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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. I have the same problem with my shoulder that I broke when I was 13. It has been severe enough to require taking pain relievers, but never to the point that I felt it was broken again. If you are hurting badly enough to think you have re-fractured it, you probably should go get an x-ray. I know its a pain, but if it is broken you need to know it. If it's not, it will at least ease your mind.

  2. Gabelle lets get on with our happy Christmas thoughts, you and me both are gonna get way beyond mad in here in a minute and I dont care to go there this week, its hard enough on a daily basis and Im not gonna let that ^%*&^(*&(*&( ruin my familys holiday lol.


    Agreed. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. :D

  3. Ok I am not as polite & patient as all of ya'll. This has happened to me at a tennis tournament, in fact the US Open. My hero Andre Agassi was kicking butt then this cell phone rang. The guy answered it and talked on it. I asked the guy please be quiet. He ignored me, and people near him were just as upset. Again I asked him to be quiet & he ignored me. So I lost it I slapped the phone from his hand, the phone landed several rows down. Then I told him he was next if he didn't shut the F%$#K up. The rest of the match went great, and it was quiet.


    People don't mind being rude & I don't mind taking care of the issue after being polite fails. :o


    I know it isn't the right way but sure ;)  is effective.




    Should'nt John McEnroe be your tennis hero? ;)

  4. Ruth. Her words to her mother in law, Naomi, are some of the most poetic the Bible offers us: "Whither thou goest, I will go. Whither thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people and thy God, my God. And may the Lord deal with me severely if nought but death should separate me from thee."

  5. TBAR:


    Whoa, buddy, didn't realize those SC Gamecocks were so "street!" What got into them? And it was poor ol Lou Holtz's last regular season game, too. I felt so bad for him. He was truly appalled at that sickening display. Bless his heart, he was running around on the field trying to break it up. What is this world coming to when one night NBA players, who are supposed to be adults, are attacking fans in the stands and the very next day you have two ENTIRE college football teams going at it on national tv? Sure hope Steve Spurrier takes some self-defense classes over the summer. He's gonna need them... <_< :lol:

  6. I was a great time. I am so glad to finally meet all of y'all. Yes, Honkin' is a jewel and her mom has got to be one of the classiest ladies I have ever met. Armymom, we enjoyed talking to you and we will continue to remember Kevin in our prayers. We knew County-Line already, and Ellen looks EXACTLY like I had her pictured. QTee really is a cutie and Pointy and Windie are just "good people" as we say here. Thanks to Cardie and Lacey and their wonderful church for giving us all this opportunity to meet. I know their were some I missed (ANG, I think you were leaving when we got there), but hopefully it won't be long till we do this again.


    Thanks, Publisher, for the cap and bumper stickers. We'll display them proudly. ;)

  7. Thank you, Randy. Glad to know I'm not the only one who despises those things. That shrill beeping is the most obnoxious noise I can conceive of. You know we have reached a low as a society when they have to announce before church: "Please take a moment to silence your cell phones and pagers." :angry: That has recently become necessary at our church due to the number of interruptions during the service. Kind of disconcerting when someone's ridiculous phone clatter goes off right in the middle of a prayer. <_< Makes me want to offer them a few choice, non-Christian-like words.

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