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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. That's where the phrase came from and I could hear her in my head as I typed.
  2. There you go again. Making me laugh when I never expected to.
  3. The Legislature in Oklahoma authorized a privately funded monument of the Ten Commandments in 2009 and it was placed on the Capitol grounds last year. Now the ACLU has filed suit to have it removed. Enter the Satanists who want their own monument beside the Ten Commandments. How would you feel about a monument to Satan in Paulding? http://www.theguardi...s-oklahoma-city
  4. South went last year. I thought it was an honor too.
  5. Wasn't there a little battle in the Falkands when she was in office? I believe she handled that quite well. I think she was an inspiring speaker too.
  6. It was a great parade! Great turnout and lots of "Merry Christmas" wishes rung out in the crowd. A little warmer temperature would have been nice though.
  7. You should not even say their names in the same breath with Saddam Hussein. Those guys fought for freedom and he fought to suppress freedom.
  8. Some of my family members would be surprised to hear you call me racist. Take a guess as to why. Really, you should apologize for that.
  9. I don't think it is racist to have a different view of the history of Mandela. The race card doesn't mean anything any longer because it is pulled at the drop of a hat.
  10. I heard on the radio that the residents who brought the suit intend to appeal.
  11. You gave them a chance and they blew it. Try to shake it off and move on. Sad that we sometimes have to do that even though it breaks our hearts.
  12. You and Glassdogs sure have a different take on Mandela than most folks I know. He is a hero to most. I do think you have a most colorful way with words.
  13. Just heard that he has passed away. He really stood up for what he believed in and for the freedom of the people of Africa. Quote from his book, 'Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.'
  14. Why give them more clout in Congress? Look how they have already abused the power the people gave them. I won't do it!
  15. Still looking at the facts. Glad they are coming out. I am not going to post my thoughts on this yet.
  16. If you know anyone in the legal community ask them what they think of Judge Beavers. He is highly respected in large part because he bases his decisions on the law not on who he knows. Course there are probably folks who may not have liked the ruling in their case who would find fault with him. There always are those folks.
  17. Just so you know. Tony Beavers will rule according to the law and I have no doubt of that. No need to think of voting him out.
  18. I am so sorry. Prayers for your family.
  19. Good and honest folks do exit. Glad you found them when you needed them and so glad you are safe!
  20. If all else fails and you are losing the argument blame the Republicans and Bush. That does not fly any longer. Not one Republican voted for this bad law and Obama owns it and this economy.
  21. If you have to pay any money into this boondoggle called Obamacare from the sale of your home it is too much. Shame on the folks who dreamed it up.
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