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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Last night I was making my son some microwave popcorn and started thinking about the way my mother used to make popcorn. She'd get out a big, heavy pot (base to the pressure cooker, I think) then she'd either pour a little cooking oil in and then the popcorn or, she would use the popcorn with the oil already built in. Next, she'd put a lid on, turn up the heat on the stove eye, and start shaking the pot. Shaking the pot was the key, if you didn't, the popcorn would scorch to the bottom. After a few minutes, the popping would stop and she'd dump the whole thing in a big plastic bowl. Then she'd shake on some popcorn salt and if we were lucky, she would pour some melted butter over it. The perfect snack.

    Then there was Jiffy Pop. Anybody remember that? Popcorn and oil already packaged in its own little pan with a foil top. When the popcorn popped, the top blew up like a balloon. Those commercials were so cool: "Mom's making Jiffy Pop!" The little boy and girl run into the kitchen and stare at the stove. Then they "oooh" and "aaahhh" when the finished product is presented. My mother would never buy Jiffy Pop. "It's too expensive," she claimed. Likewise, she would never buy Spaghetti O's, Cokes, or packaged snacks. We drank tea and she always had some kid of cake (Red Velvet, pound cake, german chocolate) in the house. As a result of my childhood deprivation, about once a month, I buy four of the large cans of Spaghetti O's w/meatballs and we pig out on sodium for dinner. (My husband's mother wouldn't buy such things either) Our pantry is filled with things we couldn't eat as kids: Oreos, Little Debbie cakes, assorted chips, packaged pudding, Slim Jims, various cereals and Pop-Tarts. Most of the time I end up throwing it away because it doesn't get eaten. Our kids are pretty much indifferent to it. They'd rather have a banana or some celery sticks (Really!).

    In a way, I suppose I miss the way my mother made popcorn. It took more effort to stand there and shake the pot rather than just throw a bag in the micrwave and hit the "Popcorn button." It took more time to boil the water, steep the tea bags, add the sugar and stir it up. It took most of her morning to create one of those cakes fom scratch.

    Nevertheless, I'd still like to run across some Jiffy Pop. I also miss Bosco (chocolate milk flavoring), Eskimo Pies, and REAL Lay's Bar-B-Q chips (not the KC Masterpiece ones, the ones that came in an orange bag and just said: Bar-B-Q). There were also these things called: Baken-ets, bacon-flavored, shaped chips kind of like a pork rind but more flavorful. What happened to those? :unsure: :D

  2. QUOTE (Animal @ Jan 8 2005, 11:55 AM)
    I think that is the way it should be in 2005,women need to learn there position in life. They should be kept naked & in bed, then in bed and naked. They should be a little bit more subservant to there man. wink.gif  ohmy.gif that's right I said that laugh.gif

    You are so right, Animal. I wouldn't have it any other way. Meds are wonderful. aren't they? laugh.gif
  3. Who is actuality has time to do that? On occasion I guess it would be okay. But again, she should do stuff like that for him too, equal rights! But I see the fun in this anyway.


    And you do not have to "be a little gay" to dress nice  and stuff like that. I do that already and I'm not gay. But I see your point.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ROTFLMAO!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. Thank goodness! I don't think I could stand that winding mountainous interstate combined with all that rain. :angry2: Seriously though, my husband just spoke with his mother a couple of hours ago. She lives in South Hills in Pittsburgh and they were getting slammed pretty hard. She has a"crick" that runs past her house, so they have to keep a close eye on it. His sister, who lives in New Kensington, is still recuperating from the flooding that the hurricane brought earlier this year- they had extensive damage as a result. I suppose they can be glad the temperatures have remained relatively high, otherwise it would be ice and snow. :o


    How about your family? Are they experiencing any problems?

  5. How to be a good husband.....


    The problem is the woman.

    She is constantly changing....her mind....her wants....her desires...her likes....her dislikes....


    My own answers are as follows:

    1. I have no opinion when asked any question by my lovely better half.

    2. I am a neuter (male with no wants nor desires in the romance department) unless initiated by her.

    3. I make no suggestions as where to go or what to do unless I am ready for a argument from her.

    4. I make no comments about any of her relatives.

    5. I stand between her and all dangers.

    6. I will do whatever is neccessary for her with no comment.

    7. I am responsible for everything, she is responsible for nothing.


    Wow, Johnny, you have really gotten with the program there. Kudos to Mrs. Johnny. I bow to her expertise- "I am not worthy." :lol:

  6. Wow. Thanks Spartis. Yes, I just got a call from her a few minutes ago with her class schedule: Eng. I, College Algebra :wacko: , US History, and Intro. to Psych. I am so proud and so humbled. She and I have had a "long row to hoe," as they say and I think she is finally coming into her own. Now I feel really old... :rolleyes:

  7. Well, I never!  You seek to upset the order of the universe! After all the order of the universe was written by A MAN!  What fantasy, to think, shower, shave AND colonge!  You are obviously a non-conformist, and a rebel to not to reconize the obvious superiority of the male gene!  LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHI....  uh oh... my wife found out she only winged me with that last shot!  GOTTA GO BYE!!!!


    I expected remarks such as this and I am fully prepared to defend my position. ^_^

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