf.


    If the cat is a Foreign/Oriental White, it carries the gene for 'Siamese Blue Eyes' which is not linked to deafness (the gene for Siamese Blue Eyes is linked to cross-eyes instead). Siamese blue eyes have a reflective tapetum, but this is depigmented because the Siamese colour is caused by albinism. This depigmentation gives the red-eye with flash cameras. Random matings can mean that this gene sometimes appears in non Oriental-looking cats which have colorpoint cats in their ancestry.


    read the rest: http://www.messybeast.com/whitecat.htm

  2. This morning I had trouble with my new car and while I was waiting for my son, many people stopped to ask if I needed help. I didn't, but thanks to everyone who asked. Paulding people are great!

  3. As a teacher, I've read them so that I can keep up with the kids. They are well written and have started many discussions about language and the differences between American English and the "King's English."


    They also can lead to discussions with children about loyalty, friendship and making wise decisions as they grow up. I personally think that they are a good thing for parents to read with kids.

  4. I can think of many actors and actresses that I don't get excited about seeing, but I don't hate any of them. If there is a movie or tv show that appeals to me I will watch it whether they are in it or not. I choose what I see by the content and storyline not by the actor's looks or politics.


    That being said, Gilbert Gottfried annoys me to death!

  5. My son has one for work. When he had to go to Belgium for a month, he forwarded all of his calls to his blackberry so I was able to make a local call to reach him. He also picks up his e-mail on it. The company pays for it so I have no idea of the cost.

  6. My opthamologist does a lot of them. Last time I had a checkup, I mentioned that I'm getting to the point where I have to take my glasses off sometimes to see tiny print (even tho' I'm very nearsighted).


    He said that's why he hadn't had lasik himself - you lose that ability when you get older! Convinced me not to do it.

  7. Since Hardy is our sponsor for this forum, I decided to post it here! I had a great experience today. Usually car-buying is a nightmare but I got a wonderful, helpful, LOW-PRESSURE salesman. I got a great deal and came away happy!


    Anyone who wants to buy a Ford, PM me and I'll give you the salesman's name.

  8. I've gotten great coverage with cingular. There are a few dead spots but I started getting better reception at home after the merger with AT&T.


    Be careful about the phone you choose. There are six people in my office at school and the room is notorious for poor reception. There have been times when everyone had to use my phone because mine was the only one working. Some of them also have cingular so I can only conclude it was the phones that were the problem.

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