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Everything posted by sexymom

  1. Ok, we're only 3 1/2 weeks away from Addison's due date. I'm documenting everyone's guesses in her baby book, so I would love for all of my friends to make a guess of her birthday and measurements. I've got this website that's set up to take your guesses!!! Thanks!!! http://www.expectnet.com/games/AddisonGuesses
  2. I've been busy busy busy making my goodies for Mossy Creek!!! Can't wait!!!! This is going to be so much fun!! Lets hope Addison holds off on her arrival until AFTER the show. LOL
  3. Thank you for posting this. I was planning on going and picking up the Infant Motrin and Tylonol to have on hand for when the baby get here...but I think I'll hold off till the all clear is given.
  4. My 17 year old daughter still calls me mommy. It doesn't bother me. But the other 2 call me mom or Momma. My parents are mom and dad. Even when I was little...Never called them anything different.
  5. We bought DD's for $12 at Ross last year. Looks like they have some cute ones again this year. let me see if I can find a pic Here's a pic of her:
  6. Oh wow...how horrible. Now I know to stay FAR away from ATL this weekend. Sex in public??? That's just sick.
  7. Um...What exactly is Freaknik? I've lived in Paulding for 6 years, and I still don't know what it is. LOL Kinda embarrassing that I live in my own little hole...but I very rarely watch TV or the news. Is there actually a reason for this? I'm guessing people drink and remove their clothes...but why?
  8. Good morning! I'm actually NOT going back to bed today...LOL We're having a new roof put on and they are supposed to be here any minute now. No point in trying to sleep. LOL I hope you and everyone else has a wonderful day!! I LOVE this weather!!!
  9. I went out this morning and got my spot!! #5!! There's still some prime spots left, so ya'll hurry and get yours!!!
  10. I know where Mirror Lake is...but not Chestnut Creek
  11. We've had several of our solar lights broke as well as kiddos thinking our hammock is their personal swing. I talk till I'm blue in the face...and am probably known as the neighborhood b*tch of a mom...LOL But that's ok. I have NO problem telling other peoples kids what to do. LOL My thought is...if the parent doesn't like it, keep your kid home. If your kid is at my house, playing with my kid...I'm gonna make them behave. Nope, they still go in your yard when your not home...until I catch them and make them leave. LOL And as for the kid who ran out in front of your car..he did that
  12. LOL I thought of you when I read that. My old boss lives in that subdivision and she told me about the builder there doing nothing but increasing the dues. They've had nothing but problems from this builder.
  13. I WILL be out there sometime this week to get my spot. I completely forgot this weekend! How many do you have left???
  14. I'm just glad none of ya lived next door to us. My fiance LOVES to play loud music...last summer we had a lot of late night parties with LOUD music and fortunately our neighbors only complaint...why they weren't invited. LOL We play our music when we're outside day or night. Bonfires, yard sales, yard work...anything outside comes with music. Indoor cleaning day...windows all open and music on same station blasting in every room of the house. This summer may be a little more toned down because of the baby, but I'm sure we'll still be entertaining. We do this on Friday and Saturday ni
  15. I've been CRAVING coconut cream pie...finally got some for Easter...it was AWESOME!! So I second the coconut motion and want to add Pineapple!
  16. I hate you CE. You're leaving me here to deal with...ah...never mind you already know and that's why you're leaving. LOL
  17. SWEET!! I'll be by some time this week or weekend.
  18. When I can turn the heat AND ac off and open all the windows. When everything is a pretty shade a YELLOW....LOL When my dog doesn't want to come in...and then stinks something horrible when he finally does. YUCK!
  19. Putting on shorts and a tank top and laying out in the sun!
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