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In Granny's Footsteps

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Everything posted by In Granny's Footsteps

  1. Well, I'm in rush mode trying to get packaging and labelling done. Hope to update the website's inventory very soon. I have sugar scrubs to add, Granny's Pine Tar Soap, and Spa Salt Bars. A few other new scents will be added as well! Granny's Pine Tar Soap: Some of the ol'timers out there may have heard of Pine Tar Soap..... it was a favorite natural remedy of our Grandparents, and their parents before them. This is one of those "ol'time products" that Granny was right about.... they truly work! Pine Tar products are even recommended by the National Psoriasis Foundation for r
  2. IGF has finally moved completely into our new soap studio, aka "The Soap Barn." I love it! I have so much more room, more storage, and it's just really a fun place to go and hang out with my family. Each one of us has our own area in the barn itself, and it makes for a "hot spot" of activity. Here are a few inside pics: I made six batches of soap this weekend,... and they are all cut and on the drying racks! Look for a few new scents even: Red Currant -- yummy! and Bay Rum for my male customers! Also should have my new Spa-Salt-Bar ready soon too! What a
  3. First off, I'm all moved into the Soap Barn! I need to take and post pictures. I LOVE IT! Also -- very soon you'll see a new product for sale: SPA SALT BARS! If you've ever had a salt-glo scrub at a spa, or enjoyed a salt scrub at home, then you'll flip over these bars! They offer a creamy, lotion-like lather that gently tones, exfoliates, lifting and cleansing surface toxins away. They are hard as a rock, smooth as polished granite, and smell wonderful. They are currently in the second phase of recipe testing.... but I'll have them out there soon. Now, everyone always lik
  4. Many blessings to you and your kids!
  5. Our website has just been updated, and our shelves are stocked! The "Soap Barn" is being moved into now --- I'll post pictures soon. We're so excited with the new and improved workspace. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about our products. Thanks so much for your continued support!
  6. In Granny's Footsteps will be updating our inventory on the website today, May 1, 2007. Our son did very well with his surgery, and is half-way through his recovery. Thank you for your support! Please feel free to email us in the mean time with any questions you may have. ALSO -- exciting news: "The Soap-Barn" aka the bigger home/workshop space for IGF is about 90% complete. We're working hard to get it completed, so I can move all supplies/etc. over to it, and get things rolling in a bigger space.
  7. In Granny`s Footsteps will be CLOSED beginning April 19, 2007 thru at least April 30th. Our son is having surgery, and our time will have to be spent helping him through his recovery. We will begin processing orders again at that time. Please feel free to email us in the mean time with any questions you may have. Thank you for your support!
  8. The new scents are ready to be boxed/labelled today, and to head to your home! I'll take pictures today and post them to P.com. ~ Green Clover and Aloe ~ Hawaiian Ginger ~ Midnight Margaritas ~Monkey Farts Yeah! Spring is here, and the new soaps are too!
  9. The only way I can do that is to send you a "sniffie" in the mail of each of the scents. It wouldn't be exact to what the scent would smell like in the soap, but it would be close. I'd still love to have a lunch sometime during spring/summer where I bring the soaps and set up for folks to sniff away.
  10. Ok, I have four batches in the mold, that I should pop out of there tonight, cut, and get on the drying racks -- WOO HOO!! And they smell wonderful, if I say so myself. ~ Green Clover and Aloe: A terrific unisex scent, Green Clover & Aloe is a fresh, green fragrance that reminds me of wild summer herbs growing in a field. This fragrance is much more complex than it's name sounds. A floral fruity combination of fresh citrus and jasmine petals on a woodsy, sweet musk background. ~ Hawaiian Ginger: You will love this refreshing tropical array containing top notes of tangy pineapple, fresh
  11. Soapy is going to be back in Paulding tomorrow --- and I'm feeling refreshed, renewed, and excited. I needed an injection of art, nature, and R&R.... ahhhhh! It was good! Hope everyone is enjoying their spring break as well!
  12. The new scents have ARRIVED as of yesterday!!! WOOOO HOOO! I'm psyched. I'm itching to start soaping them, but alas, I'll have to wait till next week. I'm so pumped up about all of them -- they are really nice oils, fantastic fragrances. I can't say which one is my favorite yet... each of them had something about them that I really liked. I think that there will be one of them that will become one of your favorite soap scents!! smile.gif Midnight Margaritas, here we come! I also got in 200 lip balm tins, so I'll be brewing up more of those in all the flavors soon. I am going to
  13. In Granny's Footsteps is going on a mini-vacation. I'll be gone from Saturday, March 31, 2007 until April 4th. "Granny" and hubby are slipping away to the beach for a few days. I'll come back relaxed and refreshed, and ready to mix up new delights for you! For those of you traveling somewhere for spring break, have a safe trip, and a lot of fun!
  14. My dear hubby sprung a surprise on me last night. Not only will our son Dragonboy be leaving this weekend for a week away to Washington DC (gulp! This is the first time he's been away from us for this amount of time, and that far away... first time flying too!!!) BUT dear hubby and I will be going to Sandestin for a few nights! He won this trip last year and we only had a small amount of time left to use it or it would have expired, so just the two of us are going. So, Soap'Granny won't be making as much soaps and sundries next week as I thought I would! I'll be gone from Saturday
  15. How neat is this? A P.com BLOG for In Granny's Footsteps! Way to go Pubby, this is just cool-beans! Well, Soapy is trying to get back into Granny's Footsteps, but I must admit.... it's harder to do than you think. A little over a week ago my MIL died after a battle with cancer. It really has taken it's toll on my family. We're all trying to be gentle with ourselves and also realistic. So, I promise, it won't be long and I'll have more and more soap in the soap pot, and on the shelves and in inventory. Thanks again for all the support!
  16. I'm trying to get back in the groove! I have soap in the molds, and new scents at that! Look for them soon in my online store! LEMONY-SAGE: Wonderful Lemongrass top notes with a fresh lightly herbal background of Sage to smooth and round out the Lemongrass. A touch of Clary-Sage added to boost that earthy undertone! Superfatted with Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. Delightfully swirled with a lemony yellow mica. Sure to be a wake-up favorite! HEMPY-HIPPIE: A new twist on Patchouli Soap. This earthy soap is a hand-blended combination, guaranteed to delight the Patc
  17. NOW, ON THE DRYING RACKS: Pictures coming soon! Jasmine: A beautiful green-swirled (mica) soap, made with a fantasic jasmine blend fragrance oil. Light, floral, reminds me of those beautiful night-blooming plants. Plumeria: This is a tropical fruit scent that is great for spring. The smell makes you want to wander onto the nearest plane and go island hopping. It's a sweet ambrosial nectar that is sure to please the most discerning nose. The soap is swirled like the petals of plumeria -- in shades of pink and bring yellow. Gorgeous. IN THE MOLD -- by special request (Ri
  18. I made a wonderful batch of Oats, Herbs & Honey last night. Yummm - it smells SOOOO good when it's cooking. The calendula infused olive oil just leaves my kitchen smelling so wonderful!
  19. I placed an order this morning for a few new summer-time scents -- and I'm excited about them too! Green Clover and Aloe: A terrific unisex scent, Green Clover & Aloe is a fresh, green fragrance that reminds me of wild summer herbs growing in a field. This fragrance is much more complex than it's name sounds. A floral fruity combination of fresh citrus and jasmine petals on a woodsy, sweet musk background. Hawaiian Ginger: You will love this refreshing tropical array containing top notes of tangy pineapple, freshly-sliced summer melons, and crisp apple slices. Middle notes inclu
  20. Pubby -- Thank you for taking action to preserve P.com. I commend you for it! We love us some P.com!!! Here's to a new beginning.
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