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Everything posted by NumberCruncher

  1. call first. they work by appointment. :sigh: i'll have to stick with my regular pedicurist. walk in is the only thing that works for me.
  2. leave the cooler in the vehicle? take a lil lunch/snack break in the picnic area.
  3. lemme just go ahead and mention crab races and midget tossing yep. they travel a circuit. and make money. even got some of mine. it's just easier than going to the real carnival.
  4. i'm still on the fence about you. if you'll scream 'yee haw', i'll make a decision.
  5. or too paranoid, indignant, or stuck on their constitutional rights to participate? :rofl: sorry feelip. i had to do it.
  6. no, really. i loved it. gave me a good giggle. thank you!
  7. i agree with this. and i have no idea who psychomom is talking to or what about. i don't know who her highness is. i'm out. this has gotten way too weird.
  8. however, along the lines of suing for not accepting cash.........really? let's think about all the places that cash can't be used. y'all help out, k? redbox won't take cash some airlines won't accept cash for alcoholic beverages. toll booths in montgomery county maryland won't take cash. anyone else wanna add to the list?
  9. since you haven't quoted anyone, i have no idea if you're talking to me. i was simply making the point that, when you asked "Do they take into account those whose benefits have expired? Or those who didn't qualify for some reason?" you were asking about people who didn't fit the above definition of unemployment. if we're going to caount the people who are jobless but who don't meet the above definition, we need to count all of them, regardless of their circumstance. who is this important person who made an outright acknowledgement? you're vague 'they', mentioned below, led me to bel
  10. miss? no. ignore? yes. but the fact of the matter is, if you want a true accounting of the 'unemployed' you have to take EVERYONE into account that's not working. regardless of the circumstances under which they became that way. skews the perspective, radically. how many people aren't working becasue of the economy vs. how many people aren't working bbecause they don't want to?
  11. ah... but then you'd have to take into account all the folks who've NEVER worked, are too sorry to work, got fired for cause, or decide that they make too much off welfare to go get a job. double edged sword.
  12. bitterness really doesn't become you. i doubt there's any one city out there, full of jobs. but, if you are willing to broaden your search you may find a few cities that have a few jobs in your field.
  13. my gramma was always terrified of the microwave.
  14. we've got 2 iphones, a mac, 4 ipods, and 4 itunes accounts. money i've enjoyed spending with apple.
  15. i don't do business with the general public. all work is contracted. i feel pretty secure in knowing that the corporate checks that i accept aren't fake. if one ever turns out to be, i'm sure my corporate office has some sort of plan to recoup the losses.
  16. :horrorfied: but, the feeeeees!!!!! /s oh please. anyone who's dropping that kind of cash for the latest greatest electronics without having a bank account already has their priorities screwed up. how you reckon someone's gonna pay their internet bill or cell phone bill without having at least a credit card or bank account? mail a mony order every month? how do you pass a credit check for service? just not something that folks should hop up and down about, in my opinion. my business doesn't accept cash either. check, credit, or debit card only. QUICK! call the news!!!!!
  17. not everyone has an iphone or ipad either. i certainly wouldn't ever encourage anyone to get a credit card. but a debit card? yeah. i'd encourage that. but hey, this is america. you're certainly free to not open a bank account, and miss out on all the cool stuff. :shrug:
  18. so? stick the money in the bank and use your debit card. why is this such a mind boggling concept?
  19. because americans are now in charge of mexican jails? whaaa?
  20. i couldn't disagree with you more. jail? for how long? you know how much that crap costs? please explain to me why illegals should be kept in american jails, funded by american taxpayers.
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