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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. So it is your religious beliefs at issue. That's the point here. You want to implement your religious view onto the unbelievers. That is called theocracy. Be consistent. Would you be OK with Muslims who were in the majority forcing you by law to wear the veil & pray 5 times a day? They view that as "sin" too. Be consistent.


    If it is not OK for another religon to impose itself on us, then it is an injustice for us to impose our religon on those who don't believe as we do. Be consistent. It is called the Golden Rule.


    Ofcourse I wouldn't want another religion imposed on me, nor am I trying to force my religion on anyone else, even though you will twist it into that. We are called to witness and reach the lost so that they will know the truth. We are also called to stand firm in our faith and that which we hold true. I simply answered your original question and stated my beliefs. I am not out picketing or writing letters to congress...I am only standing up for what I believe in. You can call it and me what you want, but it's not going to change how I feel.


    I am also big enough to admit that you may be right. Constitutionally, it may be wrong to deny them civil unions (I am not as well read on our government and how the Constitution is written as you are) but, morally, IT IS MY OPINION that they are wrong, and that is my final answer to your original question.

  2. Look at the definition again: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.


    Be consistent in your ethic.


    If, like you said, allowing gays to marry only encourages the behavior, then compare that to a heterosexual couple that lives together. They are still allowed to marry. I don't see anyone calling for heterosexuals who live together first to have their marriage banned. But is that not encouraging =that= sin? If you use one reasoning for one situation, it must be applied equally to all. Be consistent in your ethic.


    MS, you don't think this has been good conversation? It has been a great topic, delving into all sorts of reasons both pro & con. It is good that the issue can be debated & debated passionately. That's how we learn & that's how we come to a conclusion on all topics. This is the very sort of discussion that is good for our society since it makes us see that either our reasoning has serious holes in it that need to be addressed, or that our reasoning is sound & logical.


    This is how our system of gov't works --- the debate forces us to make decisions.


    Ofcourse I'm partial to my God and my beliefs (I don't like the term religion, I am a Christ follower). If I weren't, what would be the point in believing at all. God tells us in His Word to stand firm in our faith and the knowledge that He has given us, and that is what I am doing. You call it intolerance, I call it faith and allegiance to my Lord, Jesus Christ. I listen to other viewpoints and what others have to say, even when they disagree with me, without calling them bigot because they disagree with me, but I do not have to accept it as truth. I expect the same respect from everyone else.

  3. Look at the definition again: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.


    Be consistent in your ethic.


    If, like you said, allowing gays to marry only encourages the behavior, then compare that to a heterosexual couple that lives together. They are still allowed to marry. I don't see anyone calling for heterosexuals who live together first to have their marriage banned. But is that not encouraging =that= sin? If you use one reasoning for one situation, it must be applied equally to all. Be consistent in your ethic.


    MS, you don't think this has been good conversation? It has been a great topic, delving into all sorts of reasons both pro & con. It is good that the issue can be debated & debated passionately. That's how we learn & that's how we come to a conclusion on all topics. This is the very sort of discussion that is good for our society since it makes us see that either our reasoning has serious holes in it that need to be addressed, or that our reasoning is sound & logical.


    This is how our system of gov't works --- the debate forces us to make decisions.


    But, you really do not want to debate. In my experience, your "debates" have only been avenues for you and others to state your beliefs and then stomp on those who would disagree with you.


    Heterosexuals living together is just as wrong as homosexuality...sin is sin! I am not the one who brought this up. The difference is that homosexuals conitnue to openly live in sin.


  4. So really, TBAR, your original intentions were not to "stir up good conversation" as you like to put it, but to set a trap for those of us on here that you knew would disagree with you, so once again we could be labeled as bigots and haters with no compassion for stating our opinions and beliefs. We could just as easily turn this around on yall and your intolerance of our beliefs..."What's good for the goose...?" Why even pose it as a question if you're just going to slam anyone who disagrees wiht you?

  5. I deem you a bigot because based on the defination of the word you are one :D .....


    big·ot /ˈbɪgət/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[big-uht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.


    American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This big·ot (bĭg'ət) Pronunciation Key

    n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.


    Then according to this definition everyone on here could be considered a bigot. "Pot!? Kettle!?" I am not resorting to name-calling or belittling of other's beliefs and opinions on here...the only thing I have done was answered TBAR's original questions and stated my beliefs and opinions on the issue. Like I said before, if this makes me a bigot, then so be it.

  6. Still amazed that...


    1. This thread hasn't been closed.

    2. People don't understand that just because they don't think someones lifestyle is correct they don't have the right to take others freedoms away. (Its really not that hard to understand)

    3. How people who belong to a relgion that says to love one another can have such hate for their fellow man.


    Go Blue, you know I love ya, but no one has expressed any hate on this thread (except for maybe those who have resorted to name calling). Those of us who don't agree have only simply stated our feelings on the issue and our feelings toward the sin of homosexuality...not the person. The fact is, we are all sinners. The difference lies in how the sin is dealt with. Continuously and openly living in sin should not be condoned, but that doesn't mean that we are expressing any hate...we are just choosing not to accept that lifestyle.

  7. I appreciate you standing up for me in the school vent. However, I think you are dead wrong on this issue. I'm not being degrading, but your prior remarks smack of bigotry and hate, which I find deplorable. If you choose not to support me on other issues, fine. If I agree with you on another issue, I will wholeheartedly support you. I find it sad that you would not choose to do the same.


    Telling me I'm not very bright and calling me names just because I disagree with you on a subject is not degrading??? I have not resorted to this at all...I'm not sure why you and others feel that you have to. I am dead wrong in your OPINION, but this doesn't make it a fact (ironic, this is what I am studying with my students right now!). Again, I have not spoken any hate, you can go back and re read my posts. And again, I will admit to being a bigot if it means standing up for what you feel is right. I am entitled to my opinions, just as much as you are. I could turn it around and label you a biggot just because you disagree with me and you are just as vocal on what you do believe.

  8. If it is a choice, which you obviously believe...do you remember when you "chose" to be straight?


    Yes, I remember very well all of the guys I have chosen to date, and then thankfully I remember choosing my husband. Let me get this straight, I do struggle with sin on a daily basis...everyone does! The difference is I recognize my sin and turn it over to the Lord to ask for His strength and power in overcoming it.

  9. No, you're just not very bright or perceptive of the world around you. Why would someone "choose" a lifestyle that bought them constant discrimination and bigotry at the hands of people such as yourself. I don't think you know the first thing about the lessons taught in your Bible, which I thought centered on not judging others and showing compassion. This is an issue of fundamental fairness in the treatment of U.S. citizens, not the views from some made up text with a mythical, non-existent, figure.


    Thanks, I appreciate your degrading remarks...see if I stand up for you again in the school vent forum ;)


    I do understand what is going on in the world, and it makes me very sad...especially when I think of what my children will be exposed to as they grow up. If being a bigot means standing up for what you believe in and choosing to not condone sin...then I guess you are right on target. I am not judging anyone, I am only speaking truths that God has given us in His word. Yes, we are to love and show compassion to everyone, but not turn a blind eye to their sin...and that is what I am guilty of doing. Not once, have I bashed gays or said that I hated them, because that is not the case. I simply disagree with how they choose to live their life and I will not enable it by agreeing with civil unions or whatever it is they want to do to digrade the sanctity of marriage.

  10. I think that given the track record of christianity through history that Christians shouldnt be allowed the same rights as other Americans until they have proven individually that they meet pre-determined milestones set by the higher-ups in the church that they are truly loving of all. Because thats Gods law and if they dont go by that, then they dont deserve the same as those who do.


    Just because we are saying that we don't agree with someone's chosen lifestyle and choose not to condone it, does not mean we don't love them. Yes, we are supposed to love everyone, but we are not to turn a blind eye to sin...then we are enabling it. Please do not put words in my mouth again or claim to know my thoughts.

  11. However, states do allow heterosexuals that privilege but not do that for gay folks. That is not discrimination when some states treat a whole class of people differently?


    This is not a race or gender issue, something that people have no control of...this is an issue of a group of people who continuously choose to live in sin. It is their choice, therefore how is it discrimination? Again, I am not trying to bash homosexuality or judge either, I am just trying to stand up for what I believe in...based on God's word, in a loving manner. If that makes me a "Bible thumper" then I will proudly wear that label!

  12. Helping and standing up for is a far cry from enabling. As Christians we should absolutely love the sinner; homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, even people who vote for Hillary (OK, the last one is just a joke). And we should stand up for them if they are being mistreated or hated. We should not allow persecution or acts or hate. But we can't compromise our faith either. The Bible is clear that marriage is between man and woman. Unions are marriage, it's just a PC term to get around conventional beliefs. By supporting this are you not in conflict with your religious beliefs? Are you not enabling sin?


    Thanks...exactly what I wanted to say, but couldn't find the right words!!

  13. But working to promote and accepting their lifestyle and making it okay or legal is not showing them true love --- but by discriminating against them, what is that doing? It is not standing up for treating them like all other Americans. It is oppression. It is mistreating them.


    You realize that you are wanting your version of Xianity imposed on others by law. . . that is what the people fled Europe to get away from.


    -Sigh-I do not wish to get into this with you because I do really respect you, even though we disagree on a lot of theology, and would like to keep you as a friend. My "version" of Christianity comes straight from God's Word as did the people's who fled from Europe and the same people who founded our nation. Again, I already know what your stance is on this issue...but this is my stance and I'm sticking to it. :D


    But working to promote and accepting their lifestyle and making it okay or legal is not showing them true love --- but by discriminating against them, what is that doing? It is not standing up for treating them like all other Americans. It is oppression. It is mistreating them.


    You realize that you are wanting your version of Xianity imposed on others by law. . . that is what the people fled Europe to get away from.


    No discrimination...I am simply choosing to not condone a sinful lifestyle.

  14. What you just wrote above is a call for theocracy. You didn't use those exact words, but that is what you just called for: the Bible should replace the legal code.


    Once you do that, you open the door for whomever has the political power to interpret the Bible to fit their want of law.


    We win people to X not by making our religious teachings the legal code, but with grace & truth. We are supposed to stand for =JUSTICE= of the oppressed. Anytime we see someone oppressed or treated unfairly, it is our duty to stand up to that. It is simply wrong to deny a gay couple their choice of partner. We don't make being gay a crime. We don't stand for them to be treated differently than anyone else.


    How can we not stand for just treating people fairly? That doesn't mean we condone their "sin" but that is a matter of the church to handle, not the state. We should never let the gov't punish someone for what we call a sin. Crimes, yes. Sins, no.


    Otherwise, we may be the next people who don't act the way the religious majority says we should act.


    We "may" be...we are already there, and this whole thread is proof of that. Whether I am in the majority or not, I will continue to stand up for what I believe in. Do I hate people who are gay...NO! (although some of you would like to believe that), I do hate their lifestyle (as well as any other sin). But working to promote and accepting their lifestyle and making it okay or legal is not showing them true love. When I realize that I have sinned, I admit it and work to change, not say "oh, it's okay because I deserve the same rights as everyone else to be a sinner, so it must be alright." Legalizing sin will only promote it and reinforce it even more. I am not trying to bash anyone...but just state my convictions and beliefs on this issue. It's just like you said would happen, TBAR...I'm in the minority already.

  15. God also says worshipping other gods is wrong. Do we tell those people they cannot get married?


    TBAR, I know the point you are trying to make...you have strong convictions and can argue them very well (which is why I have long given up in trying to do that with you). I admire you for standing up for them, although I don't understand why it is more important to you to ensure that political correctness is alive and well rather than your own faith...but again, you have your convictions and I have mine and rather than argue with you I will simply repeat what they are...that a union of any kind between two people should be marriage between a man and a woman. To me, God's law supercedes man's law on this one (and a lot of other's as well).

  16. Again I'll say again..


    So many Judgements and not enough Knowledge..


    So many that are clueless..


    No judgements here...only God can do that. I am simply using the knowledge that I have been given through God's word that says anything other than marriage between a man and woman (homosexual civil union as well as heterosexuals living together outside of marriage ) is wrong.

  17. All the ones getting so upset :lol: Shows how much they even know about this candidate. That pic is from years ago :lol: Newsflash..Mike is 100lbs thinner now :lol:


    Our point is...WHO CARES! It shouldn't matter what the candidate or his family looks like or how they dress, but is should matter what they stand for. And for the record, I haven't exactly decided who I am supporting (this one's a toughie!) but I do know that my opinion will be based on his/her moral and political values.

  18. What is the point of your post? I think it's a very nice family picture...I probably would have chosen different outfits, but what does that have to do with someone's moral and political values???


    Why don't you post one of your family photos and let all of us pick it apart and judge what kind of person or leader you are based on it?? <_<

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