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Mustang Sally

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Posts posted by Mustang Sally

  1. Thanks for all of the well wishes! She is fine and loved the attention she received today!! She busted her chin on the tile floor at her school...not fun! And the stitches are not dissolvable, we have to take her back to have them removed.


    We had a good experience at Tanner, the doctor and nurses were great...although, we felt like we were in the audience of the "Jerry Springer" show the entire evening!! :p At least we got a good show...made the wait go by faster! :lol:



  2. the time change? :glare: I NEED to go to bed b/c I have to head back to work tomorrow, but I'm MENTALLY not ready. Ugh! :blink: At least there's only 4 more weeks till Spring Break. B)


    Be careful! Others might start suggesting that you need to change your career because you are excited about being off! :ph34r: :p



  3. Yes He is an awesome God!! I don't understand how someone could look at a picture like this and still not believe that there is a God or think that an unborn baby's life is not something to be valued. Life, from the very beginning, is truly a miracle and a precious gift!! Thanks for sharing this :D

  4. I think it unwise, you moron, to go snooping around our house for the following reasons:


    1) If we had anything valuable, do you REALLY think we'd live in this house in this area? :huh:

    2) I am about *this close* to going postal on you and you ain't ever seen a gal mad until you've hacked me off. It isn't purty. Trust me. (no gun needed)

    3) I have a friend in a higher place who can give you a lovely party----in jail----or hell---your choice.

    4) If, indeed, you are a kid from this street-I know where you sleep at night. Do you *really* want to mess with me?

    5) Not only do I know where you sleep-I also know your parents........and their phone numbers.......think about it.

    ~~ (If you are NOT a kid from the neighborhood-note 1-3 only)


    There. I feel better now. Carry on.




    :o Oh my gosh!! Does this happen often?

  5. What a great idea! I hope that you all receive a wonderful blessing 10 fold for your discipleship today.


    Oh my gosh...I cannot even begin to tell you!! My eyes are watering up as I type this! My family took some frozen meals to this man who served our country and fought in Iraq, but was sent home because he was wounded, only to have his wife leave him and his two children when he got home. Can you imagine? He and his children were so overwhelmed and so thankful. All they wanted to do was give us hugs and say "God bless you!"


    Oh my gosh...I cannot even begin to tell you!! My eyes are watering up as I type this! My family took some frozen meals to this man who served our country and fought in Iraq, but was sent home because he was wounded, only to have his wife leave him and his two children when he got home. Can you imagine? He and his children were so overwhelmed and so thankful. All they wanted to do was give us hugs and say "God bless you!"


    God did bless me...He opened my eyes to show me the loving and caring family and church family that I have. He also showed me that He is enough!

  6. depends on whether it is worth seeing again i guess ... what movie u got going ?


    That's what I was going to say! There are some movies that I could watch over and over again!!


    Bourne Ultimatum-- I'd seen the others so I had it come through my Netflix. At first I thought...maybe it's just similar to the others, but now that I'm about 1/2 way through, I realize I've actually seen it. I also realized that it wasn't that good the first time.


    I'm not a big fan of these either...require too much thought :p I would be ticked off if I had spent money on it!

  7. Words cannot tell what we just were able to accomplish-at least my team. Shawna-I got your pm-I know the teams are full for today, but I also know I might be able to help. Can you give me a contact phone number? My team-oh my gosh-you guys are AWESOME. We totally did a great thing today. The 88 year old neighbor broke down and cried. Made us all cry. She is so lonely---and her yard now looks so great. We got the willow tree out of her septic tank, cleaned her gutters, and did a tremendous amount of work in just an hour and a half. I will *never* forget it. Really! This church has it right on. They don't care about buildings or stuff like that-they care about the people. And they *LOVE* the people of Paulding. That's what it's all about. It's all about the people.


    That's awesome!! Thanks for sharing. We are about to head out and deliver some food. I'll let you know how it goes!!

  8. :lol: . You sound like me.



    When I finally decided to go back to church, I went to West Ridge. They had a support class where people didn't go :o :blink: when I cursed as I cried and vented, I could walk in with my tats showing and nobody even glanced at me funny, and in general I just love the place. Pastor Brian said in a sermon, on one of my first visits there, 'we are the church for the church people that church people don't like!' and then went on about being accepting of tattoos, different lifestyles, and all walks of life. I was hooked after that. ^_^

    NOT trying to convince you to go...just agreeing that West Ridge is an awesome place. ;)


    That being said, I haven't been since I went back to working Sundays in September. I'm excited I have weekends off now. :D


    I don't know where you live, but if you love West Ridge, then you would also love us, because we are a plant from West Ridge. Just like it, but not as big, yet!


    I think it's great that you found your place at West Ridge. That is the way the church should be...loving, forgiving, non-condemning, and most importantly spreading the message of Jesus!!

  9. If I WERE going to go to a church building, it would be one like yours or West Ridge. The members I know from both churches are really good people. :wub:


    NO, reisist the urge to tempt me. Won't happen. :p


    I won't tempt you, (although we do have an awesome band and some good music and our pastor staff is the best!!)...I'll just keep praying for you :D

  10. I just try to be a decent person. That is the main lesson (besides all the Jesus stuff). Instead of giving $25-$50 dollars a week to the church, I spend it on people I made or other people that cross my path. I am the church (a fun church that allows beer, sarcasm, off-color humor, and many character flaws).


    You are right...WE are the church, charged with spreading love throughout our community. The church is not a building, and that is our intent today...to show that. This will probably tick off some good church-going people who think you need to be inside the church BUILDING every time the doors open, and that's okay. We are doing what God has called each one of us to do...to BE the church...character flaws and all ;) :p

  11. I think I really do want to come to a place in my life where I feel comfortable in going back to church ... it's a matter of when. :)


    We would love to have you!! We meet at Austin Middle School on Ridge Road, every Sunday at 9:30 amd 11:00.

  12. Yep we were going to get out today too, but my daughter had foot surgery. We are making meals instead. Pastor Steve talked a lot about just being nice and helping the community and it is something everyone should do everyday. People are getting way to busy these days. :)


    PM sent! We are doing meals too, along with others who have young children.

  13. BE the church!

    ~~~Yep, that's our motto for today-at Church at the Ridge! Watch for us helping out in the community today wearing our burgandy shirts!! If you see us, stop by and say hello or maybe even stop to help with whatever project we might be doing. :wub: We are doing everything from helping at Kroger to cleaning up lawns for elderly and helping those with spouses deployed. :wub:


    Yes! We would love to have your help, or even just get to know you! Thanks for the plug, Liberty Lady :D

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