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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. Born and bred in Augusta, GA.


    BUT I'm half Yankee since my dad was from upstate NY and I spent my summers there with his family. I loved being the one with the accent up there, but in college my speech prof couldn't tell where I came from due to having picked up my dad's pronunciations of words.

  2. My group of friends like Macaroni Grill but we tried the Aspens in West Cobb before this one opened. We went early and they had a special menu from 4 to 6, I believe. Everything on it was 12.95. I'm not a big steak eater but the filet mignon was heavenly!

  3. My mother is 86 and has moved up here with me. We're looking for someone who can cut and set her hair like the old days. Lots of curlers and spray! She won't go to my beautician because she's too young and doesn't do the curler thing. Any suggestions?

  4. OK, my 2 cents. Love skim milk over ice. Whole milk makes your mouth feel greasy!


    Try peanut butter and french's mustard on Nabisco saltines. Got this from my ex. Thought he was crazy but both of my boys love it, too.


    Chow chow on peas, not green peas, though.


    Hated diet coke until they took classic off the market. Now real coke tastes nasty to me. But I won't drink fountain diet coke 'cause it has saccarin(sp?) not equal in it.


    The only smell that makes me gag is Fletcher's Castoria (kiddie laxative to you young folks). My mother gave it to me as a little kid and it is horrible. I hope they've done away with it.


    Gotta have milk with choc. cake, brownies and PB&J.


    Duke's mayo for me! :p


    Oh, I once saw my dad (a yankee) make sandwiches from mashed up lima beans. Those big nasty white ones, not butter beans! Yuk!

  5. I have, Ellen. There was a program on the discovery channel about twins and they mentioned that many twins are mirrors of each other and thus the theory about an undeveloped twin.


    My leftiness comes from my dad's side: his sister and one of her kids are all we know about. Both of my best friends in school were lefties and my best friend now, her hubby and younger daughter are all lefties. I love it when the four of us go out to eat 'cause it doesn't matter where anyone sits! :D

  6. I'm a lefty but over the years I've noticed that I do a lot of things with my right hand because that's the way they're set up. I iron right-handed, can't do it lefty. I also "mouse" right-handed and have more control that way. Right handed scissors don't faze me in my left hand, don't know why.


    Guess I don't have any horror stories. Sorry... :rolleyes:

  7. I got this email today. Thought I'd pass it along...

    Please read the following story then follow the instructions at the end! Thanks.


    Like most elementary schools, it was typical to have a parade of students in and out of the health clinic throughout the day. We dispensed ice for bumps and bruises, Band-Aids for cuts, and liberal doses of sympathy and hugs. As principal, my office was right next door to the clinic, so I often dropped in to lend a hand and help out with the hugs. I knew that for some kids, mine might be the only one they got all day.


    One morning I was putting a Band-Aid on a little girl's scraped knee. Her blonde hair was matted, and I noticed that she was shivering in her thin little sleeveless blouse. I found her a warm sweatshirt and helped her pull it on. "Thanks for taking care of me," she whispered as she climbed into my lap and snuggled up against me.


    It wasn't long after that when I ran across an unfamiliar lump under my arm. Cancer, an aggressively spreading kind, had already invaded thirteen of my lymph nodes. I pondered whether or not to tell the students about my diagnosis. The word breast seemed so hard to say out loud to them, and the word cancer seemed so frightening.


    When it became evident that the children were going to find out one way or another, either the straight scoop from me or possibly a garbled version from someone else, I decided to tell them myself. It wasn't easy to get the words out, but the empathy and concern I saw in their faces as I explained it to them told me I had made the right decision. When I gave them a chance to ask questions, they mostly wanted to know how they could help. I told them that what I would like best would be their letters, pictures and prayers.


    I stood by the gym door as the children solemnly filed out. My little blonde friend darted out of line and threw herself into my arms. Then she stepped back to look up into my face. "Don't be afraid, Dr. Perry," she said earnestly, "I know you'll be back because now it's our turn to take care of you."


    No one could have ever done a better job. The kids sent me off to my first chemotherapy session with a hilarious book of nausea remedies that they had written. A video of every class in the school singing get-well songs accompanied me to the next chemotherapy appointment. By the third visit, the nurses were waiting at the door to find out what I would bring next. It was a delicate music box that played "I Will Always Love You."


    Even when I went into isolation at the hospital for a bone marrow transplant, the letters and pictures kept coming until they covered every wall of my room.


    Then the kids traced their hands onto colored paper, cut them out and glued them together to make a freestanding rainbow of helping hands. "I feel like I've stepped into Disneyland every time I walk into this room," my doctor laughed. That was even before the six-foot apple blossom tree arrived adorned with messages written on paper apples from the students and teachers. What healing comfort I found in being surrounded by these tokens of their caring.


    At long last I was well enough to return to work. As I headed up the road to the school, I was suddenly overcome by doubts. What if the kids have forgotten all about me? I wondered, What if they don't want a skinny bald principal? What if. . I caught sight of the school marquee as I rounded the bend. "Welcome Back, Dr. Perry," it read. As I drew closer, everywhere I looked were pink ribbons - ribbons in the windows, tied on the doorknobs, even up in the trees. The children and staff wore pink ribbons, too.


    My blonde buddy was first in line to greet me. "You're back, Dr. Perry, you're back!" she called. "See, I told you we'd take care of you!"


    As I hugged her tight, in the back of my mind I faintly heard my music box playing. "I will always love you."


    Subject: Breast Cancer Stamp Booklet.


    We need those of you who are great at forwarding on information with your e-mail network. Please read and pass this on. It would be wonderful if 2004 were the year a cure for breast cancer was found!!!!


    This is one email you should be glad to pass on. The notion that we could raise $35 million by buying a book of stamps is powerful! As you may be aware, the US Postal Service recently released its new "Fund the Cure" stamp to help fund breast cancer research. Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Maryland designed the stamp. It is important that we take a stand against this disease that affects so many of our Mothers, Sisters and Friends.


    Instead of the normal 37 cents for a stamp, this one costs 40 cents. The additional 3 cents will go to breast cancer research. A "normal" book costs $7.40. This one is only $8.00. It takes a few minutes in line at the Post Office and means so much. If all stamps are sold, it will raise an additional $35,000,000 for this vital research. Just as important as the money is our support. What a statement it would make if the stamp outsold the lottery this week. What a statement it would make that we care.




    I urge you to do two things TODAY:


    1. Go out and purchase some of these stamps.


    2. E-mail your friends to do the same.


    Many of us know women and their families whose lives are turned upside-down by breast cancer. It takes so little to do so much in this drive.

  8. RR, we have a 17 year old siamese, Max, who is in the later stages of kidney failure. He, too, is very thin but continues to eat prescription food very well and is drinking water which the vet says is a good sign. He has been to Dr. Judy and Dr. Bowen for tests and fluids.


    He still acts like he feels well and still runs up and down the stairs but we're watching him closely for signs that he is suffering. He's been my son's shadow since he was 12 and it will break our hearts when he goes, but for now he seems to be doing well on the special food and fluids.


    I'll be thinking of you and Buffy...

  9. We've recently switched from DSL to broadband and are having problems. After midnight, the cable (tv and internet) begins to go off every 10 minutes or so. It's the higher channels on TV but if I'm reading the paper online I'll have to wait for it to come back to change pages. Very annoying. It usually gets back to normal about 9 or 10 in the morning. We're not getting any help when we call Comcast.


    Is anyone else having this problem? :(

  10. I was in the ER getting an X-Ray (on Saturday) and was so happy NOT to be in a big impersonal hospital! The people were so nice. It wasn't my first visit to the ER but I hadn't been there for a long while. I don't know if Quasi was there or not! We need badges or something... :p

  11. My kids love potato soup and I finally found a way to make it in 30 minutes on those nights when I really don't want to cook and they really want to eat!


    Heat two cans of chicken broth in a large pot. I use a dutch oven.

    Add about a teaspoon of celery salt and dried minced onion. We like a lot but you decide how much for your crowd. Let it come to a boil.


    Add a package of shredded frozen hashbrowns and stir until the broth boils again. Add some water or milk if it is too thick. We like evaporated milk and I always have it on hand.


    The potatoes cook in about 5 minutes. I use a hand-held blender at this point to make it creamy with a few potato pieces.


    Add at least a cup of shredded cheese and stir until blended. Fry out a couple of strips of bacon, crumble and add to soup. Add about a teaspoon of the bacon grease, too, it you want. I shortcut by adding the real bacon bits from the grocery. NOT bacos!


    Taste as you go and add more or less of whatever you think it needs.

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