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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. We chose for me to stay home with our youngest -- I would like to find something to do from home -- like light clerical etc. just to help out a little with finances -- BUT it's not worth the time away from the kids for me to work on the weekends or nights ---

  2. Yes -- my 22 month old got up at 5:45 (really 6:45) she went back down at 10 (really 11) but didn't go to sleep so.......I am giving her a bath -- eating lunch and maybe then she will be tired enough to nap -- so can I!!!

  3. How weird I was going to make one of these this morning but none of us wanted to wait for it to cook so I just make egg scramble w/ sausage and onions instead!!!!!


    We love Breakfast Casserole around here -- we cook grits to go with it too!!!

  4. I hate it when people bash a new place. If you can't understand that a new place will have kink's to work out, then stay away until they are open for a while.


    The servers are learning. They have hired a lot of our local teenagers, which is wonderful! They no longer have to drive all the way to Hiram to work. I want to keep my kids as close to home as possible.


    I ran into the owner of Johnny's at Publix on Saturday and he recognized us from eating there and was very friendly. We asked him how business was and he said much better than they ever expected. He said he is concerned with the speed of service and they are working very hard to get it worked out.


    I'm sure that if they could sell beer on Sunday's, they would. They are in it for money.


    My daughter works there and this is her first job. Go easy on the kids. Alot of them that work there this is their first job and they had no training what so ever . Well, one whole day if that counts . So they are learning as they go. The food is great and the people are great too. She loves working there but has omitted to making some mistakes and she tries so hard. So I encourage you to go back in a month or so when they have more experience.



    I wasn't bashing them -- I didn't realize they have only been open ONE WEEK -- It wasn't the kitchen's fault it was the waitress -- Don't you agree it is RUDE to ignore your other customers? We were nice and left a big tip -- even though she ignored us! My hubby had to go over and tell her we were ready to leave and the man she was talking to gave us such dirty looks --- I guess we interupted their conversation -- Now that I know they are brand new I will try it again!

  5. Want to know if anyone else has experienced the slow service at Johnny's?


    Our waitress was nice but when some friends came in and sat in her/our section she forgot about us!


    I think I will drive to Acworth from now on --


    The food was good but the service was kinda yucky! Maybe that will change -- Let hope!!!

  6. I can't find your topic so here ya go



    2 cups sugar

    1 stick butter (1/2 cup)

    1/2 cup Pet milk

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    2 1/2 tablespoons cocoa

    1/2 cup peanut butter

    3 cups oats


    In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients except peanut butter and oats and cook over medium heat. Let boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter and oats.


    Spoon out quickly onto wax paper or aluminum foil.


    We make these and call them NO BAKE COOKIES!


    Santa ALWAYS requests these -- THese are his FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)

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