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In Granny's Footsteps

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Everything posted by In Granny's Footsteps

  1. Say a prayer.... light a candle.... do a silly dance.... whatever you do spiritually speaking, remember Gareth and all of us on Thursday. We're heading back to the Children's Hospital in Jax. on Thursday. He's going to have an endoscopy and a colonoscopy w/ biopsy. We're hopeful that this will be the final puzzle piece with this health. It'll either show nothing of significance which will indicate the IBS, or maybe it'll show something else, or irritation, etc. I'm just ready to know 100% what is going on with him, and to try to do whatever we can medicine wise, therapy wise, natural suppl
  2. NICCCCCCCCCCCCCCE! I love cobalt blue!!! Good work, as usual!
  3. Gosh that ALL sounds and looks wonderful!!! Made my mouth water.
  4. I'm SO READDDDDDDY to be making soap and goodies, I can't even tell you how much I'm ready for life to be back to some semblance of "normal". [And to quote myself, "Normal? HA! There is no normal, only varying degrees of weird."]
  5. We've just gotten back from my son's Dr. apt in Jax. Based upon all the variety of tests that he has had, it appears that this *is* Post-Infectious-IBS brought on by the bout of severe stomach bug. [Could it be something else GI wise? Sure, yeah, it could, but the probability is low due to the variety of test results.] We know for sure now that it is *not* a parasite of any kind. He is to remain on the meds he's on, and try to get back to his life as normal. He's still in pain, but we spent a great deal of time today discussing "mind over matter" and things like that. In fact, we
  6. Thanks! I've stamped the first soaps with it, and a few bars will be shipping out today with the logo on the bars.
  7. Glad you like them Sage! They certainly will another level of "surprise" when folks slide open a box of soap and are greeted with the IGF image. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make a big difference! With that, I'm off to bed.
  8. Yes... it too is on the "MUST GET MADE" list. I hope to make a few batches tomorrow, to start on the road to mondo stock for the holidays.
  9. We only have a possible diagnosis for my son. They are treating him for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (brought on by a bout with a very bad stomach bug), and also a round of antibiotics/antibacterial/antiparastic med). We go back to Jax. on Thursday for a followup visit. He's still on homebound from school, the teacher came today. He's still in constant pain -- and it's beginning to take its toll on the lil'man. Not to mention Mom and the rest of the family too. Thank you for asking, and thank you for the prayers! Thank you Micahsmom! It just adds a neat touch to the s
  10. Thank you! Me too. It's on my list "TO MAKE ASAP" -- Yep, it's a stamp. Nope, this one isn't metal -- you can get those made too if you wish. It is not a "normal" stamp, but a custom made artisan one. Me too! Thank ya!
  11. I'll add that to the list of "TO DO ASAP" and I'll go back over it w/ you in PM tonight or tomorrow.
  12. I'm hoping to start production of soap tomorrow. It may be "slower going" this year than normally, but I gotta get more stuff made. Thanks for commenting Erin! Hope you're well.
  13. Yep! As well as a "seal of approval" by the soap artisan herself.
  14. Glad you like it Fotogirl! I think it just adds another element to soap that's already great --- it was a way of me artistically "finishing" every bar, as if I signed a finished canvas.
  15. Thanks Sage! It's just another way of me setting my products apart. Pssst, and guess what? My Facial Elixir will be ready for the holidays too. I'm in production now of it. And the buzz so far from my testers is very positive! As for "getting better" -- we're hanging in there. My son goes back to the GI doctor on Thursday. He's still homebound from school, and still in daily pain. They called in another med this morning for him to try with his other meds to see if it helps at all. Thank you! That little heart on the toe just makes me smile so big every ti
  16. No, it's a physical stamp that I had custom made by a hubby/wife team (the wife is also a soapmaker). Think of it like a rubber stamp, but not made of rubber. This one is made of a kind of really hard plastic. I designed the layout of the stamp, and the couple worked with me to tweak it just right. Thank you!
  17. I love it!!! My Dad got so tickled over it. Made me smile. It was his mother who was the inspiration for the name/image of my business.
  18. With all that we've had going on lately I've had no time for soaping. BUT I received something in the mail today that I've been patiently waiting to arrive.... and it's going to bring a new cool feature to IGF soaps. MY NEW CUSTOM SOAP STAMP! Isn't it cool? All my soaps (except for the Spa Salt Bars, and they just get too hard to stamp) will be stamped from here on out.
  19. Congratulations!!!! Here's to much continued success!
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