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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. For those of you who follow the stars, the news report I just heard said that he suffered a cardiac arrest! http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/entertainm...on_heart_attack Jackson was loaded into an ambulance just after 2 p.m. Central time., and his mother was to meet him at the hospital. Paramedics were seen performing CPR on the singer, who suffered the heart attack at his home on Los Angeles
  2. As I understand the ruling, the school employees involved cannot personally be sued, but they left the door open for school districts to be sued if this sort of thing happens. I think if a parent signs a consent form for a child ,especially middle school and older, to have aspirin or another over the counter drug at school then the school should let them.
  3. In my opinion the officer was wrong! The Driver had a patient to help and their life could have been at risk! The officer should have escorted him to the hospital instead of acting like a little Napoleon!
  4. Sounds like Surepip's case is really costing us taxpayers (his neighbors)! Jerry is gone and the land in question will have one heck of a price tag attached when all is said and done! I am in favor of living within a budget and cutting spending! If the money is not there cut the expenses!
  5. If they are ever called before a Grand Jury it will become more than a question of doing the right thing! It will be "tell the truth or join the bad guy in jail"! They should just step on up and make things easier on everybody involved! What kind of world are we making for ourselves and our children when they are afraid to DO THE RIGHT THING??
  6. Oh, you mean kids only read about heroes in books and they never think about being one!! I guess it's too late to stop this crap at our County Line, huh! I know real life is happening out there and I also know our kids should have a different mind set! The shooter needs to be in jail and the witnesses need to stand up!! It pains me to think that my Grandchildren may be rubbing shoulders every day that they are in school with someone who may be capable of this kind of behavior! What you are saying is a sad commentary on how our society is raising and disciplining it's children!
  7. You mean that kind of thinking has come to Paulding County! I think they should trust our PCSO enough to turn in a shooter (because they can)! Sometimes with kids it can be some mistaken idea that they should not tell on another kid! Whatever the reason it is a scary thing! What happened to caring about justice for the victim and protecting the next victim?
  8. If this person shot another young person, chances are they will do it again! What are the folks thinking ,who know who it is, and are refusing to identify them?
  9. If Obama gets his programs though we won't have any choice but to buy from Government Motors!!
  10. You mean we aren't letting them keep the actual money to pay down on our debt?
  11. Wasn't the Hummer originally a military vehicle? Chinese got a bargain and we got the bill!!
  12. This is what happened!!! http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/cd00d2c6-4ee2-11...144feabdc0.html The administration took a tragic situation and turned it into an expensive mess to pay a political debt. It wasted billions of dollars over many months delaying GM’s filing and then implicitly put itself on the hook for many billions more. The financial, political and social echoes of that decision will be with us for a long time. In short, they blew it.
  13. The Republicans wanted to see a structured bankruptcy to begin with and all of this bail out money would not have been poured down a hole! We now have bankruptcy anyway and the company was taken from the share holders and is now the property of the government and the unions!
  14. I guess I have to agree with you about the CAFE standards!
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