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Posts posted by GaBelle3639

  1. 2 root canals in the same tooth. Still lost the tooth. I'll let them rot out and get dentures before I have another root canal. Sorry for the pessimism...just my own experience. :rolleyes:

  2. Honkin':


    Heck, no, I ain't afraid to post! Let's all get a grip here...PLEASE! I have only been here a few months, but in that space of time I have see quite a few of these "controversies." Remember the TBAR/Satire thing? P.Commers were jumping ship left and right over that one. Why? Because they didn't understand satire. And then there were all the local election disputes: Bruce Vs. Ken supporters, Chairman Vs. Van Supporters, you remember. JayCat and Animal and a few others took some hits for that. And then there was all the School Board cat fighting. :o

    Lord knows you've been involved in a few youself, Honkin' ;) - most of them because of Lear, but we won't go there. Speaking of Lear, how about that whole "poll" on primary day that somebody saw fit to sneak on here while Pubby was working the Meet and Greet? Now THAT was controversy. Topics get locked or shut down all the time because people can't get along. Ask Angie, she had a prayer thread nixed a while back. :(

    I guess what I'm trying to say is this really isn't the big deal it seems to be right now. A few months from now it will be something else. People leave and come back all the time. There's several members I haven't noticed around in quite some time. Maybe they're busy, maybe they got their feelings hurt over something else. Who knows? The way I see it, though, is it's their loss.

    The thing to keep in mind is that there's a bigger picture here and it ain't all about US. A week ago you told me that people either love you or they hate you, there ain't no middle ground. And I told you that's not necessarily true- sometimes you have to GROW on people. I think the same theory holds for P.Com itself. Initially, there are those who will jump in and "feel the love" right off the bat. Then there are those who have to take their time about blending in. Heck, there are lurkers who have been on since I came on and have never once made a post! I guess that's their thing. I couldn't do that, though, I have to say something.

    Anyway, as others have pointed out, "This too shall pass.." and we will move on to other things. Let's all not panic, though. Let's try and adapt to the changes so we won't miss out on all the fun to be had. :)

  3. Here's my theory:


    I think there are just some topics that are too intimidating for the average poster. What I mean is that there are some brilliant minds on here: very high-level thinkers. I am speaking primarily of the political topics, but it does occur in other areas. For example, if I notice a topic started by Pointyhead or Chemmie, I know I am really going to have to read through it thoroughly and make sure I have my ducks in a row before I respond. Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad thing. They force me to think and give plausible backup for my arguments.

    Sometimes, though, I just don't want to think that hard. Sounds like the lazy way out, I know, but it's true. Sometimes I only have a few minutes to peruse, reply, and get on with it.

    That's why ALL the topics have their place. The "Favorite" topics usually only require one or two word responses and I can also see where they could be a good ice-breaker for someone who has never posted before. Best I can remember, the first topic I ever posted on was one entitled: "If You Were Stranded on a Desert Island, What 10 CD's Would You Want With You?" These light weight topics help people put a foot in the water before they move on to bigger things.

    I love all the banter here with my girls, but I also like the idea that my perspective can be broadened and if I am open to it, I can learn something new everyday. :)

  4. I understand what Pubby is saying here. I'm as guilty as the rest.



    Me too. Try as I might, once I reached around 875 posts, it was as though I was on a runaway train. I could not stop myself. And the thing is, I swore I would NEVER do that. It absolutely became an obsession. Even after my husband pointed out, "Are you gettin' anything for it? Like a free meal or something?" "No." "Then what's the point?"

    I really wouldn't care if Publisher took away all "titles" and just put everyone on even ground. For that matter, don't even show the post counts for members. :unsure:

  5. Please try and keep this out of the Honky Tonk...but I think this is so weird when this happens. We all need a supply of snappy comebacks, so let's hear 'em!  :D


    I have never been in the Honky Tonk, but the only response I would have for this situation could only be posted in there. Yes, I would say IT and I would say IT very loudly!! <_< :lol:

  6. I definitely remember Paulding Federal. Every Thursday my mother would go up there with my Daddy's paycheck! I remember going through the drive-thru and getting a sucker- one of those with a loop instead of a stick! :lol:

  7. well,, i think this has been a topic before, and i will say this, if i was judged by the way i spell words, or by my southern slang that i use, then i would not even be allowed on this board::D


    Thank Goodness not all are like that: i have met some pretty good friends on here, most of which i have never met in person, but most of whom have touched my life in some way, by just taking the time to type to me,

    so i for one, do not care about the spelling or the grammar: :D


    Lady Raider:


    We love your typing...A LOT..ALOT...A WHOLE BUNCH!! :D

  8. I used to teach English, so you'd think I would vote a resounding "Yes." However, in an informal public forum like this I think it is more important for people to just express themselves and say what they want to say. In fact, sometimes the grammatical errors simply add to the "flavor" of the post. :D

  9. On the surface, all the choices seem pretty plausible. My first instinct is to say "A" is the one that did not happen, but on further deliberation, I think I will pick "D" because I don't think a Saudi Arabian guy would feel the need to do this. I think he would be just pompous enough to believe that HIS wives would NEVER do anything that needed to be monitored.

  10. When I first saw this one I thought it was an Eddie Bennett topic. Then I saw that Pointy had started it and I thought it was about politics- some more dirt on Kerry perhaps. Wrong on both accounts!

    I personally like the auto flush toilets. I wish I could have them in my own home. My son NEVER flushes! And if they could make those dryers big enough to dry a whole body then we would never have to wash towels! :lol:

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