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Status Updates posted by NumberCruncher

  1. real bad, but in a good way?

  2. s'ok. it happens to everyone. :)

  3. s'up........buddy l o freakin l

  4. send before and after pics. I'll tell you which I like better.

  5. something's wrong. you're broken.

  6. stick around. i just might show you a thing or two!!!

  7. thank you baby. i love you!!!!!

  8. Thanks for classing up my visitors page.

  9. Thanks for visiting my profile! Here's some stars for you!!!!

  10. things are getting curiouser and curiouser.

  11. today i am missing you the most.

  12. uh, did yore thumbs fall off?

  13. wanna go do that thing we do?

  14. wanna help me bully somebody?

  15. well crap. the mood passed. and now i am exhausted. guess the citizen's of mayberry are safe for the rest of the night.

  16. well, while you're down there......

  17. what a cute little piggy!!!!!!

  18. whenever you get ready...just holler.

  19. where've you been hiding? I've missed you!

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