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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Ok, well, let me just first say that I never intended this to be a "religious" topic. The fact that the incident took place in the church parking lot is relevant only in the fact that I would have expected a little more respect in that particular place, be it Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Buhhadist, Unitarian, or, God forbid, Scientologist. I guess what I was getting at is the fact that this culture which finds it so mundane to curse and make explicit sexual refences has somehow bled into our daily lives. Yes, it is disturbing to me to hear, and no, I don't want my kids exposed to it. I don't want anyone's kids exposed to it.

    Having said that, referencing back to Publisher's point, I keep my own car radio on Star94. They play mostly Top 40, and they do play things that I find questionable at times. They also talk about questionable topics at times. On those occasions I take the opportunity to either turn the radio down or point out to my kids that this kind of language is not acceptable. Please note that what I heard coming out of that car last night was not your run-of-the-mill "bad words" which do occur quite frequently in popular music today. This was filth pure and simple. My kids wouldn't know what those words meant, and I'm pretty sure his didn't either. I am fairly certain this was no programming glitch, in fact, for all I know, it could have been his personal cd.

    No, I'm not suggesting we all tune our radios to gospel stations when we pull in the church parking lot (actually that would probably raise a few eyebrows at the Catholic church :lol:). What I really wanted to analyze here is what has made us virtually immune to anything pop culture throws at us.

  2. thats what I say,NOTHING anymore to many nuts out there to ready to kill you if you have somethign to say to them.


    But see, that's the irony. Here is a middle-aged white guy who I'm assuming holds a respectable job, maintains a household, and cares enough about his kids to take them to church. Don't seem like the type to pull a gun and start shooting.

  3. Depending on the mood I was in I would have done...


    A:Soapmom Said it

    "Please, be mindful, this is a Church -- could you turn that down?" Very non in your face like.


    B: Rolled my window up and moved my car to a different spot.


    What a shame. I was going to swing by and talk to you last night too.


    I saw you strolling in, County-Line. Probably a good thing you didn't come over. I was still in the throes of my fury at that time and you might have suffered the backlash. :o Anyway, I was there FIRST. Why should I have moved? :unsure:

  4. How old were the kids?What if they we just flipping around the radio stations and had never heard it before and thought it was interesting?You know how goofy kids can act.What if the man was just as shocked as you were but he dealt with the problem when he got home? Just a thought.


    The guy turned the radio on himself. The kids were about 6 & 7 and they stayed in the seat the whole time (maybe 5 min) because I was watching. Also, the music was still blaring as he drove away. Sounds like it was Daddy's choice.

  5. They probably hear it at home, too. So, by saying something, you probably would have been cussed out.


    You did the right thing. Sorry you had to listen to it though.


    Yeah, you're right. Getting cussed out in the church parking lot wouldn't have exactly set right with me either. And yes, the fact that those kids are hearing this at home is even more disturbing to me. I think what we have here is a deeper moral issue. It ultimately goes back to a breakdown in society as a whole.

  6. So anyway, last night I am sitting in the church parking lot waiting for my husband and kids to get out of their classes. I had gone to mass and got out before they did. I am parked right in front of the church. A Nissan Altima pulls up beside me with a nice looking white guy in his mid-30's. He has two young boys (maybe 6 & 7) in the backseat. My window is down, so I hear him tell the two, "You guys stay here and listen to the radio while I go in to see if they're finished." The next thing I hear is the most disgusting, filthy "ethnic" music I could imagine- in the CHURCH parking lot with two young CHILDREN. No joke, this was akin to what I am accustomed to hearing in the Ingle's or McDonald's parking lot. I hate it there, too, but I hate it even more when it is in a place that should be immune from such. I wanted to say something to this guy so badly. Not only did his "music" offend me, but he was exposing his children to that obscene trash. Everyone I've told this to has thought I should have said something. I wish I had now, but I guess I was in shock or something. I don't intend to start a race war with this topic. I would have felt the same if it had been Rob Zombie or Primus blasting.

  7. Some side bars to bear in mind:


    The Cardinals do not "politic" per se, in any manner similar to our political congresses, etc. Discussions are held in groups of 2 or 3 and are kept most

    private.  There are no public debates in the conclave as we know them.


    The votes themselves would show this Pope had a large base of support right from the first vote as it took a 2/3 vote to elect him, and they only had time for a handful of votes. It would be more similar to a political convention nominating a candidate, in that after a few votes where it was clear a "candidate" had 45% or 50%, then the others would migrate so that it would go to 60% then 66%, and be over.


    And yes, John-Paul II ordained all but 3 or 4 othe the eligible cardinals who participated in this conclave. Similar to our President appointing Federal Judges. He would tend to chose individuals who represented his values and steer clear of those who were more liberal. Those not chosen would in all likelyhood, suffer from the [business term] Peter [coincidence ?] principle, or glass ceiling and stay as a monsignor or Bishop and move laterally instead of becoming a Cardinal.


    Benedict XVI is of the same "school" as John-Paul II in that he represents the more traditional & conservative movement within the Church, which indeed represents a great majority of the Church, barring possibly individual differences on birth control in many of the Western countries. [Many North American Catholics use o rpractive artificial birth control even though it is officially and un-equivacably condemned by the Church.]


    When following in the footsteps of Pope John-Paul II, who had 27 years of tenure and had steered the Church back to more traditional & conservative mores, I sense sound wisdom. To chose a younger cardinal would be possibly foolish at best, and potentially catastrophic. 


    God will choose how long Benedict XVI is Pope, and I personnally felt an interim Pope would be a wiser choice to follow John-Paul II. And as a German, we will have someone who is more worldly in his basis of understanding what is happening in the Western developed countries where the Catholic Church is suffering from a shrinking "active" membership. Germany is one of the most Catholic of the Western developed countries in the world.


    Good Church stuff, Surepip! Also, as a sidenote, Ratzinger was one of the 3 or 4 cardinals that John Paul II did NOT appoint. And I agree with you on the choice of a German. I think he may be able to give Catholic Europe a jumpstart. One reporter this morning referred to Benedict XVI as, "God's Rottweiler." I thought that was pretty cool. ;)

  8. well, I'm not catholic but........I would assume that the catholics believe that the Pope is called of God,right?? If God called him, it don't matter if he's 30 years old or 100 years old!!! (said with the upmost respect)


    Are you sure you aren't Catholic? That was spoken like someone who's been through years of parochial school. That is EXACTLY what Catholics believe. :)

  9. So have the liberals started demanding a recount yet? What about hanging chads? Were there any Cardinals who felt their vote was disenfranchised?


    Well, not being privy to the Cardinals' private meetings, I wouldn't know about that. :lol: However, I think most Catholics will be pleased by this choice because it means the Church will remain true to its teachings on birth control, euthanasia, the death penalty, female priests, etc. I personally do not know any liberal Catholics (or at least they don't make it known). One of the things I love most about the Catholic church is it's unwavering stances on morals and ethics. It cannot be changed no matter how much the public wills it to be.

  10. Thanks, Kitty! My sister gave me this list when I was pregnant with my 3rd. I lost it somewhere along the line and I have been trying to find it again ever since. They are so true, but my 3rd child is without a doubt the most well-adjusted of all. :lol:

  11. This is difficult...


    Let's see...  to head out for a Santana concert and a bar afterwards (in no particular order), Soapmom, Mermaidmom, HiramCouple, GaBelle and yes, Honkin.  Road trip!


    For an afternoon Rome Braves game, same folks above, and add Eddie, TBAR, Pubby, Chairman (if he promises not to mention the 2nd amendment!) and Arcaidy.


    For an evening on the front porch watching the stars and chattin', Soapmom, Mermaidmom (she needs an evening off!), and Dark.


    It's that West Virginia thing, huh? :D

    I'm flattered.... :)

  12. We go to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. My husband teaches religious education classes for the 3rd grade and for the adults. He also lectors (does the Bible readings) for 3 or 4 masses a month. I do set-up for mass on Wed. nights and my son is an altar server.

  13. This is what I have to wonder about.  If someone advocated the death of my innocent child, then, after her death, this same person wanted to offer me their support and condolences, how would I feel about this person?  Would I be appreciative of  their support, prayers & condolences?


    I concur...very perceptive, Roswell.

  14. Is Performing the Sacrament one of the things that would reduce the time in Purgatory then?  Not trying to belittle anyone, I have been reading a book on what various religions believe and am trying to understand.  As a Protestant we take Communion to remember as Jesus commanded, but I don't understand why multiple Communions would be considered better for someone in her condition.






    Actually, it probably doesn't serve any purpose other than comforting her parents at this point. The # of times you have taken Communion doesn't have anything to do with time spent in Purgatory. The difference between Protestant and Catholic Communions is, for the Protestant, it is a "remembrance." For the the Catholic, it IS the Body and Blood of Christ.

  15. Thanks so much for confirming what my husband and I just pondered the reasoning would be. Makes since in that regards, due to their beliefs, that they'd want this.


    I guess you could call it more of a "nourishment" of the soul rather than the body. I suppose her parents would see it as more of a comfort to them than anything else.

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