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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. A dear friend of mine's wife is in Kennestone Hospital and has been for over 20 days. He's been paying for a parking pass (you pay $20.00 and it's good for so many visits). He had heard from a visitor that Kennestone will allow a free pass to the spouse of long-term patients.


    My friend went to the parking attendant and inquired about the free pass. The attendant asked if he had medical insurance and when he replied that he did have medical insurance, the attendant said he would not qualify for a free pass. Only patients without medical insurance can qualify for a free parking pass.


    Now his wife's hospital bill will surely be over $100,000 and yet he still has to pay to park?

    The folks with NO insurance (ie. illegal immigrants) get to park for free. Now something's definately wrong with that!


    Agreed! I think anyone who is a spouse or immediate family member should not have to pay. This has hurt us with all three of my deliveries, especially the last one when I was in the hospital for six days!

  2. I know! It really has gone fast this time! I'm a couple of days from 28 weeks! Did yours seem to go by fast?


    I do like alot of these names. Hubby is being picky for some reason. I like Isabella Joy (bella) but again he says no.

    He like Mya Joy or Mia Joy.


    I just read that Isabella was on the top ten list for 2007, so if you're looking for an unusual name...


    We used family names for my children, except for Lily. She was due at Easter and I thought it would be cute to have an Easter Lily!


    :( hey i have a boy name (holding back tears)


    I love using boy names for girls...in fact Lily was almost Michal (my husband's middle name).

  3. Blissfully? Bliss ends after the honeymoon. Marriage requires hard work from BOTH parties. There are a lot of fun times, but this is life, not a fairy tale.


    As for your advice; NO!


    Exactly! too many people think that love is only a feeling...it is also an action that requires work that is often hard at certain times!

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