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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. I am not disagreeing with you on that, but he is the most widely know Black historic leader. It took a lot more for him to do what he did than it would for a white male to do it. All I am saying is that some of these views are not what I would want my children to be exposed to. I think that George Washington Carver and the Tuskegee Airman should be honored for what they did. I do think that this is an important holiday, especially for Black Americans. I think that white Americans tend to overlook what it means to Black Americans because as white Americans we have a lot more historic leaders to look up to.


    Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Harriet Tubman, Maya Angelou, and I could go on. I think Black Americans have plenty of leaders to look up to. Definitely diversity and freedom should be celebrated, but I do not think that any of these leaders should receive any special treatment over any leader just because struggle was greater. Just look at all of our American heros fighting for us right not over in the middle east. In my viewpoint, they are making the ultimate sacrifice and need to be highly awarded, thanked and celebrated. Everyone has struggles and issues to overcome.


    My post is not made out of anger or frustration to you, Lillaroo, you know I love ya! I'm just trying to understand where you are coming from!

  2. Some of these comments on this thread are serious frightening. Regardless of what kind of person MLK was personally. I think the holiday is more about a belief in what this country can be and should be. I think it is about MLK's I have a dream speech, and not judging each other by our skin color but by the content our our character and I seriously hope that many of the quotes on here are a minority and not a majority voice for Paulding County.


    I don't think anyone's trying to take the value out of what he did (at least I'm not)...he should be honored and respected for these things! My point was that there are other honorable Americans who have done a lot for this country as well, who do not receive the same honor and celebration.

  3. I just wanted to thank Sage at the Illustrator in Dallas. She is the best artist I have ever had ink me. The piece I had her do for me means more to me than any other ones that I have. I put off doing it for a year for the fear of it not being done how I wanted it. She rocked it out! I will NEVER go to anyone else for my ink. You are awesome lady and it was the best experience I have ever had. It was a healing and beautiful time and I am so glad you were there to help me along my journey!


    Thanks for sharing...I'll definitely check her out when I get my next!

  4. I agree totally with the aforementioned response. My ancestors did not own slaves and I refuse to feel in any way ashamed of the way blacks were treated. I haven't gone along with any prejudicial statements against them. I raised my kids to not be prejudiced by telling them they did nothing special to be created white, God just made them that way. They could have been any color or nationality in the world which makes them no better than anyone else. I thank God for letting us be born here but I'm not under any illusion that I earned the right to be born here.

    I won't apologize to anyone for being free or white. We all have problems and I think its a crock for underachievers to blame their problems on their race like is happening now.


    Yes! This is what I try to teach my students and my personal children. Everyone has issues to deal with, but the type of person you are is determined by how you handle those issues. By realizing they make you who you are and rising above them to succeed...not use them as a crutch or an excuse!

  5. I lost my Mama to stomach cancer in October of 1994. Had she lived, she would have turned 51 today.

    Happy Birthday Mama, I love and Miss you very much!


    I know exactly how you feel. My mom's bday would have been on Jan. 11. She would have been 57, but passed away four years ago. I am so sorry for your loss...no one loves you like your momma!

  6. I agree that the holiday is an insult. Governments and corporations were blackmailed into acknowledging the holiday.


    There are great Americans that have done far more for our country that don't have a holiday in their memory. I can't think of any one person who has a holiday such as this. If I were black I would consider this day a total embarrassment. I don't think these "followers" want to be equal, they want special treatment.


    Agreed! On a side note...we'd be hearing about it, though, if we did not celebrate the holiday...I'm just sayin'!

  7. I want to get one on my right shoulder blade. I want a pink ribbons (signifying breast cancer) with my Mom's b'day inside the ribbon. And her handwriting traced from a card that says Mama underneath. I know who and where I'm gonna get it-but crap keeps coming up to stop me.


    I was thinking the same thing, but a green ribbon (organ donor awareness) in stead, in memory of my mom.


    Right now, I have a butterfly on my ankle.

  8. Those of us who are dissatisfied with the presidential candidates are suffering from Electile Dysfunction.


    Please add to your spell check dictionaries,


    Carry on. :p


    :o :lol: That's really good! I'm right there with ya'!

  9. I read that thread, give me a break. I don't know one person in my office of "professionals" that didn't want the day off for snow and wouldn't revolt if they took away jeans on Friday. I think someone just had their magic wand too far up their....... :wacko:


    :o :lol: My thoughts exactly!!

  10. I'm reading "The Joy of Teaching: How to Love and Value Your Job!" :p JK


    Actually, I've started a new Christian Fiction series called "The Yada Yada Prayer Group." Awesome!!! I finished the first book in three days. I'm also reading " The Power of a Positive Mom" with my church book study group, really good also!

  11. Glenn Burns just said that we (Paulding) were in the ban for the heaviest snowfall!!!!! YEAH!!! :wub: :lol: He said as much as 4"! GOT MILK and bread? :D



    Edited for bad grammar


    YAY!!! (oh wait...I'm not allowed to be excited :rolleyes: )


    What's with the milk and bread anyways?? Why not water in case the pipes freeze?

  12. I don't think it has as much to do with age as it does maturity level. I think children can go to the restroom unattended when they are mature enough to do their business, wash their hands, and scream like crazy should someone make them feel fearful.



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