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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I understood what you were saying.  I didn't take it to mean you would have an aboortzion.


    That question is one every woman at some point thinks about.  How she answers it is between her and God.


    Exactly. I can understand why someone would consider an aboortzion, just like I can understand why someone would want a child rapist executed for their crime. I don't think lack of understanding is necessarily the issue. I think it ultimately boils down to an overall breakdown in what our society views as acceptable.

  2. I really need to stay out of this one, but having once been rabidly pro-choice, I think I can speak truthfully when I say that people's minds CAN be changed. That is why I think discussions such as this are a good thing. You never know when something said here may affect someone 20 years down the road. It is not my OPINION that aboortzion is wrong. It is a FACT. "Thou shalt not kill..." is all I need to know. What changed my mind? A priest presenting a barrage of FACTS and biological evidence which outweighed any arguments I could have otherwise countered with. Folks, Right to Lifers are not a bunch of crazies out there trying take away everybody's "unalienable rights." This dialogue can go on forever and ever on both sides, but in the end, we will all answer for our words, thoughts and deeds. I think I'd just as soon err on the side of life (and this includes the death penalty as well). Only God has the power to begin and end a life.

  3. Thread: Campaign to bring back Learjet  123» 5

    Why we need him and Honkin'---- Hell Hole at New Hope----GaBelle3639--- 144---

    Total hits=2300 --- Yesterday, 10:59 PM---Last post by: County-line


    Dude, 2300 hits to one thread in less than 12 hours. You are a thread running king.


    We are not worthy.... We bow to your "threadiness (?)" :lol: ;)

  4. I saw Honkin's post yesterday, and yes, it did make me gasp and go, "I can't believe she said that!" Poor taste, yes. Mean-spirited, yes. There were also a lot of other mean-spirited comments in the same thread. She was probably out of line, but she has gotten away with far more... Incidentally, I think these "Goodbye, I'm Leaving" (Please beg me to stay) threads are also in poor taste. :glare:

  5. Without having to read all the referenced articles, I have one question. 


    Is this thread about growing numbers in local congregations, or growing the Kingdom of God?


    Thank you, Roswell. I think it is misguided to simply "drum up numbers" for the sake of adding to the membership rolls. I am completely "anti-contemporary" for a variety of reasons. Mostly because for me, it's not "church." I prefer a very traditional, predicatable service. Also, I think by catering to the masses, we walk a fine line in sending the message that almost anything is OK as long as you put it in the guise of praise. JMO.

  6. <_<


    Ya think the caller "added" the infant, to get someone out there faster?


    Y'all might want to hang me up and publicly stone me when I say this.....BUT,

    My youngest is 8 years old.  There has been a few times he and his brothers are playing their gameboys an do NOT want to go into walmart w/ me for maybe 1 item.  I will leave my sunburban running and lock the doors.  I take my "clicker" (the keyless entry thingie) in with me.  I see nothing wrong w/ this.  Now if it is younger children, and the car is locked up w/ no air running... I do see a MAJOR prob with that. 

    *ducks the rocks being thrown*


    No rock throwing here. Nothing is worse than trying to drag a tired 9 and 10 yr old in the grocery store with you to buy a gallon of milk. My kids BEG me not to make them go in.

  7. Make sure you sit so you can see their faces when they get the communion wine for the first time. My son was trying so hard not to wince, but he couldn't help it. Of course, he'll never admit he didn't like it! :lol:

  8. I just heard "Kiss On My List" by Hall & Oates [sigh]. That song takes me back to 1981- my freshman year at WGC (now UWGC). :o Good times. Why can't our kids like stuff like that? Guess I'm getting old. Am I the only one who still likes "pop" music? Whatever happened to Hall & Oates anyway? What about Rick Springfield? Sheena Easton? Kim Carnes? :unsure:

  9. Which, referring back to the original post....and the issue re-iterated by GaBelle.....why has society gotten to the place where we accept behavior that used to be unacceptable?...."society" doesn't know right from wrong.....we live in a society that is trying to grapple with too many shades of grey...IMO....


    That is what this is all about. When and why did we become so complacent? God help us all when we cannot distinguish between good and evil.

  10. Who cares if the pastor hears the music?  The pastor should not be the one you are worried about.  And if it is God that you wouldn't want to know, then it really doesn't matter if you are on church property or in The Pink Pony.  As far as pastors go, I have heard words come out of pastor's mouths that would make a rapper cringe.


    I saw Homer Simpson wearing headphones in church listening to the football game. duoh!


    I wish the priest WOULD have heard his music. Then I could have reveled in the sight of this guy getting some serious smackdown laid on him!

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