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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. That is why Jeb will not get traction form true conservatives in his bid for President. Ignoring the law should prevent anyone from being President. Wish it had because we would not be in the fix we are in now. Obama is a pro at ignoring the laws he swore to uphold.
  2. They expect us to believe that just cause they say it is so. How much of what our Governments tells us do you think we should believe? Just where are those IRS emails anyway? Couldn't help it had to go there . That is why we have Legal immigration. The folks you are speaking of would not be able to work here unless they are legal. Murdock is speaking of reforming Legal immigration and that should be done but the illegals have no place in that discussion.
  3. Just read that the Senate is asking for 1.9 Billion to take care of the illegals flooding the Texas border. They won't be in poverty but we, the taxpayer, will be. Still think it won't effect you?
  4. A nation of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! They came through Ellis Island and were checked for health issues in addition to criminal issues. No one is against LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Don't quote George Bush to me. There were many things I disagreed with him about but he is head and shoulders above the inept guy in the White House now.
  5. That is why he is taking great steps to make sure changes happen to protect these children even if it means breaking up the family unit.
  6. Probably one of the many reasons the Governor is making changes in that department. Think I read that he was bringing it into his office like he did the labor dept. in Georgia. Think they are changing the way they look at the family unit in cases like this one.
  7. Those numbers will be far worse after the thousands of children crossing the border now are added in. Obama has opened the door and is importing poverty by the thousands. The laws governing "the unaccompanied illegal children" will give them access to more benefits and better care than our American foster care children have. Eddie, peddle that sob story to someone who does not know the whole story. You know, like the low information voters.
  8. It is even worse than it appears to be. Many of those who signed up are finding they are not really insured. One of the reasons the government has given is that the subscribers were not honest about subsidies when they enrolled.
  9. I think the people should have a voice. You know I get bent out of shape with appointments! LOL
  10. In other words they have no real authority. I did know that about planning and zoning. I think it is an exercise in futility. It will not change the minds of the people of Paulding who actually get to vote. I think they are stirring a hornets nest but what do I know?
  11. I am not sure about that. Kids, especially in high school, view a suspension at home as a vacation. If they like it they will just act out more to get it again. I have seen parents who do everything they can to make sure the kid is a good student but it doesn't work.
  12. I very much agree with you about not dragging students down because some of them can't keep up. I also would add that nothing will be changed if they do not address bad behavior and make school an environment conducive to learning. None of that has been done under Buck/Barge. I am voting for Woods because I hope he will address these concerns.
  13. I agree Nick. Richard has a varied and extensive background in education. Time to let him have a go at making things better for Georgia students and teachers.
  14. He likes Common Core and he is John Barge's right hand man. Nothing will change under him. The math program needs a lot of work.
  15. I have asked this before but did not get an answer. What authority do these committees have?
  16. Good read for any who are looking at the State School Superintendent Candidates. One of the major differences is the way they view Common Core. My choice is Woods. http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2014/06/07/gop-candidates-for-school-superintendent-lay-out-their-differences/
  17. Did you read the post? These illegals are NOT from Mexico.
  18. Just heard on the news that over 2,000 illegals from El Salvador and Guatemala have crossed our borders in just 2 weekends. They are announcing in the news media of those countries that women should take their children and go to America where they will be welcomed. Once they cross the border of Texas the Feds are transporting them to Arizona bus stations and dropping them. Folks if you think this does not effect you think again. We are already stressed to take care of those here already. One more feather in the cap of this administration to fundamentally change America. Shame on them for
  19. I don't either Low. It makes me sad to see what has happened to this great nation. We have lost the respect we once had from other nations. It has happened so fast my head is still spinning. Men and women who loved this nation stood up and fought for all of the things we love and respect. At the top of that list is freedom for all.
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