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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Was GaBelle with you?


    And just whom do you think it was? I'm betting it was County-Line or Webby.


    BTW, Webby has some more.



    No. I was not with him. I was down the road at the new movie theater enjoying "The Incredibles." That was a great movie. Go see it- even if you don't have kids. The special effects are awesome. :)


    And I want a bumper sticker, too. ;)


    I think it was you, TBAR...

  2. Chansky:


    I don't think you said anything to cause Publisher to kick you off. I can see where you might think some of us are "older than dirt" because of the opinions we express sometimes. I am 42 and when I was your age I used to swear that I would never act like my mother. Well guess what? Everyday I hear my mother's voice coming out of my mouth. I don't mean to sound like her...it just happens and I have no control over it.

    I think for the most part, P.Com members are generally in their 30's and 40's. Most of us have kids, and many of us (myself included) have had to deal with teenagers. I think we are all seeking some reinforcement and justification in our vents. That's why we like to sound off on here.

    Having said all that, I think people your age can provide some much needed perspective on here. We can learn a lot from someone in their 20's in 2004.

    I would submit that you need to stay here for the very reason Lear stays- to keep us thinking and talking about things we might not otherwise give a passing glance.

    It took me several months of posting to assimilate myself into the P.Com community. I knew some of the people on here already, but most of them, like you, I have never met in "real life." One thing I do know about them, however, is that every one of them has their own unique and opinionated personality. That's what makes P.Com such a great place. Please don't write us off too quickly. :)

  3. This is very disturbing. I read and re-read this article just to make sure I was "getting it." Am I correct in assuming that these claims were made on an official UGA website, or is this "safespace" some sort of underground propoganda outfit? Has there been an official response to this by President Adams? And how does this tie in to the cheerleading coach affair? I am very confused. :blink:

  4. This is long overdue. I, too, hung out at CM as a teenager. Some of my fondest memories are from goofing around in Spencer Gifts with my friends. We never had more that $20.00, but we always seemed to make it last the entire day. I also worked at Rich's at Cumberland for a while when I was in college.

  5. Cardie and Roswell:


    Thank you for your responses, but I think they are incomplete.  I am not trying to harm a fellow Christian.  We both agree in the central message that Christ is our Savior, but we obviously have some differences in our beliefs.  Please answer these rather easy questions, yes or no:


    (1)  Do you wear a head scarf to church?  (If Roswell is a male, then he can ignore the question).


    (2)  Do you own slaves?


    (3) Are you opposed to slavery?


    (4) Have you engaged in sexual immorality? 


    (5)  Is a passionate kiss of another person considered "sexual immorality" if done outside of marriage?


    (6) Do you tithe 10% of your gross, not net, flock?


    (7)  To paraphrase Publisher, don't you agree that you can't turn the other cheek if you accept the concept of an eye for an eye?


    (8)  Do you read, write or speak Greek?  How about Hebrew?


    (9)  Have you read the original, unaltered version of the various books of the Bible?  Hint: it was not orignally written in English.


    I am by no means a Biblical scholar, but based on your responses, I have a feeling you're not either.


    Pointyhead: As for my mission, at the time it was through a Baptist Church.  I am still a member of a Protestant Church, but not Baptist.


    Galt, you make some valid points here. It reminds me of an incident my boss once related to me. I guess he was discussing the various translations of the Bible with a preacher he was aquainted with. When presented with the dilemma of the myriad of English versions available today, this preacher responded with: "I don't need all these new translations. Give me the King James Version! If it was good enough for Paul, it's good enough for me!" At first thought, this seems comical, but on further retrospect I saw that this was actually a scary notion. What I mean is, someone who is supposedly an "expert" on the Word of God is, in reality, disturbingly ignorant to it.

    I think it is critical to keep in mind whenever you are reading the Bible, that unless you are an expert in Greek and Ancient Hebrew, you cannot possibly pick up on every nuance or intended meanings. This is not an opinion. This is fact.

    Frankly, I don't know of any churches that advocate taking every thing in the Bible literally. If you did, you would most certainly wind up schizophrenic.

  6. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, West Memorial Dr., Dallas.

    Masses: Saturday- 5:00PM, Sunday- 9:00AM & 11:00AM.


    Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues, Thurs.- 12:00PM, Wed.- 7:30PM


    Confession: Wed.- 7:00-7:25, Sat.- 4:00-4:25




    Fr. Adrian Pleus, Pastor

  7. My parents & in-laws, our children, my husband and our marriage, our Church and all our friends there, our health, our children's health, our bosses and our jobs, my education, our siblings, our home, and of course...P.Com. :)

  8. oh you guys are great!!!!  my idea of the perfect thanksgiving dinner is green bean casserole, nothing else, just lots and lots of green bean casserole......... when it is no longer possible for my mother to spend every waking minute of thanksgiving day in the kitchen, she shall hand down to me the ability to take them out to ryan's for dinner.......... ((bet you couldnt guess that i DO NOT cook!))


    Me too! Green bean carrserole is the deal! :rolleyes:

  9. I have had 3. The first was May of 1991. Yes, you do remember the date because these things will kick your butt. The worst part was the spots in front of my eyes that would not go away and the EXTREME sensitivity to light. I don't recall any medication having much of an effect on them. Basically, it boils down to a battle of wills- yours vs. the pain. I feel for you, TBAR. :(

  10. "I want to ask all of you who are heterosexual (and that includes myself), what would you do if tomorrow morning, a new book of the Bible was authenticated and it was not immoral and unaccepted by the religious community and society to have a relationship with a person of the opposite sex?"


    I would think of that bible you are mentioning as a man made book not the word of God.  You can't and shouldn't change what is considered God's word.


    (I am assuming you mis-typed when you put "opposite sex" rather than same sex.)

    I want to jump in here at this point and respond to jmd's query. Given the parameters of this scenario, that is, if a new book of the Bible were discovered, and if it were determined to be Divinely inspired, and if this theoretical new book laid down contradicting guidelines as to homosexual relationships, then yes, I would have to re-think my position.

    This was actually the storyline in the movie, "Stigmata" a few years back, although not dealing with homosexuality, but with the "power" of the Catholic Church. It was thought-provoking, but it is highly unlikely that something like this would happen. If it did, it would ignite a major upheaval in Christianity.

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