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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. I have many reasons...number one is for love, I know my husband was created just for me!! That aside, our kids and the vows I made also play a huge role! These things come into play and are influences during the times things are not going great and we are not "in love" (everyone has their down times!!)

  2. I need some idea's! I don't want a common name, Jennifer, Michelle, etc. Something different. Help me choose....her middle name will be Joy. My mom's middle name is Joy and my middle name is also so I though it would be cool to name my baby girl something Joy! :D


    That's my middle name also! How about Kendal?


    That's my middle name also! How about Kendal?


    My girls are Lily and Lanie.

  3. I don't remember how much Targets were. They may have them listed on their site. I picked up the cutest Sea Lion lawn decoration for 50% off tonight. He will go well with my Polar Bear.





    I have a bottle of wine that I am saving for NYE. I don't much like Champagne unless its in the form of a momosa! Enjoy chilling out with your glass of wine.




    Thanks LT. :wub:


    Ooh...think I'll have a cosmo!

  4. My ex's family did very little celebrating at Christmas and did not do stockings at all. When I got married, I made ex a wonderful stocking chocked full of candy and little presents. He thought I had gone crazy when I gave him his stocking until he poured everything out and saw all that candy LOL. He begged for stockings every year after that lol.


    We have always done stockings in my family!

  5. On Thursday, the 27th, it will be four years since my mom passed away. The only thing that gets me through this time of year is my kids and remembering the fact that my mom is truly celebrating Christmas in Heaven with the Lord! She loved Christmas also, and was like a little child this time of year! It was a bittersweet blessing that the Lord took her...since had suffered for so long! I thought with time, it would get easier, but it hasn't, I seem to miss her more and more with each passing year. I think it's because I know she would have enjoyed my children so much and I feel like they are missing out not to have known her.

  6. Its funny...I know athiest that celebrate christmas.


    Not really...unless you consider Santa Claus to be the true meaning of Christmas!


    Welcome back, TBAR! I'm with you, I'd rather get money or gift cards!

  7. Church at the Ridge is presenting "Imagine Christmas" tomorrow morning, the 23rd, at our 9:30 and 11:00 services. This is the Christmas story with a new twist and some exciting music, not your average old boring nativity reinactment! You do not want to miss it!! Bring your friends and family also!!

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