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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. The person lots of ppl are against right now is my very good friend. He may be a lot of things, but he's not all the bad things I've been hearing. I've been forwarded email full of lies and hatred about my friend, all from these total hypocrites. I'm going to stand by my FRIEND through it all and back him up anyway I can. I could care less what ppl think of me and you can say whatever you want about me, but you can't say I'm a bad friend.




    If you're talking about who I think you are...then I support your friend, and mine also!!!

  2. Fair question? Maybe. However, I would go so far as to assume those who would have the biggest problem with an alternative lifestyle choice, and hence, the folks who would most likely want to tinker with their child's 'wiring', would be the staunchest opponents of tinkering with said wiring. Therefore, what you propose begs the question; would you tinker with your child's wiring to begin with (that is the ethical question most would have to answer first).


    Anyhow, I think a more fair way to state the question would be: If you could make your child hetero or homo, would you? Your question is biased.


    You're right...and no I would not!

  3. Hey bp! I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I haven't been through it on your end, but I know what it feels like to be the child of a father who leaves his family!!! You are definitely in my prayers and let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your son!

  4. ::shudder::


    there was a thead about 'em about a week ago and some people gave places/prices.



    I think those things are evil so I won't contribute to the popularity of the devilish items by giving you the link.........find it yourself :p


    I agree! I am so tired of myself and my children being almost run over by kids whose parents are senseless enough to let them wear those in public places.

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