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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. OMG, I would have been so starstruck! The only famous person I ever "ran into" was Tammy Faye Baker in the bathroom of The Burning Bush in Gatlinburg.


    I always supspected Charo of being much classier and intelligent than her "act" portrayed her. I mean, basically, she is a classical guitarist. How much fame could she have achieved on that basis alone? I think she played up her goofy qualities to enhance her appeal to a wider audience. Pretty smart. Oh Lord, I used to LOVE watching her on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. He could never interview her without cracking up. :lol:

  2. I pulled this from another thread because it looked as though it could be an interesting discussion. My husband and I hold hands and kiss in public all the time. I never considered the fact that it might bother other people. I mean, my gosh, we are in our 40's! I know it irritates our kids to no end, so you know what we do...we do it even more when they're with us! Drives them crazy. I don't see anything wrong with it. I know y'all have an opinion, too. Don't you? :blink: :D ;)

  3. Actually the tithing is an Old Testament law.  Many people still feel as if you should give that 10 percent.  And some churches, namely the Catholic Church requires 10%.  But actually Jesus's teaching in the new testament do not require anything.  Only that you give what the Lord blesses you with and what the Lord ask you to give.  The amount is totally between you and God.  10% is usually what most people do give, but if you feel that God is leading you to give more, then that is your decision.


    I also beleive that to God, my time is part of my offering as well.  Many times I cannot give the amount of money I wish I could, but I beleive that my time in giving to the church and to others, in God's eyes, is equivalent.  I'm not saying I work just so I don't have to give money, but I beleive that my life is just as much an offering as the money that I can give.  That is why I am so involved in the work of my church and it's ministries.




    Please refer to mine and Surepip's posts above regarding the Catholic Church. No one is "required" to give 10%. It is merely a mandate or suggestion. I know plenty of people who go to mass every week and never give a dime.

  4. Thanks for the invite to the dinner, but I think I will have to pass on it..


    It would be to upsetting for everyone if I showed up.

    For one thing, when My partner and I are together, we don't hide who we are, and that would drive to many people out of their minds..


    It would be a terrible situation..  I am sure that a bitch slapping fight will occur.  Just like a scene from Dynasty between Alexis and Crystal, and I would end up with dressing and yams in my hair. 


    Thanks anyway guys..


    Awww come on, Lear. We'll behave. :rolleyes:

  5. To the best of my recollection, the last time someone started a "Get Rid of Lear Thread" it backfired on them and THEY got suspended as well. Not to mention the fact that before the thread was locked, Lear basically owned the board, because everyone was defending his right to speak. <_< B) :D

  6. We do our part, but the way the Catholic Church mandates is this: 5% to your local parish, 4% to the Archdiocese, and 1% to the charities of your choice. (I think this is the correct breakdown. Surepip, help me out if I'm wrong). This makes it fairly simple to tithe. Giving to the church is built in to our budget. In the beginning, we thought it would be difficult, and sometimes it is, but over time you realize how much you reap from this small sacrifice and you actually try to find ways to do more. :)

  7. The last gas I got was at the EXXON next to the Dallas Post office. It was 1.79.9 which isn't bad at all. I don't know if they've gone up but it was $1.85 or so at some of my regular haunts.



    I just filled up there about an hour ago. It was $1.76. Hurry before they change their mind! :D

  8. I also grew up in a 1/2 Southern - 1/2 northern home, so we always have both Stuffing and Dressing.  I love Both!!

    Our Thanksgiving Meal always include:

    Turkey with Stuffing

    Cornbread Dressing

    Giblet Gravy

    Mashed Potatoes

    2 - Sweet Potato Casserole Souflee's (one with Pecan Topping - one with Marshmallows)

    Green Beans


    Fruit Salad

    Stuffed Eggs

    Potato Salad

    Macaroni Salad

    Cranberry Salad

    Broccoli Casserole

    Pecan Pie

    Cherry Pineapple Dump Cake


    Wow, I just realized this is a lot of food for our small family.  But, the leftovers last a long time.........

    Yum... :rolleyes:  Can't wait!!


    OMG, I forgot about the deviled eggs, broccoli casserole and...turnip greens w/pepper sauce!

  9. You are correct GaBelle.


    My family who is from Georgia and Tennessee has dressing for Thanksgiving.

    My partner whos family is from Michigan, have Stuffing. 


    I like dressing better since it is a bit dryer than stuffing.  My grandma makes the best dressing...


    See, y'all, Lear CAN talk about something besides being gay! :lol: :rolleyes:

  10. Thanksgiving is always accompanied by my favorite food- dressing. A little bit sticky inside, with lots of celery, onion and sage. I think its a regional thing. Up north, they usually have stuffing, which is an oddity to me. I always stuff the turkey with StoveTop, but we never actually eat it. It's just to flavor the bird.


    Also, you must have some cranberry sauce and green bean casserole. Dessert is optional, but pumpkin pie is always a good choice. What's the best Thanksgiving food to you? Feel free to list recipes as well. :) ;)

  11. Now, now, people, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Ohio is still up in the air what with all those provisional and military ballots yet to be counted. There is still a "statistical chance" that Kerry can pull it off. ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

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