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Mrs. Osfan

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Posts posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. The cold feeling is lack of circulation to the area. You need to go the ER immediately. No circulation for a great length of time and you could lose a toe, toes or foot!





    Absolutely correct! Go to the ER, now! Hope you feel better real soon! :)

  2. You and Mrs. Osfan need to start a support group. :lol: Keep plugging away or take the "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" attitude. ;)



    True! :(


    So, it really isn't allaboutyou, is it? :unsure:


    I know...ditto, here! :wacko:


    Nope!...I'm trying for a big change! ;)


    'Cause, right now....it's all about, Ossy! :(

  3. Hopefully I can make up for it before a lifetime! :D




    Hey CB. does your wife want a cute 'lil puppy? :unsure:


    You should get her one if she does! :rolleyes:


    Don't be a meanie...like somebody else I know! :angry:

  4. "The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

    Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

    When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"




    Very sweet, Jaime78. Wonderful thread! :wub: :rolleyes:

  5. OK..i'M STILL EXCITED...Not only did that pooch find a forever home..but now another animal will be saved..I know you will find the perfect pet! :wub:


    MsOsfan..Here is a TSX who I found on Petfinder..Is he cute or what?

    His name is Chance!




    He's cuuutttttttteee! :)


    Ossy so mean.....he won't let me get one any time soon! <_<

  6. Not all the Frecks are meanies.




    I'll "Help" you later. :wub:



    Yeh?...well I'm gonna help you now! :angry:


    ......throwing Ossy to the ground....going VIKING on him! :D



    There...now I'll just throw my magic surfboard/shield on ya....there....as she walks , back 'n forth on him.....you have to tell the truth, now....'cause of my magic surfboard/shield...go on...admit dat yer a meanie...admit dat you won't let me have a cute 'lil puppy wuppy! :lol:


    Then maybe, I'll let you git up!Hah! :D

  7. good afternoon!! just popped in to say hi and see what is going on!! Looks like a roast in process :ninja: ...... good luck!!


    I'll be back later .... and yes, that is an advance warning :lol: !



    Does dat mean yer gonna help? :unsure:

  8. Ya'll are silly. :D


    I had my special suit on today. :lol:





    Daaannngggg.......whar are all the FRECKS? :o


    I need sum help! :huh:


    Darn it all, Ossy......you just stay put! :angry:



    I'm gonna git sum scissors 'n rope.....hollering as she runs away.....I need sum help :excl:










  9. Nope... I am not skeered.


    You're too sweet!!! :wub:


    I am all for you roasting him good!!!


    This is what happened when someone saw Ossy outside...










    Don't give dat squirrel any more beer!














    Is he done yet?....ya think? :unsure:



    Here.....try stickin dis fork in him! :lol:




  10. i wanna put a pic on...but it wont let me...waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh..


    (throws some more wood and gas-o-line on that fire)

    mean ole osfan




    Here....I'll help you out......here's some! :lol:








  11. Noooo... Misty could take the heat!! :o Run away.... chicken.

    :wub: :wub: :wub:

    WOW!! I'd still be getting letter bombs if I posted about that puppy! :glare:



    Are you skeered? :o


    Don't you know that I've got yer back? ;)


    Post.....I mean, roast away! :lol:

  12. AAAAAWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - that's the sweetest thing I've ever seen Os type! :wub:




    There's my slap for the day. Now, peacelikeariver get over yourself....Ossy?....sweet?......come to your senses and join us in the Hijack thread. We're roasting him over there.....we could use your help! :lol: :lol:

  13. okay so maybe im blonde...i dont get the whole fire thing...please explain..



    O'kay....my hubby, Osfan won't let me get a cute 'lil puppy wuppy, Tibetan Spaniel! He's just being a big 'ole meanie....see...so, we're virtually roasting him.....thus, the fire! :D


    Now, 'nough of the splainin....help yer sistas out....slop on s'more sauce....run fer firewood....grab s'more lighter fluid.....anything, anything to help wif de roast! :lol:




    By the way....this is the kinda puppy wuppy I want! ;)





  14. Gals, notice he say "go out" not "eat out"? Typical man! It's all take and no give, isn't it? :ninja:

    C.W. :lol:



    Bbbwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahahah....ROTFLMAO!!!! :lol:



    Meanwhile.....yer turn to stoke de fire! ;)



    ROAST....ROAST.....ROAST! :D

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