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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. We went to the Jones/McClure game today, and it was great football. It's been a while since I've attended a middle school game.

    My great-niece was one of the 6th grade homecoming court representatives. She didn't win Princess, but she had fun anyway.



    Those girls all looked so pretty! First class all the way. It had been 20yrs since I was in PCHS stadium last. I was even more surprised at how little it had changed.

  2. My daughter graduated from Ft. Jackson in October of last year. It is a very moving ceremony, but VERY crowded. Get there early to get a decent seat. Dress is fairly casual since it is outdoors. Take plenty of pictures and be prepared to cry. It was without a doubt the proudest moment of my life.


    Yes, you will be sitting on bleachers.

  3. I know for a fact that a bunch of those guys are ex-steelworkers from Pittsburgh. I am pretty sure that is why my husband migrated to Georgia in the first place- to score one of those cushy tunnel jobs- but he claims it was because of the 92% humidity and the "lovely southern belles!" How gullible does he think we are! :rolleyes:

  4. Much as I'd like to see Roe V. Wade overturned myself, I think McCain may be shooting himself in the foot by coming out with this position, especially so early in the race. Seems like he might be trying to set himself up as a polar opposite to Hillary. Nevertheless, he will seriously need the religious right to make any kind of showing.

  5. I've lost my daughter.


    Don't say: "I know how you feel. I lost my (fill in the blank) last year." Unless you have lost a child you do not know.

    Don't say: " God had His reasons for taking your child."

    Don't say: "God needed her."


    Do say: " I am sorry."

    Do say: "Let me tell you the thing I loved the most about your daughter." And then share your memories.



    Excellent advice. I just lost my father and I can honestly say that the most comforting words are, "I'm sorry."

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