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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. So, what sin is she supposed to be doing while lying there that she needs communion every day?  I'm confused.  :blink:  Is this a Catholic thing?




    When you are Catholic, taking Communion is THE most important thing. You are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ. It has nothing to do with whether you have sinned or not.

  2. §3. The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the deceased be observed; nevertheless, the Church does not prohibit cremation unless it was chosen for reasons contrary to Christian doctrine.




    You are correct, SoapMom. I did a search of the Vatican website and did find it in Canon Law. Thanks.

  3. We took I-85 to Gwinnett to a Gladiators game a couple of weeks ago. MapQuest told us to go I-75 to 285, but we opted for our way. We had no problems getting there, although it was a little slow around Spaghetti Junction- on a Friday afternoon.

  4. The Supreme Court would surely disagree with you.  If an area is highly religious and considers this type of store 'obscene', then I can't imagine a better scenario of applying local standards to decide if it belongs or not.



    Oh gosh, I consider myself "highly religious," but a store such as this does not offend me. It is a person's choice whether or not to patronize it.

  5. I used to think crack was the drug from hell, now I know crank/"ice"/crystal meth is truly the drug from hell that is and will destroy so many lives.  Crank is so easy to make and get and it eats holes in the brain.  It destroys parts of the brain.  We are going to have an entire generation of lost, wandering individuals.  And it just keeps getting worse.  And when people are on it, you can't get them to understand what they are physically doing to themselves, they don't care.  It has a hold on them that is almost unbreakable.  It's just so sad.


    It is interesting that you put it that way, because at one point, I told my daughter that she was, "The embodiment of evil." I know I saw satan in that child's eyes. She looks back on it the same way. She likens it to having been demon posessed.

  6. My now 9 yr. old daughter went through a phase last year of calling 911. Lord, that was embarrasing! After the second time coming out, the deputy gave her a pretty stern talking to and told her that if she kept doing it we would be charged a fine. She has not done it since.

  7. Let me just add that, unless you have had the unfortunate experience of having a child who is in the clutches of "ice," then I don't think you can say what you would do. Praise God, we made it through that experience, and my daughter has put that life behind her. She is in college now and is exceeding all my expectations. I am so proud of her. I never stopped loving her through the bad times, but I did have to make some heart-wrenching choices: I had two very young children in the house as well. I did not want them witnessing what she was doing to herself. Sometimes they don't want help, and until they decide they do, all you as a parent can do is stand by and watch them destroy themselves.

  8. Something is just not right here.  Ashley Smith is a widow because her Husband was killed in a knife fight that she witnessed.  She has a daughter that was not at home at the time but was supposed to see her the next day.  And the killer just gunned down 4 people, including a woman deputy and now decided to quote Bible versus with this woman?  Sorry this thing doesnt hold water.  We will know more later.  Dont get me wrong, Smith called the police and turned him in and all credit is due to her.  Something stinks here and eventually we will find out.


    I have to agree...something just doesn't click with the whole thing.

  9. Well, my brothers and I grew up in a trailor park infested w/ roaches, both of our parents alcoholics and druggies.. We went without everything so my parents could support their habits. We had friends give us clothes to wear to school all the way up to high school.. Now that I am an adult.. I will kill myself working 2-3 jobs to provide for my kids a life that I always wished I had... I have had enough hand me downs in my life, and I refuse to ever make my kids go through any fraction of what I have been through.. We however are fortunate enough now to provide a good life for them, but we worked hard to get where we are.. We donate stuff we don't need to various organizations, I donate a monthly sum to some kids shelters, I choose carefully wear I donate my time, money, and goods so I can help someone in NEED.. not WANT!


    You rock, JBoogie. So many kids who grow up in the manner you described just wind up perpetuating it the rest of their lives. Thank goodness there are guys like you who can see that there is a better way. :)

  10. I don't see that you have a whole lot of options here: go take your test. Going to school is obviously important enough to both of you to take the time and effort to do it in the first place. Maybe in doing so, you can teach the newlyweds something about commitment- a concept that is extemely important to a sucessful relationship. They might get their feelings hurt initially, but they'll get over it. Besides, I think picking a wedding date based on "lucky" numbers is absurd. IMO. :)

  11. I completely agree. Mr. Osborne does all of our lock work for Discount City and Dallas Mini Warehouses. Most of the time, he will come on a moment's notice. On one particular occasion, I called him out because I could not get one of the cash drawers open. When he got there, he put the key in and it opened right up for him. I said, "What was I doing wrong?" "You were putting the key in upside down!" He just laughed and laughed. :rolleyes: :lol: He didn't even charge us for that incident. He and his wife Doris are some of the nicest people you will ever meet.

  12. Well, I have been super busy at work lately. It seems like everybody in 3 counties wants a bed, a dinette, or a sofa table... :rolleyes: It's great, but it has been wearing me out. I still check the topics a few times a day, but I rarely have time to post.

  13. I'm sure the Cathedral of Christ the King will have an early one, and since you are in Atlanta anyway.


    I just checked their website. They are having them about every three hours all day Wed. starting at 6:45 AM.

  14. I know Honkin's going to disagree with me, but if you haven't done it already, try going through CSE before you shell out $ for an attorney. Yes, they are s-l-o-w and you have to prod them and let them know you are still around from time to time, but they will eventually do their job. I have had more success with them than with trying to get the money myself. Having said that, however, I am still sitting here with a $4,448.00 balance owed in back support, so what do I know? :unsure: :angry2: :D

  15. I'm also hoping for a Falcons-Steelers superbowl because I like both teams a lot.  But the Steelers' offense is going to have to play much better next week than they did yesterday if they have any chance of beating Indy or the Pats.


    I, too, am hoping for this, although probably for different reasons than you, Man of Steel. My husband is from Pittsburgh and I am a hometown girl. And even though I started the Steelers thread, and even though I love those guys, if it comes down to Atlanta Vs. Pittsburgh, my loyalty will always come down on the side of the locals. :D Hope we can live under the same roof that week... :rolleyes:

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