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Guard dad

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Posts posted by Guard dad

  1. well most of my post was my opinion so it isnt incorrect :) , but as far as the church/state issue...I never knew that. Thanks for the heads up. Now I will say the nativity scene doesnt upset me but I think if that is a road our mayor wants to go down (law or not it will be a fight/issue/disagreement) that it would be best/nice if he acknowledges some of the other religions as well. I think this has a lot of loop holes that probably make any choice a difficult one! But in general i understand and get and agree with our country going on the majority rule but Im not ok wiht someone saying one religion is more important then another! Which is what I feel the topic starter was doing.


    Thanks again for the correct info...


    And to be fair, part of my post is my opinion as well because some will have different views and there have even been some lower court decisions to the opposite. By and large, those courts have been activist courts like the infamous 9th circuit in Kahleefwonia.


    As for Dallas's choice to use a Christian display, it is because the vast majority of our citizens are Christian. If a city that is majority Muslim wanted to do the same, I would respect their right to do so as well. A cornerstone of our constitution is our freedom to practice our religious beliefs, regardless of what they are. That also gives atheists the same right to disbelieve.

  2. Bottom line...beliefs aside....the money was miss spent not bc its not liked or important but bc it is the law to seperate church and state. Now this has been said by many others and the point is just going over your head! Nobody is saying its not nice and it shouldnt be there they just want the funds to come from somewhere else. The other comments you made are what got you into this disagreement, not that you want to thank the mayor.


    Now Im going to try and be calm and clear about my opinion on the other issues that have been brought up by the topic starter( cant remember name bc Im upset at this point)!


    I really feel you are doing your religion a disjustice when you critize anyone who believes in anything outside of christianity....wasnt your god in fact not christian but jewish? So are you praying to a man you think is wrong for not being christian?


    I would hope no god, religion or church would promote the values that you have. It is fine to believe what you believe but isnt it frowned upon to judge another person? You seem to make comments like "move to a different county if you dont believe this", I dont remember when I moved to paulding that only one religion was allowed. I wish paulding county was a little more diverse then it is but not everyone is christian! Its sad to me to think that in 2007 there are still people that are prejudice and I hope for my childrens sake they do not come across people that are as close minded as yourself. I teach them that everyone has different beliefs and that none of them are wrong they are just different.


    I think its your right to post a topic about your feelings about the mayor, the nativity scene and your religion, I have fault with you saying that our money can be spent on things as long as it is a "victory" for the christians. I have fault with comments like..if you dont like it move bc that is what paulding is".


    You should not break laws and you should not judge people....both of which you are supporting or participating in, is this what your god accepts? somewhere in your selfish mind you cant even see your own faults or your own sins, I hope your god is as understanding, forgiving and non judgemental as mine!

    Nice post, but quite incorrect. Check out my post in the other thread here...http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=132775&st=80&start=80

  3. Simple -- as in paid for by tax payer money -- city bought, city owned.


    That's a big no-no.

    Negative. That's just what the ACLU and their anti-religious clients have conditioned us to believe.


    The 1st amendment states that congress must make no law endorsing religion, that is the part of our constitution that the anti-religion bunch cite. Two problems with this...

    1) The 1st amendment was intended for the federal government and was not to be used to trample on states rights. Too often we use the first sentence and forget about the rest of the amendment.


    Amendment I-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


    Some believe that the entire constitution was made to apply to state governments by a later amendment, but that premise would be in direct conflict with the "states rights" clause in amendment 10


    Amendment X


    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


    So the state government should not be bound to anything that is not directly addressed in the constitution as being a federal matter. Our state constitution allows vote by referendum which is a form of pure democracy. Since the majority of our state population is Christian, if we want a nativity scene and the way we do it is not in conflict with the US Constitution, we have that right.


    2) Even if we were to hold the states to the parts of the US Constitution that is not delegated specifically to the federal government (and we shouldn't), spending a few bucks on a nativity scene and displaying it is a far cry from passing a law that establishes a respect for religion. The sole purpose 1st sentence of the 1st amendment was to keep church from taking over the government like happened in England. Likewise, the rest of the 1st amendment was to keep government from taking over religion, which is exactly what the anti-religionists are trying to do.

  4. Congrats on your weight loss. We all eat too many carbs, but I hope you're not taking it to extreme like the Atkins Diet does. That is not healthy and people who lose weight on Atkins gain it back at over twice the rate of other programs.


    Best way to lose weight, reduce your caloric intake and burn more off through exorcise. No real secret there, just takes discipline; that's the hard part for most of us.

  5. Me thinks your problem isn't with Firefox but something with your computer. You can't delete your original version of IE, it's part of Windows (which is what causes some of it's security issues). You would want to keep it anyway, there are a few websites that won't work with Firefox and you'll still need IE.


    Firefox has a very good pop-up blocker, you may need to enable it is all. The jerkiness sounds like you're running low on memory, try closing some programs or removing some from the start menu.

  6. -Continue going to the gym to drop the rest of the weight I want to lose and get the body I want. I've already lost 15 lbs, 10 more to go.


    -Pay off a couple more debts


    -Grow the business

  7. The problem with the BMI rating is that it's a "one size fits all" method of determining ideal body weight. As much as our body types and muscle mass varies, you just can't determine ideal weight without plugging in more factors than BMI allows. I saw an article awhile back where they took several "Hollywood hunks" and plugged them into the BMI calculator, according to it they were all overweight or obese. Why, they had all spent some time in the gym and had packed on some muscle. The BMI calculator doesn't know the difference between muscle weight and fat weight.


    Here's a good online tool for weight control and general fitness. It will work if you stick to it.



  8. That calculater is using the BMI (Body Mass Index) method. It's totally ridiculous. If a man has any significant muscle on him he's come up as obese on the BMI test. Works better for women, but still problematic.

  9. Actually my microwave oven is built in over the stove....the fan on the microwave bottom part will come on, but it recirculates....don't think any of it is vented to the outside or anywhere else except the microwave.....Uttt ohhh...sounds like a job for Nemie's husband......Do you think this would take most of the heat out of the house or would the money not be worth it ???

    It would help. Recirculating hoods are just about worthless.

  10. Curious Guard Dad, does it block the ads here?





    What ads??































    LOL. Most of them, yes. Flashplayer ads get through it though.


    Edit: You usually have to enable it before it will work. Sometimes it will block web content that you want though.

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