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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. I have a Graco one. The only time I use it is when I go to the mall and anywhere else that requires lots of time and walking(because it is nice to store all of your stuff in). That's really the only thing it is good for, to me, it's really more of a hassle because it is so huge and cumbersome (it takes up a lot of space in your car, and I'm a little person so it is hard to maneuver!!)

  2. I'll just say that I disagree. A person that is born gay is every bit as capable of being a pastor as any other person. I have one very close gay friend and I know for sure that his morals are much higher than the pastor of the church I used to attend.


    Nothing personal Sally, I just don't agree with you on this one.


    :D ;) I didn't take it personal at all!! It's not like you called me the village idiot of Paulding County churches or anything :p JK!! We can respectfully agree to disagree!!

  3. If "fitting the mold" is about having the right mommy and daddy, or being the "right" race, or making the biggest donations, or having the right country club membership... yes, I disagree with those kinds of artificial "fitting the mold" distinctions.


    There are scriptural qualifications that should be used when selecting leaders, though.


    One person's "fitting the mold" may be another person's "meeting the standard." The question is -- whose mold/standard are we going to use? As for me, if I'm looking for church leadership, I'll probably give some extra weight to what scripture says versus what anybody else says!


    If I found myself in a church where it was "who you know" instead of "Who you know" -- I'd be motivated to leave, too!


    Yes! Every church I have been a member of would never refuse anyone membership, nor should they. Is someone states that they have a relationship with Jesus Christ then that is between them and God, and not for anyone else to judge. You know the verse..."Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone..." No one can throw any stones because NO ONE is without sin, including church members (and I agree, some of them would like to make you think otherwise!)


    But the matter of being in a church leadership position is different. The Bible is very clear on who should or shouldn't hold leadership positions in the church. That's not to say that preachers, youth leaders, and worship leaders do not sin...but they repent from their sin and ask forgiveness. Someone who is openly and continuously living a sinful lifestyle (according to the Bible) and is not asking forgiveness or trying to change should not be in a leadership position. There is another verse that talks about not leading or causing your fellow man to stumble, and this would heavily apply to church leaders because they are constantly in the public eye.

  4. All I can recommend is that you do some "unmolested" research. Gotta go back before King James changed everything to fit his agenda.


    Check out the aforementioned book. I have never read it, but I am pretty sure it has some of the stuff I have studied before.


    Nevermind that the author of the book you are referring to is a homosexual...I'm sure the book is a little biased to fit his own opinions and ideas about scripture. It sounds like the author and I already differ on a lot of our theology and beliefs (not just on homosexuality), by looking at his website.

  5. I'm a Baptist and I think I addressed it very directly. Quoting my earlier post below.




    I do think homosexuality is a sin. But so are so many other things we do. Sin is sin, if God hates 'fags' for sinning then he hates us all. And we know that isn't so.


    My point! Thanks for making it clearer!!

  6. I guess unless the wife of the guy save the message or another Adult heard the call be made we may never know the real truth. I am sure if a student did leave something rude they would not tell the teacher what they really said. But maybe it was a nice message maybe not. I hope this teacher did not hand out the HOME number to the student or I would have a BIG problem with them. The call to the mans house should NEVER have been made.



  7. But aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner? How are they loving the sinner if they are causing their family more pain. Remember, the person they are attacking is DEAD! These morons are hurting their friends and family not the dead person.


    This was my point...true Christians (I don't even like that label anymore due to groups like this!) or followers of Christ believe this...it is what he taught. The plain fact is, is that we are all sinners...and sin is sin in God's eyes. That is why no one has the right to stand in judgement of anyone else. It doesn't mean that we ignore the sin, though. Just because we are supposed to love everyone, we are not supposed to turn a blind eye to their sin or even ours. God still calls us to admit it and change.

  8. I have read most of the comments in this thread. Why are you Southern Baptist tap dancing the gay issue? Southern Baptists and most other Christ-based religions think homosexuality is a "sin". Why is that? Why is it that everyone you guys will accept has to have the same sexual orientation as you? Is this the only issue God sent a memo on asking you to do the judging?


    Being a FORMER deacon in a Baptist church, I know the program so don't try to bullsh*t me. Why is it that people try to jump in and "help" God out on this type of thing? Why can't you people just accept someone regardless of their sexual orientation?


    The Phelps compound should be turned into another Waco. This time use smart bombs so innocent law enforcement agents are injured.


    I'm not gay and I don't have any immediate family that is gay, but I can't understand the hate that comes from a Christian church. And before you try it, don't twist that verse about hating sin to fit this situation. That's not what it's talking about.


    Hey Feelip! I just wanted to point out that this is one church, and it certainly does not represent all Christians. You are exactly right...only God can judge us and NOONE should try to take on this role. On your question of homosexuality being a sin...we don't think it's a sin...we know it's a sin, it says so in the Bible (plain truth, not a judgement). In my heart, it's not a question of acceptance (although I admit, there are many who struggle with this!!), but it's of love for all of God's people...this is what Jesus taught us and why he died for us.

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