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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. Q, I think the icon status thing from a few weeks ago is gone and done.


    Last week I reached 1,000 without any fan-fare - the way it should be, so don’t be afraid.


    Maybe Pub could make a special "non-counter" for us that is constantly -1.




    I started to post a congratulatory topic last week on your icon status- with celebration to be held at...The Lemon Peel, but I didn't think you'd want the notoriety. :rolleyes:

  2. thank you so much.....

    Now GABelle or anyone can you help me find a place to get a great avatar and the cute icons like i see in these posts?



    Mine is just regular clipart, but there are plenty of sites to download avatars. Just go to Google and type in "avatars." There are others on here (Subdivider, epMomHF, Ellen, Cardie, etc.) who are avatar experts. I still don't know how I got mine. That's why I never change it- I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back! :lol:

  3. I have noticed in the past week or so a great deal of new posters here on P.Com. This is wonderful. I don't know if it is those who have been lurking for a while and just decided to jump in, or if it is new folks all together. Either way, welcome to the on-line community and keep posting! :D It always makes for an engaging experience when there are many viewpoints and opinions being represented. ;)


    PS: I'd also like to add, "Welcome back" to all the AWOL P.Commers (you know who you are) who have recently returned. :)

  4. Same here. We had maybe 20, and some of those were Saturday night. I over-bought on the candy big-time, so we have a LOT left over. The bonus was that my own kids had a blast because by the time they went out last night (6:30), I guess eveyone was trying to get rid of all their candy, so they got a big haul. They were so excited. They came home and just dumped it out on their beds and "wallowed" in it! :lol:

  5. Well, I wish for all those things all of y'all are wishing for, too. But I'd also like some stuff: a Volkswagen Passat, for one, some new cookware (mine is looking rugged), various pieces of jewelry, a long vacation to somewhere isolated, some new underwear from that "Intimacy" place, several pairs of shoes, a new computer, a Visa Giftcard with a $5,000.00 limit, a new king-size quilt, and a new dining room table (yeah, I know, I work in a furniture store, but I still have to pay for it). That about covers it. Any one or combination of these would be great. :)


    Archangel: I am e-mailing you a copy of this, ok? :lol:

  6. The only reason I didn't do the early vote is that "Kid's Vote" doesn't have polls set up for the kids there.  They will have booths and/or ballots for the kids of Paulding County at all the school-polling places though. And my 8 year old needs to have his voice heard.


    But I'm glad about the turnout.



    I had not heard about this, Soapmom. Where did you find this out? Is this for all polling places? :huh:

  7. My mother sewed all the dresses from GWTW for my daughter when she was little. She started out doing it so she could play dress-up in them, but after she realized all the work that had gone into it, she wouldn't let her "mess them up" by playing in them! My mother has them all on dress dummies now in her house. She did take my daughter to an antebellum house in south GA and took her picture in them. I think that is the only time she actually got to wear them. :rolleyes:


    And yes, Cardie does deserve her own topic... :D

  8. Chellie:


    This seems to be a topic that has been the source of some heated debate around here. :rolleyes: It looks like it's divided about 50/50 as to Saturday or Sunday. I am going to be on the safe side and have candy both nights, but my kids are going on Sunday- Halloween. :)



    Maybe you'd like to answer this one? :huh:

  9. i am not getting all worked up over this, this person ask for help, on finding a person, but does not won't to say if he is a friend, lost relative, lost speacil some one, or some one that has hurt them, stole from them, or said something bad about them,  or owes them money,and i keep using the word (Them because i do not know if this poster is male or female),  or lost pet or whatever the case is, the poster is just wanting us to tell them if we know this person, how to get in touch with this person,  :rolleyes:


    they want us to give them information, but yet will not or can not put something postive with their request so that we won't  doubt our descission to help them. i am not asking for a life history, i just would like to know that if i know this person, then will the poster be ok, once they find him,  :)


    that would be like me puting an APB out on some one and asking yals help, but yet do not won't to give any kind of explantion on why i need to locate this person,  but if i thought enough of yal to ask then i would surley think enough of yal to tell you a little more infor on it. so that there would not be any second guessing like is going on now. thats all i meant, ;)


    ( Mrs. Scarlett:  that should have been your name GaBelle)  :D


    I totally see your point, lady raider, I just didn't want to see everyone jumping to conclusions when maybe all this guy needed was a ride to work or something. :huh: I knew you would clarify things. :D


    BTW: You give me way too much credit. I haven't had an 18 inch waist since 1986 and I'm all out of hoop skirts! ;) :lol:

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