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Guard dad

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Posts posted by Guard dad

  1. 1- the screaming children parents"don't care" you have no idea how embarrassing it is as a parent to have a child that decides to have a bad day in a crowded restaraunt. I think my kids are pretty good (sometimes i think they are bad until i really see a bad kid and thank God for mine) I too would love to go out to eat and have a conversation at a table with out my kids interupting or trying to get out of their seat.. What some of you forget is that they are kids, maybe parents are doing the best they can and maybe the child is having a bad day, does that mean I don't have the right to go out to eat because of it? I would have no problem if there was a certain section of a restaraunt they tended to put families with children, that would not offend me at all, maybe then I wouldn't get dirty looks when my child acts like a child. ( i could go on and on about this point but i;ll move on)

    I am a parent so I do know how embarrassing it is when kids act up. That's why I didn't allow my child to misbehave when we were in a public place. I do understand kids are kids and sometimes they will act up, but parents should be considerate of other people and if need be they should remove the child until he/she can behave. When doing so they are also teaching the child a good lesson that will stick with them when they grow up. My parents required me to behave in public places, maybe that's why I demanded the same of my child. My daughter is now 19 and a fine young woman that is polite and considerate of others. I wonder how the children who are allowed to act up in restaurants or play basketball in the isles of Wal-Mart without regard for others will turn out.

  2. I normally tip well and will be very generous with a server who really shows they care.


    On a side note (rant), why do people allow their small children to scream their lungs out in restaurants and not do any thing about it? Wifey and I have cut way back on going to full service restaurants for that reason, people either don't care what their kids do or they think it's cute for them to be a spectacle. I don't go to dinner only to hear ear piercing screams and crying! I like to relax and have a conversation with the people I'm with. When my daughter was young we didn't allow her to act that way in restaurants, we either stopped it or took her outside in consideration of the other customers. It's extremely rude to subject the rest of us to kids who can't behave.


    If restaurants are smart, they'll seat everyone with small children on one side of the building so the rest of us can have a "no brat" section.


    [/rant over]

  3. What a cutie!!


    Take lots of pictures and spend every minute with her you can, before you know it she'll be all grown up. My daughter has been one of the greatest joys I've ever known, even at 19 she's still Daddy's little girl but it probably won't be much longer before she starts a new life of her own. That's gonna be tough on ole dad.


    This song always make my face wet.

  4. What are you thankful for?




    I'm thankful for...


    -My wife

    -My daughter

    -A God who loves me

    -Good friends

    -A comfortable home to live in

    -El Pollo Loco burritos (my wife is not thankful when I eat them)

    -A healthy business

    -A loyal dog at my feet

    -Home Depot

    -Hair (at my age)



    Well, you get the idea.


    How about you folks?

  5. I took my daughter to Cobb and surprisingly it went well. Not much wait and the people were helpful. After teh two in front of us they were just thrilled to have one that could actually drive the car.


    A tip...use the link below to learn the mechanics of parallel parking, the system really works. We did this with my daughter and then took her to a place to practice until she got it right. She nailed it on the test.



  6. Science is helping this nation everyday. Some of this inventive science could be a gift from god. Who is to say? I just hate seeing that it takes GA so long to implement programs that would help our community. Drought comes from lack of rain and a FAST growing state eating up its resources. It's not any different than Paulding and it's schools or waste treatment plant. Something SHOULD have been done about this years ago. Destructive nature is always bound to happen, why weren't we already prepared for this one?

    I totally agree with you on this, I really do.


    But praying to God for rain has nothing to do with why our officials did or didn't plan ahead. It didn't keep them from making preparations in the past and it isn't being used as a substitute for any other actions now. In short, the governors prayers are not hurting anyone or anything.


    A case could also be made that all those who gripe and protest about it could instead put their energies toward finding a positive solution. Now that I think about it, maybe they are helping. The bunch that was protesting yesterday looked like they haven't had baths in awhile. :lol:

  7. We have Nextell/Sprint and Sprint Broadband for our internet and they STINK!!! There rates are high and etc. and once they get you locked in to a plan they make it almost impossible to cancel it. :angry: :angry:

    One thing that infuriated me about Nextel is that they would renew your contract just for changing rate plans. If I went to a higher or lower plan they'd contract me for another year. That was one of the main reason I dropped them. ATT lets us change plans/features without extending the contract.

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