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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. Hard to survive without it . Call it what you will...
  2. She tried to work even after she got so sick. So sorry it ended this way for her. Prayers that she RIP.
  3. He didn't but the OP did. It is in the topic title. EZ just commented on it.
  4. Georgia has the same law. The race card is getting old and it doesn't mean anything any longer because it has been demeaned by folks like CC. If there is real reason it should be used. Cc and folks like Charlie Rangel have abused and destroyed it.
  5. I think the same thing sometimes SS and I find that I actually made them in another topic.
  6. Praying for agility and freedom from pain for our friend surepip.
  7. You know that I very much agree with you about going to a closed primary. Maybe we would not have had McCain and Romney.
  8. You are correct. Disgusting how far some folks try to throw the race card. When that is all you got I guess you will try to play it....
  9. Agreed. I would love for Ted Cruz to run but I guess this country would never vote for a guy with that much sense.
  10. It would be cheaper than paying for all of their health care and other benefits. It is a myth to say we can't stop the flow. This administration does not want to.
  11. This woman destroyed her own credibility. You really should know your candidates. You really think we should gear what we do in America to please Hispanics? If we had not opened the borders we would not be looking a majority of them in this country. We should have stopped the flow long ago. Third world country here we come. Idiots are in control.
  12. No we wouldn't. We still believe in free speech unlike those in the White House who sic the IRS on groups who try to use it. Getting rid of hard drives really is over the top don't you think?
  13. No, CC, With the right to worship and practice your religion as the Constitution says. Do you want to get rid of that right too? You are one of the folks who see it as a living breathing document that should be changed when you disagree with it aren't you? The hostile takeover should be a clean sweep at the ballot box and the cleaning of the White House. The folks in power only believe in government rule.
  14. Better to keep them illegal than to give them legal status and reward them for breaking into this country and for breaking our laws. giving amnesty sends the wrong message. We should be ashamed of the message our President is sending them today.
  15. Just another one of the many lies told by this administration.
  16. We never had a problem when we made up our minds to actually do it. Obama has ordered the border guards to stand down. What a joke he is.
  17. Give them what they want. Really! Bad idea to encourage more illegals to keep coming expecting it over and over again. Most of them won't be paying taxes they will collect the earned income tax credit and we will be paying them. We will never agree about this.
  18. Any path to citizenship for folks who have broken into this country is a very bad idea. It just encourages more illegal immigration. We found that out when the last amnesty happened and it failed to stop the flow. Seal the border and get back to being a sovereign nation for goodness sakes. Legal immigration is what you are describing which would allow folks to cross the border to work. We have that in place already BTW.
  19. Don't think he is speaking about the issue at hand either. You are correct. Can't stand him. CC is still not keeping up.
  20. Try to keep up now, the ones flooding the border are not from Mexico. They are from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They are hitting the Texas border at the rate of 1,000 per day. They have been given an invitation by Obama to come here so they will be taken care of. Some are gang members and criminals at 15, 16, and 17. They are bringing disease and poverty. Some may also be terrorists. Why am I not surprised that you would open your arms to that? Have you no concern for the children who are citizens and need food, clothing, and medical care. Who should get it?
  21. Obama loses this poll too. He is losing because his policies are so bad for America! http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/poll-obama-immigration-approval-low-108106.html Two in three Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration, according to a new Gallup poll. Sheriff Joe says dumping them in Arizona is intentional. I think so too. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/19/humphries-exclusive-inteview-arizona-sheriff-joe-a/
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