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Guard dad

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Posts posted by Guard dad

  1. I did. Bad timing.


    And I edited.


    Doesn't excuse anything. It was valid when I said it. That he posted what he did as I was posting what I did was a coincidence, and says much about his character.


    But thanks for pointing it out. You're a delight. :wub:


    I agree that his post shows a lot of class.

  2. No. Your post indicted him as you (yes I said YOU) gave lip service to his poor, poor plight for holding an "unpopular" opinion.


    It's laughable.


    Go now, great warrior of truth, and come back with a link to the post where he stated this "unpopular" opinion ON THIS ISSUE.


    And when you do, I will apologize profusely.


    Goodnight. :)


    Look up

  3. Mine was civil as well. Sorry if it was personal to you. ;) :rolleyes:


    Well, the word "you" was used 5 times in your reply, that's a bit personal.


    Apparently I've become a bad guy around here because I asked for the people who were claiming the mayor had broken the law to prove it. In a different crowd my actions might be considered heroic, here I was apparently going against the clique.


    Now I make a post that was intended to take up for a guy who apparently got a raw deal and I get jumped on.


    Way too many emotions here.

  4. And yet...you keep on posting in these topics?


    How do you know what his opinion is, HUH? Has he stated it in this thread...or anywhere here?


    By EVEN SAYING that, aren't you yourself condemning him just as much as those who have accused him outright?


    I swear, I hope you get a Garmin for Christmas, because you clearly need GPS to find logic.




    Wow, where you found all that is my post is beyond me. Loosen the trigger finger a bit, I was trying to be nice.


    BTW, I have as much right to post as you do, and I always keep my posts civil.

  5. Well, I was very active in the discussion for a couple of days, and from what I have read I'm probably on the other side of this issue than TBAR; but for what it's worth I think it's sad that people would threaten or slander him for holding an unpopular opinion. I've had a couple of exchanges with him on here but I don;t know who he is in real life or what his business is. I'm also a business owner in the county so I would hate to see a persons livelihood damaged because of something like this.


    This is what I meant earlier by "too much drama."


    I hate drama!

  6. Weight Watchers is a solid and healthy program, if you're going to use a "diet" I recommend that one. Please don't even consider the Atkins diet or anything like it. Stay away from the chemistry diets like Slim Fast and that other garbage.


    In addition to Weight Watchers, join a gym and get a trainer to set you up on a program of cardio and light weights. Not only will you loose weight twice as fast, you'll be healthier and stronger.

  7. Quote from Brietbart:


    Huckabee said the bookshelf is just a bookshelf and shrugged off the controversy: "I will confess this: If you play the spot backwards it says, 'Paul is dead. Paul is dead.'"


    He was joking about the Beatles' recording of "The White Album" and the urban legend that if a portion of the album is played backwards, the words "Paul is dead" is heard, a reference to the very much alive Paul McCartney.




    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You may not like his politics, but the man does have a sense of humor!


    Now that's funny! :lol:

  8. See Jess's post above.






    I don't know who this person is that's been getting e-mails. All I know is what I read on here that someone got falsely accused.


    What I mean by too much drama is that no one should take this kind of stuff personal. Obviously we are somewhat polarized on the nativity issue but we sould leave that argument at the forum door.

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