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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. My two year old is the opposite. He is generally a good boy at school (once he gets through the fit pitching when I drop him off) but is a holy terror at home. Daddy doesn't work a "normal shift" so he is home some nights and not others. I don't know if little man feels as though we aren't giving him enough attention or what. But he is BAD at home and around people that he doesn't know.


    Both of my older ones are like this too (they are 4 and 2). They are wonderful at pre-K, daycare, and church, but as soon as they get home, they turn into spawns of Satan :p This has happened to me a school also. I will talk to parents and tell them how wonderful their children are and they will look at me like I'm crazy and that possibly couldn't be talking about their child because they are horrible at home. Maybe it's because they are so good all day long, they have all that energy they need to burn when they get home. Also, I think it's because they are most comfortable being themselves around us and being at home. It stinks for me at home, but I guess I would rather it be that way!!

  2. The only kind of ghost hunts I can go on are the ones who provide designated hand holders. And limp body toters in the event that I faint and fall out.


    I went on one of these in Savannah and St. Simons. They are really neat!

  3. I love the sound of:

    1. my children's laughter

    2. my newborn as she eats

    3. a Mustang (or any muscle car) or a Harley rumbling as it takes off

    4. Harry Connick, Jr.

    5. the ocean


    I love the smell of:

    1. gardenia

    2. fresh sheets

    3. my mom

    4. pot roast cooking in the crock pot

    5. the ocean/beach


    I love the sight of:

    1. my childrens' smiles

    2. my students learning

    3. the ocean/beach

    4. sunsets

    5. trees in the Fall


    I love the feel of:

    1. fresh sheets

    2. baby's skin

    3. sand between my toes

    4. the wind in my hair

    5. hot baths


    I love the taste of:

    1. cheesecake

    2. cornbread and milk

    3. funnel cakes

    4. fresh vegetables

    5. homemade ice cream

  4. I am so sorry to hear this! I know it is not easy having to watch someone you love go through something like this! My mom passed away a few years ago after being really sick for a long time and it was so hard, so I know exactly what you are going through. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. My son's bday is tomorrow. I always make his choice of dinner complete with dessert on their birthday.


    He has chosen - Peach cobbler!


    I personally prefer either German Chocolate Cake or Carrot cake with CC frosting.


    My youngest always asks for Blueberry Clouds.


    My husband's favorite is Cornbread w/ Milk.. (ICK!)What's your favorite birthday dessert?


    I love cornbread and milk, but it wouldn't be my choice on my birthday! Cheesecake for me!!

  6. That's where they getcha.


    Who in the hell doesn't eat a whole can of soup at one sitting?


    Two points is still not that bad! Thanks for the info...I've just started back on it trying to get rid of baby weight!!

  7. I'm almost done with Santa. We got her clothes off layaway and some of the smaller toys. Now we've got to get the kitchen, dishes, pots and pans, and food. I've also got to get pajamas still, socks, and some more shoes.


    There is a really neat kitchen at Sam's right now that we are looking at for our kids. It comes with dishes and cookware and food, and it even has a bar with a stool!

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