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Everything posted by Hillbilly

  1. I passed little store today onmy way to Douglasville .travel Bakers Bridge to Dorris Road to Cedar Mt Rd. and where I turn atthe light onto Cedar Mt Rd. there is a small store advertising Sorghum Syrup.You will also see the New Douglas Co school on the left.Good Luck. Hillbilly
  2. Iuse epsom salts to make mine a deeper blue.As fertilizer.
  3. The fluffy ones are called Endless Summer .
  4. I watched that program.Loved it. I was born and raised in the heart of Wv. Love that state and would like to return some day, but getting too old to drive that far.Glad you all en joyed it also.A Wv Hillbilly.
  5. Here is my answer to the squirrel proof feeder.Conduit= 8-10 foot long.Squirrel baffle I bought at home Depot. Attach bird feeder to top of conduit,mine is wood and you use a flange on top of pole,then fasten bird feeder with screws. put baffle on conduit then sink in ground for several inches until solid.Make sure it is 15-20 feet from anything they can launch themselves from.Lots of years of frusteration went into this and has worked for years. Hillbilly
  6. We have 4 wheelers inour n.hood also. One is a cop and he rides on the street. Also have some teen age boys who come to the end ofsub div. where we live and ride in our lot we own next door.Have been told not to as we cut the grass and keep it looking good.Asked the neighbor if the old man was taking pictures.Told the neighbor to tell them the old lady was and would not hesitate to send to the marshalls the next time.Have not been back for a few days. Guess they think they are safe as we live in the very end of sub div.out of sight of most othe
  7. A friend and very sweet person told me about P.com.Birdmom. I am going on 80 next year so maybe I am older than you. Ho Ho.Young at heart.
  8. 1 cup white sugar 4 cups water. I bring mine to a boil ,then cool.]
  9. Did get it on my gallery..woo hooo
  10. Hillbilly

    Birds & Flowers

    Backyard birds and flowers
  11. Hillbilly


    From the album: Birds & Flowers

    © © Paulding.com 2007,2008, 2009

  12. We also have a lot of Hummers this year. More than I ever had at one time over the years .15-20 I take photos but so many not good. Fast little rascals, Here is one I got of 3 in the air. More good luck than anything.Sorry,guess it didnt make it.
  13. Thanks , hubby was very put out.Cleared the air.
  14. Me at about age 12.In Braxton Co. Wv.I am now 78. Woo/hoo
  15. I just bought a new HP Photosmart allin One and love it. I have a 6 yr. old Hp Photosmart that works great but I bought a new HP computer and it is not compatable with the new one. Has a new unopened black Ink cartridge for it. Price $75.00 for all.Color black. Mcaaw2@aol.com
  16. I put mine out yesturday and within 15 min. a male was eating. I was a amazed at how quick he came .This was not him.
  17. Cedar Waxwings. They are migrateing north. Beautiful pics.Wish I had seen them.
  18. I like coleslaw or sauer kraut.
  19. I also take Synthroid I had 2 nodeles,insisted they do a biopsy and one had Herthle cancer cells.So had all of it removed, as my brother had the same cancer cells in his thyroid .Have beenon 100mcg since I started taking it 7 years ago ,Sometimes the Dr. will tell me I have a tad too much and to only take it for 6 days.Last visit I did not have enough and am taking it 7 days.I go every 6 months to Dr.Rosenbloom in Marietta. I buy mine from Universal Drugstore in Canada and have almost from the start.I get 100 pills for $23.25 plus 10.00 shipping.
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