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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. This is were we have to agree to disagree. There are no "mystries" to the gospel. God made it so simple, that many find its simplicity a stumbling block. Transubstantiation is as easy to prove as a simple protein test. If it comes back as flesh and blood, then I'd believe you. If its wine and wafers, then its just symbolism which I believe it to be.


    I would never argue with you, Pointy. I probably have more respect for you and your opinions than anyone else on this board. I think the important aspect to keep in mind here is the fact that Christ is the center of all our respective Faiths. Having said that, however, how can we deny the fact that the Virgin Birth is a mystery? :unsure:

  2. One of the things I enjoy is comparing religions.


    I was raised Catholic and I am now Methodist.


    I find them to be very close in their theology.  For example they both say the Apostles Creed in their services.  This prayer can be made into a list.  Is this list all you have to believe to be a Christian?


    Here's the list:

    - one almighty God

    - God created everything

    - Jesus is God and the son of God

    - virgin birth

    - Jesus was crucified

    - Jesus rose from the dead after three days

    - Jesus went to heaven body and soul

    - Jesus will come again

    - God's kingdom will have no end

    - Belief in the Holy Spirit, the catholic (universal) church, the communion of saints (what is this anyway), the forgiveness of sins, the resurection of the body and life everlasting.


    Can any of these be tossed out or are there things that should be added?


    Wow, Johnny, I agree 100% with you. I was raised Methodist and converted to Catholicism. Yes, they are strikingly similar in their beliefs and in the heirarchy of the Church (ie: the Methodists have bishops who perform many of the same functions of the Catholic bishops). The only major sticking point with me during my catechism, however, came with the Eucharist (transubstantiation). The Methodists view Holy Communion as a memorial, a symbol, if you will. In the Catholic Church, however, Holy Communion is what it is all about. The host BECOMES the Body of Christ and the wine IS the Blood of Christ. I remember telling the priest exactly 2 days before my confirmation, "I don't know if I can believe in this or not." He assured me that doubt was all part of the Faith, and asked me if I believed in Christ's Presence in the baptismal water. I said, "Of course I do." He then explained that the Eucharist is one of the "Mysteries" of the Faith that cannot be conceived of by the human mind. In other words, you must walk by faith and abandon any attempts to apply logic to God's works. It made sense to me in a convoluted sort of way, and over time I have accepted and embraced the Eucharist for what it is. :)

  3. Clawdia:


    You and my hubby should have carpooled! He left about 20 min ago on the marathon trip to Pittsburgh. Although he will be turning around and coming right back tomorrow night. He is picking up his boys to spend the holiday with us. I know one thing though, he sure ain't looking forward to the drive through WV. Mountains, mountains, mountains, and more mountains! :rolleyes:

  4. I remeber that mama. And by the way I only called you "mom" because I thought it was better grammar.Do you remeber the time I tried to call you "woman"?That didn't go over so well.


    I don't remember "woman," but I do remember another word that started with a "b" that you tried to use... :ph34r: That didn't go over too well, either. :rolleyes:

  5. 7:


    I tried the laissez-faire approach to pink eye (conjunctivitis) once a few years ago. I wound up in the ER with morphine and IV antibiotics. It will not get better on its own. Go to a doctor ASAP.

  6. I called my mother MAW once......once....I was young and almost lost a tooth.


    OMG, Felicia did that once, too. We were in Save-Rite and she was about 13. All of a sudden, she just started hollering, "Maw! Maw! Where are you, Maw? Did you git the chitlins and pigs' feet?" It was so funny! People were looking at us, but I just played along: "Shore did, Ellie! We's gonna eat good tonight!" :lol:

  7. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    I am "Mom I want.....can I have......and will you fix me...." :blink:


    Just watch out for, "Mom, will you let me...?" That is usually followed by some outrageous tale involving saying they are going to one place but really going somewhere entirely different. :rolleyes:

  8. I am bitter, Pointy. Last summer I suggested that you and a few others dress up as Madonna to try and win concert tickets. You declined by saying, "Sorry, my pointy cone bra is at the cleaners." Now I hear you have dressed up as, of all things, the Pink Power Ranger! Kinda fickle, I'd say... :rolleyes: :unsure: :lol:

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