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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Thanks so much for the live video of the parade. I was stuck here at work and couldn't go. My husband (in the St. Vincent de Paul Mustang) and daughter (on the Dallas School of Dance float) were in it and I was down because I wasn't going to get to watch. But I did get to see it after all, thanks to P.Com! The "color" coverage was spectacular- provided by Publisher and QTee. I especially enjoyed the J. Robert segment. ;) :lol:


    P.S. I also want to thank whoever it was ("dancemama," I think) that gave my husband and daughter a ride back to the church. Another long story...

  2. Religion, or lack thereof, will always, in the end, become an "Us VS. Them" phenomena. No matter how intelligent, good-natured, or well-intended the discussions, it will inevitably all boil down to "Good VS Evil." That is the way it is supposed to be. We, as Christians, are charged with dispelling and warring against the forces which are in direct contradiction with Christianity itself. We cannot do anything but disagree. To assume any other position would label us as hypocrites.

  3. My husband and I were discussing this very topic a week or so ago. We watch a lot of ESPN and NFL Network, and I can tell you, there are only 3 commercials on these: car, beer, and erectile dysfunction. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are all over the media. They give the impression that EVERY man needs these drugs, and if they don't take them, THEN there's something wrong with them. My husband's running joke is that all the women in these commercials are good-looking, so, "Why do they need Viagra?" :rolleyes:

    I have also seen commercials for cholesterol medication, acid reflux, arthritis, nail fungus, as well as depression and a host of other maladies. All these are prescription drugs. When I was a kid, drug companies were not allowed to advertise prescription medications in print or on TV. This is a fairly recent phenomena. I mean really, we are saturated with it now. How many men see those ads and think, "Wow, maybe I do need a little boost?" Or conversely, how many women see them and say, "Honey, I really think some of that Levitra would help our relationship. Go tell Dr. So and So you want a presription right now!" It's no wonder we are imagining all these illnesses when the media is pumping us full of all promises of lovely toenails, low cholesterol, limber joints, heartburn-free days, and 36 hours worth of unbridaled passion! Be still my soul! <_<

  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: Ok, I get it now..."dancemama!" Thank you, yes, she can be very sweet. We don't worry too much about it. We want her to be comfortable with herself exactly the way she is. She loves dance and loves Miss Michelle. BTW, thanks to you, too, for working on those costumes. I truly envy anyone with that talent. :)
  5. I have a lot of saints medals. Depending on what I need help with or what mood I am in, that is the one I wear: St. Raphael: joy in happy meetings, St. Anne: my patron saint (patron saint of mothers and grandmothers), St. Joan of Arc: for going into battle (of any kind). My husband has a St. Michael in his car. We find great comfort in the power of the saints, and wearing or carrying the medals gives it a physical presence. :)

  6. OMG! RRR, your screename is very misleading! You don't look like a "retiree" at all! I had a little ol' gray-haired lady all pictured in my mind. :lol:


    *Please, no little gray-haired ladies take offense.


    TBAR: Your kids look just like you. Especially the younger girl. She's the spitting image of you!

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