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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. I am now looking for a new church home and taking my regular weekly donations elsewhere. I hope you choke on the 2 or 3 hundred dollars you make today. Bah Humbug! :angry:




    Why is this wrong? It is their property. A church has to bring in money to thrive and serve the community just like any other business or charity and especially since this was for a youth trip...I think it was an awesome idea!


    Hijack...I have to brag on my church real quick (Church at the Ridge). Two weeks ago in stead of taking up an offering they gave one and told the congregation to "Bless it Forward." Each person got an envelope of money and the conditions were that they had to use it to bless someone in the community (they couldn't use it on themselves and they couldn't give it back to the church). You would not believe how many lives have been blessed and touched as a result of this!! They set up a blog page for people to post their stories after they blessed it forward...there is a link on the church website www.churchattheridge.com, if you want to check it out! End hijack...sorry!!

  2. She was sent home with tylenol 3. She hasn't dialated anymore, so she is still a 4. :(


    That just blows my mind! I was only dilated to a three with the first and a two the second two times and they kept me each time! Poor thing...I know she's ready!

  3. I just attended Financial Peace University at FBC Powder Springs, and highly recommend it to everyone. It is so much more than dealing with debt, it is about total money management. I learned a lot about the different kinds of insurance and about investing money. The class is well worth the cost of $89 per couple or single person (it's a lot cheaper when you purchase the member kit at the church rather than buying it online.)


    You can watch the orientation video on his website: Preview of FPU


    I agree! We just finished it at Church at the Ridge!

  4. My mom passed away at noon on Dec. 24, 1999 so I would like to forget that sad feeling -- But it's there and we have lots of other happy events that week -- My daughters bday is the 21st, Christmas is the 25th, and my bday is the 26th. So.............we have a lot of emotions that week!!!


    Besides that I love the holiday season and the REASON for it all JESUS!!!!!!!!!!


    Me too! My mom passed away on Dec. 27, 2003. Christmas was one of her favorite times of the year! A lot of that pain is eased, though, just thinking that she is celebrating Christmas with Jesus :D

  5. I am so sorry for you loss, I cannot even imagine losing a child. The holidays are so hard for those who have lost loved ones! On Dec. 27, it will be four years since my mom passed away...and it hasn't gotten any easier! You are in my thoughts and prayers:)

  6. I have lost 19 pounds only 30 to 35 more to go.. whooo hoooo I am so happy I start exercising tomorrow with hubby..


    Let me ask though when you weigh yourself do you do it nude, in your under garments or with clothes on.....


    That is wonderful...and I weigh myself naked!

  7. My daughter told me that one of the girls she knows that graduated from EPHS last year is pregnant.

    I tell you.. I am so glad that I am not that mother.. I know my child is not innocent I am sure she would not lie to me about her private relationships. But I am one of those parents who has my head stuck in the sand thinking my child is perfect or innocent and I am also not one of those parents to say ohh not my child... I know that teens are capable of anything. However we do talk to our children and they know they can come to us and we have ensured that they are prepared for anything.

    I just could not imagine my daughter being in her first year of college and coming home telling me she is expecting.. I would hit the floor...so young...

    it seems that there are so many young girls expecting.. my other daughter told me either a 8th grader or 9th grader is expecting I would go through the roof if wow... sheeze.. she even told me this girl is so excited about the baby coming..


    I am just in awe right now. I know that I can talk until I am blue in the face to them and prepare them as much as possible and it can still happen but I believe the chances are lower maybe I am wrong... I just don't know...

    I guess educate, talk talk talk ...

    Any other suggestions...


    I think you've done as much as you can do right now, you just need to trust and have faith that you have raised them and taught them right and hopefully they will make the right choices as a result of that.

  8. Mine is simple. When I am old enough to go to college I want to do so with a double major in elementary education and special education. I want to study abroad in Italy... teach one year in a foriegn country. Possible get a degree in early childhood special education as well. Basically I want to be a teacher.


    It's still early...get out while you can. J/K :p

  9. Not North Cobb, but a South Cobb graduate when Coach Queen (NC's head coach) was there. He is a great coach!!

    Yep, I'm here!!!All you young whipper snappers... gee whiz you are making me feel old... :lol: Class of 1980!! Football team my senior year went 12-1 as I recall that year. One of the southern powerhouses cleaned their clocks in the playoffs.At least CountryChick is a little older than I am. :D SG
    That's the year I was born :p
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